National Repository of Grey Literature 240 records found  beginprevious201 - 210nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The question of identity in José Donoso's novels
Měřičková, Kateřina ; Vydrová, Hedvika (advisor) ; Housková, Anna (referee)
My work treats the problem of identity in four of Donoso' s novels: Coronación, Este domingo, El lugar sin límites and El obsceno pájaro de la noche. I have called them "the chilean cycle" for the reason that Chile is still their scene. Between 1967 - 81, Donoso lives in Spain, so naturely his work is inspired by a different background. The problem of identity is for a1l of them a common denominator. It appears on the first point of vue like the individual problem of the humant beeing, however it is condicioned by the social relations. Besides, it pursues a certain graduating tendency, it is more and more urgent, like we can observe it in the treatment of the protagonists. This evolution is also ref1ected in the form of the novels which issues from the realism and approches more and more of the experimental novel.
The character of gaucho in 19th century Argentinean poetry
Gebauer, Jan ; Housková, Anna (advisor) ; Fousek, Michal (referee)
In my thesis I focused on the character of gaucho in the 19th century Argentinean poetry. At first I dealt theoretically with the very beginnings of poetry in the region called Río de la Plata. The aim was to distinguish folklore, poetry of authentic uneducated gauchos and gauchesque poetry, artificially created by educated authors during the 19th century and also to place this poetry in the literary-historical context among other literary streams, such as classicism and romanticism. The main sources for profound studying this theme were El payador (The payador) by Leopoldo Lugones, Las corrientes literarias en la América Hispánica (The Literary Streams in the Hispanic America) by Henríquez Urea and Nástin dějin argentinské literatury od počátků do roku 1910 (The Outline of History of Argentinean Literature from the Beginnings till 1910) and last but not least an enriching discourse by C. O. Bunge El derecho en la literatura gauchesca (The Right in the Gauchesque Literature) given at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Buenos Aires. As a complementary source of information also served the book called Dějiny Argentiny, Uruguaye a Chile (The History of Argentina, Uruguay and Chile) by Jiří Chalupa.
Portuguese folklore lyric tetrameter
Henčová, Romana ; Housková, Anna (advisor) ; Grauová, Šárka (referee)
Předmětem této práce je portugalské lidové lyrické čtyřverší,10 jejím cílem je jeho popis formální i obsahový, tedy zkoumání povahy z hlediska vnější i vnitřní struktury textu. Jaké povahy jsou útvary lidové slovesnosti? Jaké jsou jejich charakteristické vlastnosti a čím se liší od literatury umělé? Tyto útvary existují ve formě mluvené i psané. Forma psaná je buď reflexí formy mluvené, či tvoří samostatný korpus, do něhož náleží kramářská literatura a rovněž "folhas volantes" - volně prodejné listy. Forma mluvená je však, dá se říci, formou pro tento druh literatury typickou.
Arielism of J.E. Rodó
Kozáková, Zuzana ; Housková, Anna (advisor) ; Fousek, Michal (referee)
The subject of this study is the Uruguayan essay Ariel of José Enrique Rodó and the wave of reactions and interpretations caused by this essay from 1900 on, the year of its publication, through the entire twentieth century. The first part of the thesis focuses on the circumstances of the time when Rodó wrote his famous essay. The character of the end of nineteenth century was determined by the war between Spain and the USA in 1898, and by an increasingly aggressive approach on the part of the USA as a result of a their growing military capabilities. In Latin American countries, voices were heard who warned about the danger of expansive politics of the northern neighbour. Rodó's Ariel was one of these voices. The Uruguayan author criticized the so called nordomanía and advocated continuing the Latin traditions of their Spanish ancestors. The work deals also with the main influences of two important philosophical movements, positivism and modernism, on the society.
Martí-Emerson: Freedom - the inner voice
Bulková, Barbora ; Housková, Anna (advisor) ; Fousek, Michal (referee)
Cílem této práce bylo poukázat na shodnost názorů v oblasti tématu svobody spisovatelů Martího a Emersona. Martí se ve svém díle zaměřil především na svobodu národa a Emerson, na svobodu jedince. Skrze porovnání přístupu obou autorů k danému tématu, jsme dospěli k řadě shodných řešení hledání svobody, na něž oba spisovatelé ve svých dílech poukazují, a která vychází ze stejného pojetí člověka a jeho propojenosti s kontinuální JEDNOTOU všeho. Do první části jsme zahrnuli životopisné údaje obou autorů, jejichž znalost nám přiblížila důvody vzniku některých citových vazeb spisovatelů, jejich inklinaci k dané společenské vrstvě či úzké vazby s přírodou. Závěr této části obsahuje stručný popis vlivů, které formovaly tvorbu kubánského spisovatele, mezi něž patří i R.W.Emerson. Pro názornou ilustraci úcty a lásky, jež Martí k Emersonovi choval, jsme se blíže zaměřili na Martího esej "Emerson". Ve druhé části jsme se soustředili na koncepci vlády u obou autorů, vytyčení překážek, které jsou lákadly a často i osudovými chybami jednotlivých vlád, a nastínění oblastí, v jejichž respektování lze najít cestu k vytvoření ideální vlády. Jedná se o minulost jako součást přítomnosti dané země a z ní vyvěrající potřeba přijmout původní, tedy indiánské, obyvatelstvo, jejich kulturu a vědomosti za součást stávající kultury a...
