National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Business Plan
Zelenková, Eva ; Svorová, Hana (referee) ; Sládková, Jitka (advisor)
This work deal with the process of relax centre business plan and its establishment. Relax centre should provide quality services. The processed proposals of financing and market aspects are the aim of this bachelor thesis.
Preparing of volunteers
The bachelor thesis is dedicated to the preparation of the volunteers in the age of 15 to 18. The goal of the thesis is to introduce the process of volunteer training. The introduction explains the concept of the volunteering, then the types and fields of the volunteers activity. The next part characterizes the adolescence period and the specifics of the training of volunteers in this particular age. The thesis is completed with a specific example of the volunteer training from the organization Diakonice ČCE Rolnička.
Default methods for drawing forms in Waldorf pedagogy
The bachelor thesis deals with Waldorf pedagogy and its specific subject of forms drawing. The aim of this work is firstly to gain theoretical knowledge and, secondly, their application to the pedagogy of leisure time, then to proces selected methods into metodological handouts for leisure activities focused on artistic activity. In the theoretical part, the author works with professional literature. The first chapter presents Waldorf pedagogy regarding its goals and principles for the physical, spiritual and mental development. It raises from developmental stages of the child in the second seven years according to Rudolf Steiner, founder of Waldorf education. It also describes leisure time activities and education associated to this pedagogy. It characterizes a specific subject of eurythmy, which is part of the subject of drawing forms. The last part is devoted to drawing forms. The theoretical part also contains a reactions of Waldorf pedagogy. The practical part raises from the theoretical knowledge. The structure of the educational proces is guided by methodological sheets. In methodical sheets, the author uses a drawn form, drawing with crayons and wax blocks, modeling. The first part of the implementation of the didactic project took place in the "Svobodná Primary School" in Písek with the fourth grade pupils. The second part was applied in the activities of the hobby group in DDM Strakonice. The practical part includes evaluation and selfreflection. At the end of the work, the author summarizes personal experiences with Waldorf pedagogy. She acknowledges the use of the alternative educational principle with regard to the broadening of the pedagogue's point of view and the actual practice itself. However, she draws attention to the need for sufficient experience gained at the Waldorf seminars and a deeper personal insight into the issue.
Death Education in Primary School
The thesis deals with the ways in which it is possible to open the topic of death in primary school. Based on the study of theoretical background, there are important components for the study of the topic of death in teaching, which are presented in the first part of the work. The first part of the thesis focuses on the changes in the approach to death in history to the present, on the foreign concept of death education and also on the issue of Czech education related to death and the possibilities and specifics of its implementation, including the importance of reading books on death for children. The second part of the thesis presents the prepared teaching units created for the possibilities of opening the topic of death with children from the 3rd to the 5th grade, with their placement in individual educational areas, grades and teaching periods. The research is carried out by the method of action research and thematic analysis of the obtained materials. The evaluated preparations confirm the data from previous research and sources, thus they are suitable for the possibilities of opening the topic of death in teaching with pupils.
Availability of physical activities for children with disabilities in their leisure time in Strakonice
The goal of this thesis is to analyze the possibility of integration for children with visual-, mental-, and hearing- disabilities between the ages of 8 to 15 years into the offer of physical leisure time activities in the Jindřichův Hradec area. The theoretical part deals with the concept of disability, its characteristics and classification and the classification and characteristics of visual-, mental-, and hearing disability. Another component of the theoretical part is the characteristics of the Jindřichův Hradec area and the definition of the concept of a physical leisure time activity. The practical part of this thesis focuses on the very research done in the Jindřichův Hradec area. The research survey was done in a form of a questionnaire survey. 22 Trainers, 15 children with disabilities, 30 intact children, 15 parents of disabled children and 5 Directors took part on the research survey. Research assumptions "that the offer of leisure time physical activities for children with different types of disability is sufficient" were not confirmed. Although 100 % of trainers of leisure-time physical activities hold opinion that children with disabilities should definitely have an opportunity to integrate into leisure-time physical activities, but 55 % of them cannot offer to children with disabilities the option of integration. It is also due the fact that 40 % of trainers have no sports qualification. Intact children as well as children with disabilities are for integration of children with disabilities into leisure time physical activities. The same is true also for parents of children with disabilities who even do not insist on special sports qualification of trainers.
Business Plan
Zelenková, Eva ; Svorová, Hana (referee) ; Sládková, Jitka (advisor)
This work deal with the process of relax centre business plan and its establishment. Relax centre should provide quality services. The processed proposals of financing and market aspects are the aim of this bachelor thesis.
Water and thermal regime of mature forest, clearing and dead forest in the vegetation season
Tesař, Miroslav ; Šír, Miloslav ; Zelenková, E. ; Lichner, Ľ.
The paper focused on comparison of the water and thermal regime of three experimental stands located in the Sumava Mts.
Influence of vegetation cover on water and thermal regime of three watersheds in the Bohemian Forest
Tesař, Miroslav ; Šír, Miloslav ; Zelenková, E.
The air temperature (5 and 200 cm above the soil surface), the soil temperature (15 and 60 cm below the soil surface), precipitation and runoff are continuously measured on three stands differing in the vegetation cover: (1) the clearing covered by herbs, (2) the mature spruce forest, and (3) dead spruce forest with a herb undergrowth.

See also: similar author names
2 Zelenková, Erika
5 Zelenková, Eva
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