National Repository of Grey Literature 18 records found  previous11 - 18  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Parisian Journal as a Historical Source
Prošvicová, Lenka ; Nejedlý, Martin (advisor) ; Svátek, Jaroslav (referee)
EN The present work describes and compares French Armagnac dynasty and its allies. It primarily uses two period works, in which there is not only an image of Armagnac's recorded but also a long list of their actions on the soil of the French kingdom. Thanks to the specificity of the both main sources, the work also deals with the approach of thinking and perception of the authors who revealed their sympathies, antipathies and their own opinions through their personality. With this partiality, there is an opportunity to get different views of the Armagnacs, as well as their greatest enemies Burgundians. The aim of this work is to familiarize a reader with the Armagnac's dynasty, in a way as the period authors have seen and described. Also, try to discover the attitudes and beliefs that they left at lines of their works that are dated back to the high medieval France. Key words: Paris, Armagnacs, Hundred Years War, Charles VI., Bernard VII. Armagnacs, civil war, Saint-Denis abbey, medieval France
Clothing as Manifestation of Power and Hierarchy from the End of the 14th Century to the End of the 15th Century. Comparison of the Developement in the Czech Lands and Burgundy
Hojková, Anna ; Nejedlý, Martin (advisor) ; Svátek, Jaroslav (referee)
The thesis "Clothing as Manifestation of Power and Hierarchy from the End of the 14th Century to the End of the 15th Century. Comparison of the Developement in the Czech Lands and Burgundy" describes the evolution of clothing style in both countries. It is based mainly on iconographic resources, with some additional information from written sources and literature. On this base the approach and means to this kind of representation of secular higher class in given areas are compared. The original basis of the 14th century French court culture was further developed by the Burgundian society, with emphasis on the shaped silhouette. On the other hand, the Czech lands departed from this way and adopted a new direction to the German area. The transalpine impulses are reflected as late as in the last quarter of the 15 th century. The material of the clothes is assessed as a more important aspect of representation than the shape. The text outlines also the way of further development as well as points out some unclear articles of the topic.
Image of the King of Bohemia John of Luxembourg in the Writings of Guillaume de Mauchaut
Holovská, Kateřina ; Nejedlý, Martin (advisor) ; Svátek, Jaroslav (referee)
This thesis is devoted to Guillaume de Machaut and his writings that depict the poet's views on the ideal monarch, and his memories of John of Luxembourg. In the opening chapters of this thesis the author presents a brief biography of Guillaume de Machaut, his literary work and historical context that influenced the poet's thinking. The thesis also examines Machaut's idea of an ideal ruler, mainly contained in his essay Comfort for a Friend. The last part of this thesis is devoted to John of Luxembourg. The author deals with the reasons that led to the fact that John of Luxembourg became in the Machaut's work the embodiment of the ideal ruler. She also compares the Machaut's representation of the Czech King with predominantly negative perception in Czech chronicles of 14th century. Machaut's testimony of the Czech King helps to understand the John's popularity in Western Europe and the divergence between Czech a French concept of ideal ruler.
Discourse and Account of the Noble Traveller in the Late Middle Ages (Ogier d'Anglure Nompar de Caumont, Guillebert de Lannoy, Bertrandon de la Broquière)
Svátek, Jaroslav ; Nejedlý, Martin (advisor) ; Marchandisse, Alain (referee) ; Paravicini, Werner (referee)
Tout d'abord, j'aimerais exprimer mes profonds remerciements mes deux co-directeurs de thse : Bertrand Schnerb qui m'a fait découvrir le monde de la Bourgogne et de sa noblesse, a toujours prté l'oreille mes questions pendant mon séjour Lille, malgré leur nature tâtonnante aux débuts de mes recherches. Ce travail lui doit aussi énormément grâce ses relectures attentives et suggestions stimulantes. Il m'est impossible de rendre toute la gratitude Martin Nejedlý qui a invité son écuyer Jaroslav la table dressée de l'histoire du Moyen Âge en le plaçant juste devant l'un des voyageurs le plus remarquables de cette époque. Sa renommée dans le monde des médiévistes français m'a ouvert les portes dans leurs ateliers. La possibilité de rédiger la thse en cotutelle serait impensable sans l'aide de la Bourse du gouvernement français : cette occasion, je voudrais remercier tous ceux qui m'ont rendu possible de passer les trois semestres d'études Lille. Ce travail est aussi le résultat d'une impulsion que j'ai reçue des deux éminentes spécialistes du récit de voyage : Nicole Chareyron qui m'a fit connaissance avec ce genre littéraire ; malheureusement, il ne pourra pas en voir le résultat, et Christiane Deluz qui m'a doté des outils méthodiques nécessaires pour le thme choisi. Je souhaite également remercier mes...
