Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 6 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Representation of Solutions of Linear Discrete Systems with Delay
Morávková, Blanka ; Růžičková, Miroslava (oponent) ; Khusainov, Denys (oponent) ; Diblík, Josef (vedoucí práce)
The dissertation thesis is concerned with linear discrete systems with constant matrices of linear terms with a single or two delays. The main objective is to obtain formulas analytically describing exact solutions of initial Cauchy problems. To this end, some matrix special functions called discrete matrix delayed exponentials are defined and used. Their basic properties are proved. Such special matrix functions are used to derive analytical formulas representing the solutions of initial Cauchy problems. First is discussed the initial problem with impulses are acting at some prescribed points and formulas describing the solutions of this problem are derived. In the next part of the dissertation, two definitions of discrete matrix delayed exponentials for two delays are given and their basic properties are proved. Such discrete special matrix functions make it possible to find representations of solutions of linear systems with two delays. This is done in the last part of dissertation thesis where two different formulas giving the analytical solution of this problem are derived.
Weakly Delayed Systems of Linear Discrete Equations in R^3
Šafařík, Jan ; Khusainov, Denys (oponent) ; Růžičková, Miroslava (oponent) ; Diblík, Josef (vedoucí práce)
The present thesis deals with the construction of a general solution of weakly delayed systems of linear discrete equations in ${\mathbb R}^3$ of the form \begin{equation*} x(k+1)=Ax(k)+Bx(k-m) \end{equation*} where $m>0$ is a positive integer, $x\colon \bZ_{-m}^{\infty}\to\bR^3$, $\bZ_{-m}^{\infty} := \{-m, -m+1, \dots, \infty\}$, $k\in\bZ_0^{\infty}$, $A=(a_{ij})$ and $B=(b_{ij})$ are constant $3\times 3$ matrices. The characteristic equations of weakly delayed systems are identical with those of the same systems but without delayed terms. The criteria ensuring that a system is weakly delayed are developed and then specified for every possible case of the Jordan form of matrix $A$. The system is solved by transforming it into a higher-dimensional system but without delays \begin{equation*} y(k+1)=\mathcal{A}y(k), \end{equation*} where ${\mathrm{dim}}\ y = 3(m+1)$. Using methods of linear algebra, it is possible to find the Jordan forms of $\mathcal{A}$ depending on the eigenvalues of matrices $A$ and $B$. Therefore, general the solution of the new system can be found and, consequently, the general solution of the initial system deduced.
Weakly Delayed Linear Planar Systems of Discrete Equations
Halfarová, Hana ; Růžičková, Miroslava (oponent) ; Khusainov, Denys (oponent) ; Diblík, Josef (vedoucí práce)
The present thesis deals with planar weakly delayed linear discrete systems. The characteristic equations of weakly delayed systems are identical with those of the same systems but without delayed terms. In this case, after several steps, the space of solutions with a given starting dimension is pasted into a space with a dimension less than the starting one. In a sense, this situation is analogous to one known in the theory of linear differential systems with constant coefficients and special delays when the initially infinite dimensional space of solutions on the initial interval turns (after several steps) into a finite dimensional set of solutions. For every possible case, explicit general solutions are constructed and, finally, results on the dimensionality of the space of solutions are obtained. The stability of solutions is investigated as well.
Weakly Delayed Systems of Linear Discrete Equations in R^3
Šafařík, Jan ; Khusainov, Denys (oponent) ; Růžičková, Miroslava (oponent) ; Diblík, Josef (vedoucí práce)
The present thesis deals with the construction of a general solution of weakly delayed systems of linear discrete equations in ${\mathbb R}^3$ of the form \begin{equation*} x(k+1)=Ax(k)+Bx(k-m) \end{equation*} where $m>0$ is a positive integer, $x\colon \bZ_{-m}^{\infty}\to\bR^3$, $\bZ_{-m}^{\infty} := \{-m, -m+1, \dots, \infty\}$, $k\in\bZ_0^{\infty}$, $A=(a_{ij})$ and $B=(b_{ij})$ are constant $3\times 3$ matrices. The characteristic equations of weakly delayed systems are identical with those of the same systems but without delayed terms. The criteria ensuring that a system is weakly delayed are developed and then specified for every possible case of the Jordan form of matrix $A$. The system is solved by transforming it into a higher-dimensional system but without delays \begin{equation*} y(k+1)=\mathcal{A}y(k), \end{equation*} where ${\mathrm{dim}}\ y = 3(m+1)$. Using methods of linear algebra, it is possible to find the Jordan forms of $\mathcal{A}$ depending on the eigenvalues of matrices $A$ and $B$. Therefore, general the solution of the new system can be found and, consequently, the general solution of the initial system deduced.
Representation of Solutions of Linear Discrete Systems with Delay
Morávková, Blanka ; Růžičková, Miroslava (oponent) ; Khusainov, Denys (oponent) ; Diblík, Josef (vedoucí práce)
The dissertation thesis is concerned with linear discrete systems with constant matrices of linear terms with a single or two delays. The main objective is to obtain formulas analytically describing exact solutions of initial Cauchy problems. To this end, some matrix special functions called discrete matrix delayed exponentials are defined and used. Their basic properties are proved. Such special matrix functions are used to derive analytical formulas representing the solutions of initial Cauchy problems. First is discussed the initial problem with impulses are acting at some prescribed points and formulas describing the solutions of this problem are derived. In the next part of the dissertation, two definitions of discrete matrix delayed exponentials for two delays are given and their basic properties are proved. Such discrete special matrix functions make it possible to find representations of solutions of linear systems with two delays. This is done in the last part of dissertation thesis where two different formulas giving the analytical solution of this problem are derived.
Weakly Delayed Linear Planar Systems of Discrete Equations
Halfarová, Hana ; Růžičková, Miroslava (oponent) ; Khusainov, Denys (oponent) ; Diblík, Josef (vedoucí práce)
The present thesis deals with planar weakly delayed linear discrete systems. The characteristic equations of weakly delayed systems are identical with those of the same systems but without delayed terms. In this case, after several steps, the space of solutions with a given starting dimension is pasted into a space with a dimension less than the starting one. In a sense, this situation is analogous to one known in the theory of linear differential systems with constant coefficients and special delays when the initially infinite dimensional space of solutions on the initial interval turns (after several steps) into a finite dimensional set of solutions. For every possible case, explicit general solutions are constructed and, finally, results on the dimensionality of the space of solutions are obtained. The stability of solutions is investigated as well.

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