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Claims arising from invalid employment termination
Šulc, Radim ; Tomšej, Jakub (advisor) ; Lang, Roman (referee)
Claims arising from invalid employment termination Abstract in English language The goal of this Master thesis is to discuss and analyse the law and case law surrounding invalid employment termination and claims arising from such disputes. An unseparable part of this issue is the distinction whether such an action taken by a party is valid, invalid, or putative. In the introducion i describe the goals and themes of this Master thesis in more detail. In the first chapter I describe employment itself, it's features and it's importance in the context of Labour Code. I also discuss the difference between it and other types of labour contracts, and I try to find an answer to why there is such a few cases of parties pursuing legal action in response in invalid termination of these contracts. The second chapter contains the ways employment can be lawfully terminated, where I focus primarily on unilateral termination. I describe the relatively uncomplicated mutually agreed employment termination, dismissal both from the employer's end and the employee's end, including all legal grounds for dismissal. Then I briefly describe severance pay, an important claim of the employee. The next subchapter deals with immediate termination of employment, within the duration of probatory period or not, with emphasis on the...
Zhodnocení současného stavu a péče o vybraná zvláště chráněná území okresu Blansko
Šulc, Robin
Šulc, R.: Zhodnocení současného stavu a péče o vybraná zvláště chráněná území okresu Blansko. Bakalářská práce. Brno: Mendelova univerzita v Brně. 85 s. This thesis focuses on evaluation of specially protected areas in Blansko region, that are a part of CHKO Moravsky kras. The applied methodology follows guidelines in Methodology of Evaluation of State and Management of Small-scale Specially Protected Areas. (Svatek, Bucek 2005). The results inform us of a good current state of these specially protected areas and of a well conducted management. In terms of present state evaluation all five of these analyzed areas fall within good category. In terms of management one of five (20 %) small scale specially protected areas earned an excellent score. In most cases these areas were assessed as good: three of the five analyzed areas (60 %) and one (20 %) of the specially protected areas corresponds to the average evaluation score.
Local velocity scaling in upward flow to tooth impeller in a fully turbulent region
Šulc, R. ; Ditl, P. ; Fořt, I. ; Jašíková, D. ; Kotek, M. ; Kopecký, V. ; Kysela, Bohuš
The hydrodynamics and flow field were measured in an agitated vessel using 2-D Time Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry (2-D TR PIV). The experiments were carried out in a fully baffled cylindrical flat bottom vessel 400 mm in inner diameter agitated by a tooth impeller 133 mm in diameter. Distilled water was used as the agitated liquid. The velocity fields were investigated in the upward flow to the impeller for three impeller rotation speeds – 300 rpm, 500 rpm and 700 rpm, corresponding to a Reynolds number in the range 94 000 < Re < 221 000. This means that fully-developed turbulent flow was reached. This Re range secures the fully-developed turbulent flow in an agitated liquid. In accordance with the theory of mixing, the dimensionless mean and fluctuation velocities in the measured directions were found to be constant and independent of the impeller Reynolds number. On the basis of the test results the spatial distributions of dimensionless velocities were calculated. The axial turbulence intensity was found to be in the majority in the range from 0.4 to 0.7, which corresponds to the middle level of turbulence intensity.
Droplets breakage in flow conditions of an agitated tank
Kysela, Bohuš ; Konfršt, Jiří ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Šulc, R. ; Kotek, M.
Production of two immiscible liquid dispersions used in chemical or metallurgical industry is usually performed by a mixing process. The droplets of secondary liquid are predominantly dispersed by the shear flow forces to the primary liquid. It is well known, that the real droplet size distribution is limited by the physical properties of both liquids, the acting forces and residence time. This phenomenon is investigated experimentally or numerically simulated by several methods. In this study, the simplified mixing test case was studied. The single droplet dispergation was simulated using finite volume method and multiphase VOF (Volume-of-Fluid) model. The capability of the local remeshing method was investigated. The increase of calculation performance and the phases mass imbalance during automatic mesh refinement is summarized.
Measurement of drop size distribution time rate for liquid-liquid dispersion using IPI method
Jašíková, D. ; Kotek, M. ; Kysela, Bohuš ; Šulc, R. ; Kopecký, V.
The liquid-liquid dispersion properties are studied mainly by image analysis (IA) and Interferometric Particle Imaging (IPI). Drop sizes will be investigated in dilute dispersion since in this case the break up phenomena is the dominating and is not affected by phase fraction. Characteristics of the size distribution and the evolution of two liquid-liquid phase’s disintegration were studied. The IPI method was used for subsequent detailed study of the disintegrated droplets. We compared two liquids: Rhodosil Oil 47V50, and Silicone Oil AP1000 under stirrer rate of 540 rpm, and 760 rpm. The experiment run in the scaled model of agitated tank with Rushton turbine.
