National Repository of Grey Literature 20 records found  previous11 - 20  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Vaccination to prevent cervical cancer
Borovičková, Barbora ; Pluta, Marek (referee) ; Voleníková, Ivana (advisor)
In my study I dealt with the issue of the cancer of suppository uterine. The aim was to learn what knowledge and information young people have about this serious disease. The theoretical part comprises the fundamental anatomy of genitals, gynaecological examining methods, the partition of tumours and changes of the cervix, and information about human papillomavirus. In the practical part I compiled the data from informants acquired by means of an anonymous questionnaire. Powered by TCPDF (
Endometriosis and its influence on woman's life
Varhanová, Dana ; Voleníková, Ivana (advisor) ; Feldmár, Peter (referee)
This work is about gynecological disease, whose incidence is evergrowing, end metriosis. Endometriosis is in itself a very controversial disease, which is sign ificant intervening into life of a woman. Endometriosis is a common gynecological di sorder affecting fertile female population. It is the disease, that is presented by functional endometrial glandules and stroma outside their usuallocality within uterus (womb). General symptoms are pain and infertility. The diagnostic key is the cyclic character of symptom s and laparoscopy - histology testification presence of lesions. Tbe surgical treatment of endometriosis is considered as a golden standard of the therapy. My aim of this work is to have look up to aH sections of the disease. At the same time my work covers survey. I detected prospective abnormalities with theoretic knowledges via fonns distributed to patients with endometriosis. The fonn appraised frequen y oť symptoms in patiens. It presents the most frequent age group of disabled women as well. Fonns a1so outline dilernma of arguments about character of creation and it observes problems of indisposed women and possibility oftheir naturally gravidity. It also deals of possibilities of available therapy and its use in patients. ln no little importance my work adverts to next facts des rving next...
The method of lymph drain and the effect on the organism of the ill
Šefčíková, Jana ; Voleníková, Ivana (advisor) ; Klauzová, Kateřina (referee)
Trus bachelor work applies to the lymphotherapy problem and its influence on human organisms. In the theoretical section, three things are described: the lymphatic system anatomy, patophysiology of lymphoedema, and lipohypertrophy. For these most common diagnoses, manual and macrune lymphotherapy are used, wruch is described in detail in tbe work. In the research section, three methods are used: a questionnaire, a systemic blood pressure measurement by tonometer where we monitor the Ínfluence of compression of the lower extremities on sorne of the circulation parameters, and measurement of the cbange of extremities círcuit at individuals treated by tbe procedure described above. Tbe aim of trus bachelor work is to state the public awareness of lymphotherapy methodics, tbeir influence on tbe treated body part, and their subjective and objective influence on human organisms. Powered by TCPDF (
Nursing process in ill with diagnosis cystic fibrosis
Létalová, Hana ; Voleníková, Ivana (advisor) ; Vávrová, Věra (referee)
In meiner Abschlussarbeit habe ich mich mit der Pflegeproblematik bei Klienten mit zystischer Fibrose beschaftigt. Das Ziel meiner Arbeit ist den Pflegeprozess beim chronisch kranken Kind zu beschreiben und das Pflegepersonal mit der Anwendung dieser bisher in der Praxis unbenutzten Pt1egemethode bekarmtzumachen. Meine Arbeit habe ich einen theoretischen und einen praktischen Teil gegliedert. lm theoretischen Teil habe ich Anatomie und Physiologie des Atmungssystems beschreiben, ich habe mich mit einsamer Krankheit und mit ihnem Einfluss auf den psychischen Zustand des Kind~s beschaftigt. Kurzgefasst habe ich das Wesen des Pflegeprozesses und des Bedurfnismodells von Gordon erklart, von dem ich im praktischen Teil ausgehe. lm zweiten Teil habe ich mich der Realisation des Pflegeprozesses bei einer konkreten Patientin im fortgeschrittenen Stadium der Kraukheit gewidmet. Der zweizehnjahrigen Jungen ist langzeitig mit seiner Mutter hospita1isiert worden. Die Probleme des Kindes und der Mutter habe ich in elf Ptlegediagnosen aufgezeigt. Die pf1egediagnosen habe ich ausfiihrlich in meiner Arbeit bearbeitet und den Effekt der geleisteten Pflege ausgewertet. Die Arbeit enthalt in der Beilage Erziehungsvorschlage fůr Kinder mít zystischer Fibrose. Powered by TCPDF (
