National Repository of Grey Literature 62 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Material printing of identification signs
Šerík, Matej ; Vališ, Jan (referee) ; Veselý, Michal (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with material printing, focusing on the preparation and analysis of clichés for pad printing, the optimization of functional compositions deposited by a hand held pad printing machine on PET films, and the characterization of these deposited layers. Two fluorescent compositions with different fluorescent derivatives were prepared, which, upon excitation with electromagnetic radiation, emitted specific infrared radiation, allowing them to be distinguished. The fluorescent compositions were applied to PET films using a hand held pad printing machine. The optimal concentration of fluorescent derivatives in the compositions and the ideal layer thickness to achieve the maximum intensity of fluorescent emission were determined. One of the objectives of the work was the preparation of scent markers by encapsulating peppermint essential oil in liposomes, which allows controlled release of the fragrance after mechanical disruption. The scent markers were not homogeneous but showed the desired properties after the disruption of the microparticles. However, the use of screen printing compared to pad printing resulted in better homogeneity ofthe scent markers. Steel clichés were found to be the most suitable for the application of all layers, whereas glass clichés could be an attractive alternative when prepared by higher resolution laser engraving.
Material printing of UVB disposable dosimeter
Fryčová, Gabriela ; Ettler,, Karel (referee) ; Veselý, Michal (advisor)
The aim of the bachelor's thesis was the preparation of photosensitive layers responding by colour change to the exposure dose and their subsequent calibration to UVB irradiation doses of 500 and 1 000 mJcm2 using calibration agents and layer thickness change. The experimental part focuses on the preparation and application of the layers and the study of their colour response to the exposure dose. The validity of the reciprocity law was verified. The simplicity of preparation and use of the resulting disposable UVB dosimeters was emphasized.
Printed photoelectrochemical UV sensor
Vrbková, Kateřina ; Syrový, Tomáš (referee) ; Dzik, Petr (advisor)
This paper deals with the sensors, designed for ultraviolet light detection. There are many options in UV sensors construction. But in any case, there is a semiconducter used as a sensitive component. The most common photocatalyst is titanium dioxide. In electronic it is mainly used due to its suitable physical and chemical properties and good chemical stability. The aim of the work is preparation of gel electrolyte, which can close the electrical circuit between cathodic and anodic compartment and allows the passage of electrons. The hole first chapter is divoted to methods of UV sensors production, including electrochemical method on which is based our sensor.
Development of Light Emitting Electroluminescent Device by Means of Material Printing
Hrabal, Michal ; Syrový,, Tomáš (referee) ; Boušek, Jaroslav (referee) ; Vala, Martin (advisor)
Cílem této práce je vývoj světelného zdroje založeného na technologii tlustostěnného elektroluminiscenčního panelu napájeného střídavým napětím (ACPEL). V současné době se jedná se o jedinou technologii založenou na metodách materiálového tisku vhodnou pro přípravu velkoplošných, flexibilních a vzorovaných zdrojů světla. Důraz je v této práci kladen na představení, prozkoumání a odstranění typických problémů, které jsou spojovány s touto technologií. Tyto problémy jsou omezený odstín barvy emitovaného světla a dlouhodobá stabilita elektroluminiscenčního prvku, který je vystaven vlivům prostředí. Rešeršní část dizertační práce je zaměřena na představení a identifikaci depozičních technik, vhodných pro reprodukovatelnou přípravu ACPEL panelů. Dalším cílem je identifikace fyzikálních parametrů, vhodných pro charakterizaci velkoplošných zdrojů světla. Praktickým cílem práce je nalezení vhodné metodologie pro popis a charakterizaci panelů, jakožto plošných světelných zdrojů. Fotometrická veličina jas L a spotřeba elektrické energie P byly vyhodnoceny jako vhodné parametry, určující aplikaci ACPEL panelů. Na modrém panelu bylo dosaženo maximální hodnoty jasu L = 133 cd•m2 při napětí Upp = 500 V a frekvenci f = 1000 Hz. Hodnoty spotřeby elektrické energie, vztažené na jednotkovou plochu panelů zkoumaných v této práci, jsou (7±3) mW. Tyto dosažené hodnoty dělají ze světelných zdrojů založených na ACPEL technologii zajímavé kandidáty pro různé aplikace. Vlivu rostoucí amplitudy a frekvence budícího napětí na dlouhodobou stabilitu panelů je důležitým cílem této práce. Pro popis stability byly zavedeny parametry L50 and L75. Bylo zjištěno, že rostoucí frekvence budícího napětí zkracuje životnost panelů. Laminovaný panel napájený napětím s přibližně trojnásobně vyšší frekvencí vykazoval přibližně třetinové hodnoty parametrů L50 a L75. Nejvyšších hodnot stabilitních parametrů dosahoval panel enkapsulován mezi skleněné pláty – přibližně sedminásobnou hodnotu oproti laminovanému panelu s trojnásobnou frekvencí. Optimální stability panelů lze dosáhnout při nastavení frekvence v rozmezí 400–800 Hz a zapouzdřením mezi sklo. Úzká paleta odstínů barev emitovaného světla je jeden z typických problémů, který dále zkoumán v dizertační práci. Tato práce zkoumá nadějnou metodu, přídavek vhodného materiálu pro konverzi barvy (CCM). Nový derivát diketopyrrolopyrrolu (DPP), absorbující v modré oblasti, byl přidán k modrému fosforu a byl pozorován sedminásobný narůst hodnot absolutního spektrálního ozáření v oblasti vlnových délek odpovídajících maximální emisi CCM materiálu. Jednoduchost přípravy vyvinutých zdrojů světla spolu s velmi nízkou spotřebou a vysokou dobou života dělají z ACPEL panelů zajímavé kandidáty pro podsvícení prvků například v automobilovém průmyslu, pro dekorativní osvětlení, pro „branding“ – zvýraznění reklamních značek.