Image analysis of particle size: effect of light source type
Formánek, R. ; Kysela, Bohuš ; Šulc, R.
Agitation of two immiscible liquids or solid-liquid suspension is a frequent operation in chemical and metallurgical industries. The sizes of particles, bubbles or droplets can be determined by the Image Analysis Technique. It is known that the quality of captured images depends significantly on the original image background that is mainly affected by the type of the light source. The aim of this contribution is to investigate the effect of light source type on image quality. The four types of light sources were tested: 1) 1000 W halogen lamp, 2) 72 W LED bar panel, 3) 60 W LED chip, and 4) 90 W LED chip. The illumination intensity and image background quality were investigated for each tested light sources. The effect of the shutter speed on evaluated particle sizes was tested using monodisperse spherical calibration particles having diameter of 1.19 mm. The difference observed between particle sizes evaluated by image analysis for given light source and declared calibration particle diameter was used as a measure of light source quality.
Dispersion kinetics in mechanically agitated vessel
Bucciarelli, E. ; Formánek, R. ; Kysela, Bohuš ; Fořt, I. ; Šulc, R.
Agitation of two immiscible liquids or solid-liquid suspension is a frequent operation in chemical and metallurgical industries. Prediction of mean drop/particle size and drop/particle size distribution (DSD) is vital for emulsification, suspension polymerization, solid particle dispersion or crystallization. Simulation of particulate systems requires the knowledge of DSD and its time evolution. The time evolution of drop size distribution was investigated in baffled vessel mechanically agitated by a Rushton turbine and a high-shear tooth impeller. The system water –silicone oil was used as a model liquid. The volume fraction of the dispersed phase was 0.047 %. The drop sizes were determined by image analysis. The time evolution of the drops size dp32 was studied for both impellers tested. The model used involves the first order kinetics. Finally, the following correlations predicted by the Kolmogorov-Hinze theory were evaluated at steady state: dp32/D = C1.We-0.6 and dpmax/D = C2.We-0.6, where We is the impeller Weber number.
Turbulence characteristics scaling in Rushton turbine impeller discharge flow: effect of PIV system setup
Šulc, R. ; Ditl, P. ; Fořt, I. ; Jašíková, D. ; Kotek, M. ; Kopecký, V. ; Kysela, Bohuš
Study of mechanism of turbulent energy dissipation rate in the impeller discharge stream from a standard Rushhton turbine impeler in a model cylyndrical vessel with radial baffles.
Evaluation of flow rate through the measurement volume during droplet size measurement
Kysela, Bohuš ; Formánek, R. ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Konfršt, Jiří ; Jašíková, D. ; Šulc, R.
The in-situ measurement and evaluation of drop sizes via Image Analysis (IA) has been widely used by many researches. The development of new visualization techniques and PIV methods enables to measure directly in a control volume. However, these methods are limited by following parameters such as size of the scanned area, maximal resolution and optical limitations (transparency, refractive index, concentration of dispersed phase). This contribution is focused on simulation of velocity field in region of interest which serve for determine the important parameters of camera setting.
In-situ measurement of particle size distribution in an agitated vessel
Kysela, Bohuš ; Konfršt, Jiří ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Šulc, R. ; Ditl, P.
Agitation of solid-liquid suspension or two immiscible liquids is a frequent operation in chemical and metallurgical industries (suspension/emulsion polymerization, catalytic chemical reaction, hydrometallurgical solvent extraction). The product quality, yield and economy of the processes are significantly affected by a mixing process. Prediction of mean particle/drop size and particle/drop size distribution (PSD) during the agitation is fundamental for emulsification, suspension polymerization, solid particle dispersion or crystallization. \nThe aim of this contribution is to propose a simple method of in-situ measurement of particle size distribution. The particle size measurement is based on an image analysis performed on raw image records. Evaluation method based on the best focused particles with sharp detected boundaries enhanced by the analysis of particle circularity was developed. Precise spherical mono-disperse steel and plastic particles were used to verify accuracy of evaluation method. The method has been proposed for the measurement of the time evolution of the drop size distribution in liquid-liquid dispersion in an agitated tank. The effect of droplet size distribution on the impeller speed in wateroil dispersion in agitated vessel was obtained.

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1 Šulc, Radim
1 Šulc, Robin
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