National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Mathematical modeling of early embryogenesis processes
Dunajová, Michaela ; Šejnoha, Jiří (advisor) ; Drutovič, David (referee)
1 Abstract: Early embryogenesis is a fundamental phenomenon of developmental biology, which involves the establishment of the first structures within embryos. The work focuses on mathematical spatial models of mammalian blastulation, which were created based on spatial approach. We discuss and compare six mo- dels, which simulate the differentiation of cell lines and the formation of blas- tocyst structures. Models are based on local rules, using considerable cellular abstraction. Models focus on the processes of differentiation of the blastomere into the trophoectoderm and the inner cell mass, followed by the establishment of the structure of the epiblast and the primitive endoderm.
Morphology and development of the midgut pathogens in bark beetle
TONKA, Tomáš
The bark beetle, Ips typographus is economically important pest of spruce standings across Europe. The knowledge of biology and ecology of bark beetles is important to protect spruce forests against beetles outbreaks. The research of pathogens of bark beetles is the main goal to use biological control of bark beetles and replace chemical or mechanical methods using today. During the bark beetle outbreak in Sumava mountains three main pathogens showed up very promising. Microsporidium Chytridiopsis typographi, the virus Ips typographus Entomopoxvirus and negregarine Menzbieria chalcographi were the most occured pathogens attacking beetles in Sumava outbreak area. Transmission of microspo ridium and virus have been introduced and propagated in living bark beetles in labo ratory. The reaserach of biology, transmission, morphogenesis and ultrastructure of these pathogens begun in living beetles in laboratory conditions. Results which were obtained can be divided to virological and microsporidian parts. In both cases the infection and routine passage have been successful in laboratory condition and now the infections of microsporidium Ch. typographi nad ITEV are routinely propagated to purchase infected material. Unlike the original description of ITEV in laboratory infected beetles the synthesis and origin of microspindles was described. In TEM the first steps of newly formed virions occluded into the spheroid were observed, including microspindles occlusion. ITEV develops in midgut epithelium of host. The successful infection of Ch. typographi has been managed in laboratory. Obtai ned results completed and revised findings which were published in first descriptions. Purchased results offer a possibility to compare old a new findings concernig this microsporidium. Budding as a unique process of multiplication has been described in microsporidia. This process is uncommon in microsporidia and has not never been observed. It acts as a tool to multiple vegetative stages in the life cycle. The ultrastructures and complete life cycle was described in Ch. typographi and the former description was revised.

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