Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 5 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Návrh dílčí části informačního systému pro podporu manažerských úloh
Krejčová, Gabriela ; Kindlová, Dita (oponent) ; Luhan, Jan (vedoucí práce)
Cílem této bakalářské práce je vytvoření návrhu dílčí části informačního systému vybrané společnosti. Na základě provedené analýzy současného stavu informačního systému společnosti a SWOT analýzy byly definovány požadavky na nový informační systém. Pomocí datového a funkčního modelování je představen návrh dílčí část informačního systému pro řešení manažerských úloh za účelem sjednocení analýz a výstupů prováděných obchodními zástupci, zvýšení efektivnosti jejich práce a usnadnění kontroly manažera nad provedenou prací svých zaměstnanců.
Metabolic setup of Drosophila macrophages during the immune response
KREJČOVÁ, Gabriela
Adjustment of cellular metabolism is a key function that allows macrophages to fulfill their roles in the body. While the pro-inflammatory polarization of macrophages has been extensively studied in mammalian models, it has not yet been satisfactorily investigated in insects. The study presented in this thesis therefore attempts to elucidate the metabolic setup of macrophages during the immune response in Drosophila melanogaster.
The role of macrophages in the regulation of systemic metabolism in Drosophila
KREJČOVÁ, Gabriela
Macrophages are immensely versatile cells in the mammalian body, fulfilling roles ranging from protection against pathogenic intruders and engulfing apoptotic cells to morphogenesis and maintenance of tissue homeostasis. This impressive functional versatility may be achieved due to plasticity of macrophage cellular metabolism called metabolic polarization. The adoption of different polarization phenotypes by macrophages determines their function and is essential for the health of the organism. Nonetheless, if the cells lose their metabolic plasticity or polarize inadequately to a particular situation, it can lead to the development of chronic pathological states such as metabolic syndrome. Metabolic polarization of immune cells is thus a key factor in determining whether macrophage function within the organism will be adaptive or pathological. Despite Drosophila melanogaster represents a major model organism for immunological studies, the metabolic setup of activated immune cells has not been addressed up to now. The results of this thesis document that Drosophila immune cells undergo metabolic polarization toward aerobic glycolysis when challenged by extracellular bacteria. Mammals alike, this cellular metabolic switch is regulated by the transcription factor HIF1, thus documenting the conservation of this process between insects and vertebrates. Furthermore, we show that the adoption of aerobic glycolysis is directly linked to the production of the signaling factor IMPL2, which induces the mobilization of lipid stores from the fat body via the silencing of insulin signaling. By this mechanism, immune cells secure sufficient nutrients for successful elimination of the pathogen. Moreover, the mammalian ImpL2 homolog IGFBP7 appears to act analogously in the mammalian liver not only during severe infectious states but also in the liver of obese individuals. While such macrophage activity in regulating systemic metabolism is beneficial to the host during bacterial infection, it becomes maladaptive when chronically activated. Further evidence for a metabolism-regulatory role of immune cells has been found during insect metamorphosis and early post-metamorphic development. This thesis documents that during this period, macrophages infiltrate and engulf the histolyzing larval fat body and convert nutrients into storage peptides and lipoproteins. Subsequently, these nutrients are exploited by the maturing adult structures.
Characterization of metabolic changes in hemocytes during the immune response in \kur{D. melanogaster}
KREJČOVÁ, Gabriela
The aim of this thesis is to characterize metabolic changes in hemocytes during the immune response in D. melanogaster using in vivo markers as well as by measuring gene expression. The impact of the transcription factor HIF1 on the gene expression of glycolytic enzymes and its impact on the systemic metabolism was evaluated. The importance of HIF1 and LDH in the process of fighting against S. pneumoniae infection was tested as well.

Viz též: podobná jména autorů
5 KREJČOVÁ, Gabriela
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