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Nursing Specificity at Patients with Diagnosis "psoriasis vulgaris"
Nursing Specificity at Patients with Diagnosis psoriasis vulgaris The aim of my thesis was to explore the nursing specificity at patients with diagnosis psoriasis vulgaris. I tried to find out the real impact of nursing care on the psychic state of these patients and their close family members; in addition to this my research was concentrated on the role of a nurse in the nursing process. My intention was to discover whether a nurse can influence on psychic problems of psoriatic patients. I used qualitative methods of research, i.e. nonstandardized talks in combination with subsequent case study. The topic of talks to patients and nurses reflected everyday life of psoriatic patients and nursing problems concerning their treatment. Patients and nurses were chosen at random with respect to voluntary participation of both. The intention was applied in the chosen illness {--} psoriasis vulgaris. The research has proved the existence of the specific field in the nursing process at psoriatic patients {--} systematic and long-term care about the overall psychic condition of these patients. Psychic (im)balance of psoriatic patients is usually transfered to their relatives. My research has resulted in the serious finding that contemporary nursing is ignoring the care about psoriatic patients´ psychic problems. This fact of missing psychic care was confirmed at all stages of this incurable illness. Despite of this fact the main role in taking care about patients´ psychic state should be realized by nurses. Patients should be much better educated; nurses should regularly carry out prevention and treatment of psychic traumas occuring so often during patients´ coexistence with psoriasis. To sum up my thesis, I would like to add some extra comments: results of the research are so current and urgent so that to be published in the professional journals. Postgraduate education of nurses should be completed with these findings and management of health service facilities should be also immediately informed about present missing care concerning psychic condition. Noursing care will have to be reorganized and improved as soon as possible. In this way the quality of psoriatic patients´ and their relatives´ life could be much better than any time before
Specificity of nursing care of Ucraine and Russian clients
HROMOVÁ, Miroslava
Each year the level of migration rises. In the Czech Republic, we observe a sustained increase of variety in terms of nationalities, cultures, ethnicities. Among the numerous communities that can be found within our borders are the ethnic groups of Russians and Ukrainians. The influence that a person's cultural background has on their behavior in times of sickness and in times of health is enormous. Culture has an impact not only on a person's lifestyle, but also on the way in which such a person responds to, and should be treated with, medical care and nursing. Medical staff should be aware of the different patterns of behavior of members of various nationalities and ethnicities. The objectives of this diploma thesis are: identify specific aspects of providing nursing services to the Russian and Ukrainian minorities, and ensure that Russian and Ukrainian clients are satisfied with the nursing service in our hospitals. This paper is divided into two sections. In the theoretical part, the reader may familiarize himself or herself with the religious beliefs that form a part of the life of Russian and Ukrainian clients. This part also includes an overview of the history of these peoples, their migration, their assimilation to our conditions, the issue of barriers to communication, and the ensuing problems. The practical part of this thesis relies on qualitative research via structured interviews within the Russian and Ukrainian communities, and on quantitative research in the form of a questionnaire with which we identified the degree to which nurses are knowledgeable in the belief system of orthodox christianity, and their opinion regarding the necessity of a specific approach to providing care to Russian and Ukrainian clients. Four research questions were formulated, and have drawn answers, in the course of our research. Based on this research, we put together a nursing standard that should facilitate and improve the care provided by nurses in our hospitals. The results of this research, and this thesis itself, could be used in practice to enhance, and to improve the quality, of nursing services rendered, as a training tool for nurses, to present the results on scientific or undergraduate conferences, and for publication in professional journals.

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