Mesoporous and microstructured layers of titanium dioxide
Lepičová, Martina ; Ing. Viera Jančovičová,Ph.D. (referee) ; Veselý, Michal (advisor)
This bachelor thesis provides an overview of modern ways of titanium dioxide thin layer preparation including material printing and their principles. Preparation of tetrabutoxide sol as a precursor of titanium dioxide with diethanolamine and polyethylene glycol as templating agents and its delivery to glass substrate by material printing is described. This work is focused on characterization of prepared thin layers of titanium dioxide by optical microscopy and making of microphotography database of prepared samples.
Printed insulating interlayrs
Olejníková, Marie ; Zmeškal, Oldřich (referee) ; Dzik, Petr (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with preparation and study of printed insulating interlayers based on barium titanate. The composition of ink formulation and method of deposition were investigated. The composition was optimised with the type of added binder. The printing was made using a screen printing method. Characterisation of prepared layers was made using contact profilometry and optical microscopy. Dielectric properties of layers were subsequently analysed using the impedance spektroskopy method.
Dielectric layers fabricated by material printing
Olejníková, Marie ; Pekárková, Jana (referee) ; Dzik, Petr (advisor)
This master‘s thesis deals with the use of the material printing method for fabrication of dielectric films. Final high- dielectric composite film consisted of BaTiO3 based inkjet-printed layer and spin-coated polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) layer. The effect of ball-milling on BaTiO3 suspension was studied by DLS a XRD methods. Printing formulation and parameters of inkjet printing were optimized with respect to the surface morphology of printed BaTiO3 films using contact profilometry method. Impedance analysis was used to determine the value of effective dielectric constant of the final dielectric composite film using thin film capacitor structure. Effective dielectric constant of composite dielectric film was 4,9 ± 0,4.
Titania mesoporous films fabricated by material printing
Chludilová, Markéta ; Drbohlavová, Jana (referee) ; Dzik, Petr (advisor)
Thesis deals with the creation of thin layers of a porous titanium dioxide. The solutions for the formation of thin layers were prepared using a solgel method by mixing TTIP, polyethylene glycol of molecular weight 1500 and dimethyl, layers were subsequently printed by material printer to glass substrate and calcinated at 450 °C for 2,5 hours. Optical and SEM microscopy was used to observe structure of individual layers. Samples, that showed the greatest porosity, were subsequently studied by electrochemical measurments and by photocatalytic aktivity determined via hydroxylation of coumarin.
Titania suspensions for material printing
Svoboda, Tomáš ; Drbohlavová, Jana (referee) ; Dzik, Petr (advisor)
This bachelor‘s thesis deals with the preparation of stable suspensions of titanium dioxide applicable for material printing. A wide range of dispersive environments stabilizing the nanoparticles of titanium dioxide was investigated. Commercially available aqueous dispersion and dry titania powder was used as the source of TiO2.The properties of prepared suspensions were evaluated and the most suitable suspension was used for material printing. This thesis focused on suspension‘s stability, sizes of particles dispersed in them, and in their rheological behavior. Furthermore, we analyzed the studied the properties of printed layers by SEM, optical microscopy, DLS and analytical centrifuge. We also evaluated the photocatalytic activity by monitoring the oxidation rate of coumarin to 7-hydroxycoumarin.
Optimalization of printing methods of organic semiconducting layers preparation
Ehlich, Jiří ; Vala, Martin (referee) ; Salyk, Ota (advisor)
Electrophysiological biosensors enables a novel way to measure electrical activity of biological structures both in-vitro and in-vivo and represents valuable alternative to current cellular activity measuring methods. Within this work we will be focusing on development of organic semiconductor (PEDOT:PSS) based Organic Electrochemical Transistors (OECTs) and optimization of material printing methods used in their development. These transistors are meant to be able to transfer electrochemical signals within the cell membrane to electrical signal. Such sensors should be used for cytotoxicity testing of chemicals and potential drugs on cardiomyocytes. Main benefits of OECTs are in their higher sensitivity thanks to their ability to locally amplify electric signals, better noise-signal ratio and outstanding biocompatibility. Their development is undemanding and inexpensive due material printing methods and materials processable at room temperatures.

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