Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Experimental comparison of wing load calculation methods
Knoth, Adam ; Juračka, Jaroslav (oponent) ; Jebáček, Ivo (vedoucí práce)
The main output of this thesis is to compare the Schrenk’s approximation method and the lifting line theory method with experimentally measured wing spar bending moment at different aerial manoeuvres. The first half of the thesis deals with the theory of the individual calculations. The second part focuses on the experimentally measured bending procedure and the actual flight manoeuvres. At the end the thesis compares the measured and theoretically calculated bending values and draws a conclusion.
Unmanned aerial vehicle for aerological measurement
Knoth, Adam ; Balážová, Renáta (oponent) ; Hájek, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
The main output of this bachelor thesis is the design of aerological measurement, which will allow more frequent measurements. The first part of thesis - a search - mentions the types of radio probes and related legislation for their discharge. The second part proposes a method of aerological measurement, which is compared with classical measurement.
Unmanned aerial vehicle for aerological measurement
Knoth, Adam ; Balážová, Renáta (oponent) ; Hájek, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
The main output of this bachelor thesis is the design of aerological measurement, which will allow more frequent measurements. The first part of thesis - a search - mentions the types of radio probes and related legislation for their discharge. The second part proposes a method of aerological measurement, which is compared with classical measurement.

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