National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Farmers perception of anti-erosion practices on arable land
Tyslová, Radka ; Braun Kohlová, Markéta (advisor) ; Pražan, Jaroslav (referee)
(in english): Modern agriculture faces soil erosion as one of its problems in the Czech Republic. Soil conservation practices are implemented to prevent erosion. This thesis reports on perception of the soil conservation practices by farmers themselves. Hypothesis of the research is based on declaration of organic farming in the Czech Republic: to specifically protect natural sources. Main research question is: Is there a difference in perception of soil conservation practices between certified organic farmers and farmers using conventional methods? As a concept to examine perception, this thesis uses the theory of planned behavior developed by Icek Ajzen. Results show that farmers' attitudes towards soil conservation practices in general are negative. Their attitudes can be explained by intermingling beliefs about erosion, the agriculture subsidy system and own soil quality. Specific practices are evaluated by other than anti-erosion effects. The farmers do not perceive social pressure from their peers to adopt soil conservation practices and their perceived control over adoption of a practice is low. Evaluating the level of difficulty of specific practices, smaller farmers feel substantial difficulties regarding financial issues. The results do not indicate a difference in perception of soil...
Perception of climate change impacts and adaptive capacity in organic agriculture
Říhová, Jana ; Vačkářová, Davina Elena (advisor) ; Pražan, Jaroslav (referee)
This thesis deals with the perception of climate change issue and adaptive capacity of organic farming systems in the Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis it to investigate organic farmers' attitudes toward climate change and their willingness to adopt adaptation practices. The method used in this thesis is based on questionnaires that were distributed among organic farmers in the period of January-March 2015; 52 questionnaires were subsequently analysed. The results indicate that the majority of organic farmers surveyed believed that the global climate change is occurring, expected negative climate change effects and observed higher frequency of extreme weather events. Most of the respondents also acknowledge the importance of adaptation practices and their own responsibility in adaptation. The statistical analysis revealed that both the belief about climate change and perception of associated threats may serve as predictors of the willingness to implement adaptation measures.
Efficiency analysis of the protection instruments of forest and agricultural land resources
Javoříková, Zuzana ; Vejchodská, Eliška (advisor) ; Pražan, Jaroslav (referee)
Soil is an irreplaceable natural resource, a fundamental component of the environment and a source of livelihood. At present, however, urban sprawl is excessive and land cover is detrimental to the agricultural system; these are the leading contributors to soil damage and the loss of its function. The most serious type of soil degradation is "land grabbing". Such land grabbing may be considered one of the major environmental problems of the Czech Republic. Development in greenfield sites has significant environmental impacts, such as the loss of good agricultural or forest land. Unlike tools to protect forests, tools to protect agricultural land resources (ALR) appear to be ineffective. The objective of the present thesis is to explain how such tools are applied in practice, and to analyze the tools and to answer the crucial question: How do tools to protect agricultural land resources work in practice and for what reasons do tools to protect ALR appear to be ineffective? The theoretical section of the thesis provides the legislative and theoretical background. This section is primarily based on Act No. 334/1992 Sb. on the protection of agricultural land resources and Act No. 289/1995 Sb. on forests. An analysis is made and the defined issues are assessed in practice. I used qualitative research,...
Farmers perception of anti-erosion practices on arable land
Tyslová, Radka ; Braun Kohlová, Markéta (advisor) ; Pražan, Jaroslav (referee)
(in english): Modern agriculture faces soil erosion as one of its problems in the Czech Republic. Soil conservation practices are implemented to prevent erosion. This thesis reports on perception of the soil conservation practices by farmers themselves. Hypothesis of the research is based on declaration of organic farming in the Czech Republic: to specifically protect natural sources. Main research question is: Is there a difference in perception of soil conservation practices between certified organic farmers and farmers using conventional methods? As a concept to examine perception, this thesis uses the theory of planned behavior developed by Icek Ajzen. Results show that farmers' attitudes towards soil conservation practices in general are negative. Their attitudes can be explained by intermingling beliefs about erosion, the agriculture subsidy system and own soil quality. Specific practices are evaluated by other than anti-erosion effects. The farmers do not perceive social pressure from their peers to adopt soil conservation practices and their perceived control over adoption of a practice is low. Evaluating the level of difficulty of specific practices, smaller farmers feel substantial difficulties regarding financial issues. The results do not indicate a difference in perception of soil...
Perception of climate change impacts and adaptive capacity in organic agriculture
Říhová, Jana ; Vačkářová, Davina Elena (advisor) ; Pražan, Jaroslav (referee)
This thesis deals with the perception of climate change issue and adaptive capacity of organic farming systems in the Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis it to investigate organic farmers' attitudes toward climate change and their willingness to adopt adaptation practices. The method used in this thesis is based on questionnaires that were distributed among organic farmers in the period of January-March 2015; 52 questionnaires were subsequently analysed. The results indicate that the majority of organic farmers surveyed believed that the global climate change is occurring, expected negative climate change effects and observed higher frequency of extreme weather events. Most of the respondents also acknowledge the importance of adaptation practices and their own responsibility in adaptation. The statistical analysis revealed that both the belief about climate change and perception of associated threats may serve as predictors of the willingness to implement adaptation measures.
Příčina selhávání politiky rozvoje venkova: případ vybraných nástrojů druhé osy PRV.
PRAŽAN, Jaroslav
This study was focused on reasons for ineffectiveness of agri-environmental measure, which is the policy in which the state compensates farmers for losses caused when participating at production of public goods. The work selected as a subject of the study agri-environmental contract and its characteristics and other institutions, of which maturity influence the effects of that policy. The main goal was to identify these characteristics of contract and assess their balance in relation to the purpose and subject of the contract and long term benefit of both sides of the contract. Attitudes on the maturity of the contract characteristics have been collected between farmers and state administrators in survey (as sites of the contract) on national level and also in four regional case studies. It was revealed that most of the contract characteristics were not mature enough to serve to long term benefit for both sides of the contract, which decreases potential effectiveness of the agri-environmental policy. These are for example: information availability, trust between sides of the contract, tendencies to strategic behaviour, power distribution in the contract, sharing risks in the contract, adequacy of compensation level. Control and penalty system was regarded as rather adequate. Not mature institutions and characteristics of the contract increase transaction costs of both sides of the contract and decrease willingness to renew the contracts in future. The results of the research are for the state administration a good base for improvement of the contract in order to increase effectiveness of the agri-environmental policy in question.

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6 Pražan, Jan
6 Pražan, Jiří
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