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Houby vřesovišť CHKO Brdy
SYNKOVÁ, Hedvika
The aim of this thesis was to assess the impact of controlled fire on fungal community in heathlands in CHKO Brdy and describe their changes during succession. Fungal fruitbodies were monitored during years 2018 and 2019 at twenty-five monitoring plots at Jordán, Tok and Brda. The relationship between fungal species richness and the time since the last fire and soil humidity was determined. The effect of the time since the last fire, soil humidity and vegetation on fungal species composition was analysed using multivariate ordination methods. The quality of studied habitat was evaluated based on the presence of red-listed and indicator fungal species.

Viz též: podobná jména autorů
1 Synková, Hana
2 Synková, Helena
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