Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Head Pose Estimation in an Image by a Neural Network
Rybnikár, Lukáš ; Goldmann, Tomáš (oponent) ; Orság, Filip (vedoucí práce)
Artificial neural networks are not a novelty, but their recent rise in popularity is noticeable as well as their gain of attention from the masses. This bachelor thesis focuses on the head pose estimation in an image using the convolution neural networks. The fields of use of neural networks are vast and during last years strong enough hardware has been developed to allow us to train these networks under commonly accessible conditions. In theoretical part there are neural networks introduced with an explanation of what they are, how they work, how they are divided followed by a detailed description of convolutional neural networks. In the practical part the necessary tools used for development needed to perform experiments, such as determining appropriate configuration for neural network and optimization to get the best results possible, are described.
Head Pose Estimation in an Image by a Neural Network
Rybnikár, Lukáš ; Goldmann, Tomáš (oponent) ; Orság, Filip (vedoucí práce)
Artificial neural networks are not a novelty, but their recent rise in popularity is noticeable as well as their gain of attention from the masses. This bachelor thesis focuses on the head pose estimation in an image using the convolution neural networks. The fields of use of neural networks are vast and during last years strong enough hardware has been developed to allow us to train these networks under commonly accessible conditions. In theoretical part there are neural networks introduced with an explanation of what they are, how they work, how they are divided followed by a detailed description of convolutional neural networks. In the practical part the necessary tools used for development needed to perform experiments, such as determining appropriate configuration for neural network and optimization to get the best results possible, are described.

Viz též: podobná jména autorů
3 Rybnikár, Lukáš
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