The Aspects of common hospitalisation of parents with their children
Janoušková, Helena ; Voleníková, Ivana (advisor) ; Strobachová, Ingrid (referee)
The topic ofmy presentation is chidren's hospital admittion together with their parents or siblings. However it belong among the basic child right and was stated by National Association For the Welfare of Children in Hospital in 1988, ninghteen years later this stili is not an effortless practice at every hospital and with every admitted child. Not only hospitals / the samller ones especially / can have problems to accomodate parents or other attendants, but some difficulties occur even from the parents. I wanted to find out what the main problems are and what could be done for their eliminaion. I was questioning both parents and medical staff to discover what could be easily improved and what problems will need long term prepared and systematic measure which will not be fulfilled without hospital management help The results will be presnted to the maron and staff nurses so that they could call them graduall y into action. Some of the recommended measure could make hospital stay more pleasant and easier for both children and their parents. Powered by TCPDF (
Epilepsy - history and present
Šmejkalová, Andrea ; Voleníková, Ivana (advisor) ; Bojar, Martin (referee)
Nobody can exclude the possibi lity of experiencing an epileptic fit. These fits are not always accompan ied by unconsciousness, convulsions and [roth; they might be on ly of minor character. Therefore I would like to provide a closer look at this disease and draw out how one should behave whik dominy across epilepsy. This paper is summary of information about this disease; from his torical to the most current methods of medical approach. I would like to info rrn you about the fact, that epilepsy is not a terminal disease itself, but frequent fits (especia lly grand mal) might be dangerous to life. Fortunately, we are not in the Middle Ages anymore, when patiens were regarded as obsessed by devil and very often they were cruelly punished undergoing exorcism. Nowadays we use medicaments and surgical treatments, whitch improve the quality ofpatients' lives. Powered by TCPDF (
Nursing process in a newborn with atresia of oesophagus
Lišková, Zdeňka ; Voleníková, Ivana (advisor) ; Pýcha, Karel (referee)
I was doing my best to describe the treatment in case of a boy who was hospitaJized on our clinic with suspicion of GIT congenital defect.After investigation on our clinic,atretoesophagus diagnosis was confirmed.The boy was operated yet that night.The operation as welJ as the post-operative period was smooth and without complications.The boy was on UPV after operation and he could be extubated during the night.Disconnection from UPV was also smooth and without complications.Due to the operation the boy was not able to receive the diet per os.During the first days after operation,he had a parenteral diet,which was continually replaced by serving breast milk to NG sonde.In that time,the patienťs mother was accepted on our ward so it was necessary to educate and join her into the treatment ofher child. After esofagogram control the boy started to take his diet per os and he was transfered to the common box with his mother.As soon as he started to receive adequate ammounts of breast mi/k he could be released for home care.Mother managed the treatment of her boy perfectly and she managed the right breast feeding technique without any problems.Back home she went educated with necessary contacts on our doctors. Powered by TCPDF (
The perception of a premature baby by his mother
Humlová, Gabriela ; Voleníková, Ivana (advisor) ; Zoban, Petr (referee)
The topic of mother's perception of her prematurely bom baby is very interesting to me. I am working in an lntensive Care Dnit for newborns where I regularly meet mothers of prematurely bom infants. Their feelings are different w m the ones experienced by mothers of physiological infants. ln tbis study I wanted to point out how seemingly irrational feelings, as well as reactions wbich can seem inadequate, are actually natura! feelings and reactions to such situations. lt has been pleasant to talk with the mothers about their feelings even though their experiences with prematurely bom babies were traumatizing. Several of the moms have gone through this experience a few years ago; however, even they say that it is irnpossible to forget about that time nor about the feelings they were experiencing throughout the time. Powered by TCPDF (

National Repository of Grey Literature : 20 records found   previous11 - 20  jump to record:
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