Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Process Innovation Efficiency Evaluation in IT Organisation
Vaverková, Pavla ; Šmíd, Luděk (oponent) ; Žižlavský, Ondřej (vedoucí práce)
This master thesis focuses on measuring the effectiveness of process innovation in Red Hat Czech s.r.o. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part deals with theoretical knowledge. The second part is concerned with the introduction of the company and providing an understanding of the internal processes and systems currently in operation within the company. The last part contains suggestions for improvement by this project. This is based on the outcome of an analysis of the current modus operandi within the software development area of the company.
Process Innovation Efficiency Evaluation in IT Organisation
Vaverková, Pavla ; Šmíd, Luděk (oponent) ; Žižlavský, Ondřej (vedoucí práce)
This master thesis focuses on measuring the effectiveness of process innovation in Red Hat Czech s.r.o. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part deals with theoretical knowledge. The second part is concerned with the introduction of the company and providing an understanding of the internal processes and systems currently in operation within the company. The last part contains suggestions for improvement by this project. This is based on the outcome of an analysis of the current modus operandi within the software development area of the company.

Viz též: podobná jména autorů
5 ŠMÍD, Libor
2 Šmíd, Ladislav
5 Šmíd, Libor
1 Šmíd, Lukáš
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