A reflexion of Lima in the work of Julio Ramón Ribeyro
Torresová, Hana ; Housková, Anna (advisor) ; Fousek, Michal (referee)
The thesis aims at reflection of Lima in several pieces of literary work by Peruvian writer Julio Ramón Ribeyro: two novels Geniecillos dominicales and Cambio de guardia and chosen stories from his early work. Lima appeared in Peruvian literature even before, but it was Ribeyra who achieved to depict Lima's atmosphere thanks to his using modern techniques, which he acquired by reading European authors. He does not focus only on simple description of the city as the place where the characters meet and influence one another. On the contrary, descriptive scenes are in his work rare. They are mostly written in phrases without active verbs - this technique reminds us of film shots. A reader gets to know the characters according to their acting and expressions as well as according to the places where they move along and habits they keep. For better orientation, the thesis divides Ribeyro's view on Lima into three categories: the first comprises the city itself, with its streets, squares, buildings, means of transport, etc. Ribeyra intended to catch the changes in Lima in 50's, the time of great boom of industry, destruction of the old quarters of the city and construction of the new ones. He shows the nostalgia of the citizens who long for the old face of Lima, cling to old things and detest all the new and...
Reflection of the motif of homosexuality in Cuban exile literature
Škodová, Denisa ; Housková, Anna (advisor) ; Vydrová, Hedvika (referee)
This essay deals wi th the reflection of the motif of homosexuality in Cuban exile literature, with special focus on the work by the authors of the so called "Mariel generation~. The beginning of the essay explains the perception of the motif of homosexuality in literary and historical context. The most relevant conclusion of this part is the fact that despite the existence of this topic for centuries, it colud be finally freely depicted in the 1950s in the 20th cen tury . Thus, i t does not mean any "new" li terature, but a theme which is reflected in new conditions. Stili, towards the end of the 20th cen tury , after AIDS is disovered, the theme has to face again some signs of social refusal. The key sources in this part have been the works by Gregory Woods and Václav Jamek. The essay then analyzes the motif of homosexuality in Cuban li terature, focusing on authors who wrote about homosexuali ty and thus influenced the authors of the Mariel generation i.e. José Lezama Lima, Virgilio Pifiera or Guillermo Cabrera Infante. It also explains the opressive attitude of the Cuban regime towards homosexual individuals. To understand the work of the Mariel generation, the essay presents in more details the problems wi th i ts denomination and criteria to belong to this group. The figures of literary criticism do...
Buenos Aires in the view of Martínez Estrada and Borges
Mojžíšová, Štěpánka ; Housková, Anna (advisor) ; Fousek, Michal (referee)
Buenos Aires represents in the decade of the twentieth and thirtieth years of the twentieth century an aerea where many different factors, brought by the Industrial Revolution, politics and modern progress, are interfusing. The capital city is becoming a megapolis and that's why the character of the suburb, intervening in the argentinian pampa, is changing too. It is becoming rare to see there the original argentinian type called gaucho or compadre, on the contrary, the number of immigrants, especially from Italy, is increasing. The immigration is putting the finishing touches to the social structure but it is also modifying some of the argentinian cultural traits, for example the tango. Two great argentinian essayists, Ezequiel Martínez Estrada and Jorge Luis Borges, answer in their works to these changes. Martínez Estrada adverts with pessimism to the "problems" and "critical" situation and he is afraid of the future evolution of the city and the society which is showing certain elements of degeneration. Borges, on the other hand, is orientating himself on the past creating a microworld of the suburbs of Buenos Aires at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century. The microwolrd is based on his memories, literary work of Evaristo Carriego and largely on fictive ideas. This concept contains all the...
Latin American global narrative at the turn of the millenium
Zúňiga, Jorge ; Vydrová, Hedvika (advisor) ; Housková, Anna (referee)
This thesis intends to establish a criterion for the analysis of the work of several contemporary Latin American writers at the end of the last century. The central point of this work is the phenomenon of globalization and its immediate consequences on the creative process of Latin American literature. Globalization, a powerful phenomenon of homogenization and world wide integration, has direct consequences in the approach between cultural realities. This generates a dialogue between cultures and disciplines with the inevitable effects of transculturation and social hybridism, symbiosis and syncretism. Two conglomerates of writers, currently not so contemporary, were chosen as the most representative and significant examples for this analysis. They date from 1996 and represent a premeditated and declared rupture against the literature that was being written in Latin America. The first conglomerate: five Mexican writers gather together around the denominated Crack Manifesto. The second: 141 McOndo is an anthology whose title makes a parody of Macondo, the archetypical city of Gabriel Garcia Márquez. The appearance of these new points of reference in Latin American literature draws our attention and we find it convenient to put them into its historic context and place in the Latin American narrative of the...
Spanish American novel of dictator: Roa Bastos and Vargas Llosa
Lašťovková, Lucie ; Vydrová, Hedvika (referee) ; Housková, Anna (advisor)
In the thesis "Spanish American Novel of Dictator: Roa Bastos and Vargas Llosa" we attempted to investigate two concrete representatives of the genre of the novel of dictator, Augusto Roa Basotos' "Yo el Supremo" and Mario Vargas Llosa's "La Fiesta del Chivo", and to present the thematic and narrative elements common to the literary works of the genre of the novel of dictator.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 240 records found   beginprevious201 - 210nextend  jump to record:
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