The Feast of the Pheasant 17th February 1454: An Example of the Theatrality of a Late Mediaeval Court
Turek, Matouš ; Nejedlý, Martin (advisor) ; Svátek, Jaroslav (referee)
Bachelor thesis The Feast of the Pheasant 17th February 1454: An Example of the Theatrality of a Late Mediaeval Court is concerned with a well-known Burgundian court festivity, throws light on its symbolic contents and historical and cultural context, and interprets it with the use of anthropological approaches, with special emphasis on its performative aspects.
"Voyage d'Outremer" by Bertrandon de la Broquière as a historical source
Srncová, Karolina ; Nejedlý, Martin (advisor) ; Svátek, Jaroslav (referee)
The bachelor thesis "Voyage dOutremer by Bertrandon de la Broquire as a Historical Source" deals with a travel account by the Burgundian diplomat and spy Bertrandon de la Broquire reporting his pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Syria and the Ottoman Empire in 1432-1433. On the background of the later crusades ideological movement and the Burgundian court as its emphatic supporter the work examines sources and limits of the late medieval religious toleration and cultural openness.
The 15th century court rituals and entertainment as a sign of power (a comparison of written and iconographic sources, focused on Bourgogne)
Hojková, Anna ; Svátek, Jaroslav (referee) ; Nejedlý, Martin (advisor)
The Bachelor paper called "The 15th Century Court Rituals and Entertainment as a Sign of Power" outlines the appearance of profane celebrations and their importance for life and politics of the Burgundian court. Two particular sorts, dance and tournament, serve as examples.
The writing of Guillebert de Lannoy as an historical source
Svátek, Jaroslav ; Soukup, Pavel (referee) ; Nejedlý, Martin (advisor)
Pozdní středověk se vyznačuje zvýšenou aktivitou ve dvou oblastech, které však dosáhly svého největšího rozkvětu v jiných epochách. Jedná se o objevitelské cesty a také křížové výpravy. Cestovatelé pozdního středověku stojí poněkud ve stínu pozdějších velkých zámořských objevů. A přesto, jak daleko by dopluli světoznámí objevitelé jako Vasco de Gama nebo Kryštof Kolumbus, nebýt jejich méně známých předchůdců? Cesty k novým světům těchto velikánů sice ohlašují novou dobu, ale svým myšlením a vnímáním světa stojí ještě pevně ve středověku a příliš se neliší od misionářů 13. a 14. století nebo kupců a poutníků století následujícího. Přesně naopak je tomu s křížovými výpravami. Po svém vrcholu ve 12. a 13. století ve Svaté zemi dožívá tento způsob války v následujících letech s podivuhodnou setrvačností, avšak častěji spíše v hlavách propagandistů než na konkrétních bojištích. Přesto pozdní kruciáty znovu naleznou reálný smysl zejména pod vlivem tureckého nebezpečí. Křesťanská Evropa nadto zkouší uplatnit osvědčený model křížové výpravy také na svém kontinentu. Navzdory vítěznému zakončení španělské reconquisty a pacifikaci pobaltských pohanů nejsou výsledky pozdních kruciát nijak povzbudivé, a to jednak v boji proti kacířským Čechám, tak zejména v konfrontaci s osmanským nepřítelem na Balkáně, kde fatální...

National Repository of Grey Literature : 18 records found   previous11 - 18  jump to record:
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3 Svatek, Jakub
3 Svátek, Jakub
2 Svátek, Jan
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