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Zhodnocení inseminace ovcí plemene lacaune na konkrétní farmě
Sokolová, Dominika
The batchelor thesis: „Evaluation of the insemination of lacaune sheep on a specific farm“ deals with the evaluation of insemination of lacaune sheep within a specific farm. This batchelor thesis describes the reproduction physiology of the sheep and the methods and techniques of reproduction. Insemination occurred during this different times, with a different count of sheep all three times. The batchelor thesis evaluates resources from insemination and natural reproduction and evaluations form other Czech farms with insemination experience. The insemination was done in two different ways: intracervical and intrauterin. Basic andrology was done before all of the inseminations and this thesis describes this process as well. The best result occurred in March of 2019 with a success rating of 29%. An insemination in June succeeded at 5 % and 15 % and an insemination in October at 25 %. The results from these inseminations are satisfying, because the first inseminations that I conducted were done without prior experience. With insemination done using fresh doses, this allows for a really positive perspective into the way of reproductive managment on Czech farms. I would like to write more about these issues in my Master‘s thesis such as the evaluation of insemination when sperm is applied at various times.
Využití plemene lacaune v ČR
Sůkupová, Michaela
In my bachelor's thesis titled "The use of the lacaune breed in the Czech republic" I am looking at the history of sheep farming in the Czech Republic. Further I mention the characteristics of French lacaune breed, its origin and breed characteristics. In the next part of my work I am concerned about the sheep milk yielding and the factors, that influence it and which include the impact of nutrition, breed, health conditions, age of ewe, the length and frequency of lactation, frequency of the brood, frequency and techniques of milking and more. Part of my work is also description of the chemical composition of the milk -- content of dry basis, proteins, fat, lactose, minerals and vitamins. Then I focus on the sheep's milk gaining and its further processing. The last part of my bachelor's thesis is focused on the methodology of evaluation of milk yield and the milk quality, and a description of the laboratory analysis.
Využití biotechnických metod v intenzivní reprodukci ovcí plemene lacaune na konkrétní farmě
Sokolová, Dominika
The diploma thesis deals with the evaluation of andrology, insemination and diagnosis of pregnancy of the lacaune breed on a specific farm. It was inseminated in three different shifts a year, in February, June and October. A total of 913 sheep were inseminated. It was inseminated intracervically with fresh doses. Insemination reached 22.8% fertilization in February 2020 and 16.3% fertilization in June 2020. In October, the result of fertilization was the best, at 27.29%. In 2021 there was a decrease, in February the result fell to 4.18%, but in June it increased slightly to 7.22% fertilization. Between 2019 and 2021, a total of 212 samples of ram ejaculate took place, when in 2019 the average sample was 1.41 ml. In 2020, it fell to an average volume of 1.25 ml and the decline continued until 2021, when the average volume was 1.00 ml. Activity was more balanced, averaging 78.82% between 2019 and 2021. Despite the low and variable results of insemination, the intention of year-round milk production was fulfilled. Previous experience opens the possibility of further expansion of research with the application of knowledge from this work.
Zhodnocení mléčné užitkovosti plemene lacaune ve vybraném chovu
The aim of the thesis was to evaluate the performance characteristics of the Lacaune breed, i.e. the level of reproductive and production parameters in a selected herd. The breeding of sheep from Horní Dvorce Farm s.r.o. was selected for the research. A total of 1260 ewes were involved in the research, for which the data obtained from performance checks for a period of four years (2018 - 2021) and data on breeding values of ewes involved in performance checks were processed. The effect of age on milk yield was evaluated and it was found that the most productive ewes are those between 3 and 6 years of age. The fat and protein content increased from the first year of age , the lactose content decreased significantly with age. Another indicator was the order of lactation and its effect on milk yield, with ewes on their third and fourth lactations proving to be the most productive. There was a significant effect on fat content, protein content was not affected and lactose content did not decrease significantly with each successive lactation. Finally, the effect of litter frequency was also evaluated, showing a significant difference in milk yield between ewes with an only child and those with twins. At the same time, however, there was minimal or no effect of litter frequency on the content of all milk components studied.
Zhodnocení mléčné užitkovosti ovcí v průběhu laktace
Kryštofová, Kateřina
The aim of the thesis was analyse of sheep milk composition during lactation. Milk was analysed for milk yield, total solids, fat, protein, lactose, somatic cell coun (SCC), active acidity (pH), titratable acidity, rennet clotting time and rennet curd quality and then recorded data were satistically analyzed by program STATISTICA. The samplings were carried in months April – September 2018 on sheep farm in Br-níčko. The samplings were carried from eight selected ewes on the second lacatation and the immediately after collection the milk cooled, and transported to the analyses of in-dividual components into specialized laboratories. The average milk yield in the stage lacatation in 2018 was 1.39 l. Milk from these ewes contained an average of 18.41 % total solids, 7.01 % fat, 6.02 % protein, 4.71 % lactose, 103 thousand SC/ml. Milk showed values on average pH 6.63, titration acidity 9.51 °SH, rennetability 115 second and rennet curd quality was 1.34 (1.quality class). The results of this study indicate that high statistical significant effect of lactation stage was found on all chosen parametres except titration acidity, somatic cells count and rennet curd quality.
Mléčná užitkovost plemene lacaune ve vybraném chovu
This thesis deals with the influence of age of lacaune breed ewes on milk performance, influence of parity and influence of stage of lactation on milk performance in terms of the milk yield and the content of individual components of milk. Further was evaluated the influence of rams on milking. Data from farm Statek Horní Dvorce s.r.o. were used and data from Svaz chovatelů ovcí a koz z.s. were used too and entries from years 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017, when the milk performance was monitored by method AT. The influence of rams on milking has not been fully demonstrated. For the four comparing lines, the statistically significant difference was only between LINUX and LUPIN, and only in one year of performance control over the three years compared. From the point of view of the influence of age on total milk yield in the studied farm, fat and protein content of lacaune breed increased with increasing age, whereas the lactose content showed a decreasing trend. The influence of parity had a significant effect on the monitored parameters of milk. With an increasing parity, the protein content was slightly increased, the fat and lactose content decreased. Ewes on the second lactation showed the best results in milk yield, since the third lactation was recorded in milking a decrease. The influence of stage of lactation on milking and on the content of individual components of milk was also significanted. With prolonged lactation the milk yield and lactose content were decreased. The fat and protein content has been shown to increase with the increasing of the stage of lactation.
Mléčná užitkovost plemene lacaune ve vybraném chovu
This thesis deals with the influence of age of Lacaune breed ewes on milk performance (milk yield and the content of individual components of milk). The length of lactation was also evaluated. Data from farm Statek Horní Dvorce s.r.o. were used and entries from years 2012, 2013 and 2014, when the milk performance was monitored by method AT. With the view of the fact that the standardized lactation in 2012 was set on 240 days while since 2013 the required length was 150 days, the year 2012 was not included into the comparison due to dubiousness of the results. The influence of age of an ewe on total milk yield in the studied farm is not clear and cannot be established with significant certainty, although in the studied years the milk performance was higher than the average in the Czech republic. In the 2013 was the total milk yield 323 kg of milk and in the 2014 was 307,4 kg of milk. The findings of basic milk parameters of individual components of milk show that the age of an ewe has an influence on the components. With growing age the content of fat was decreasing. At three-year-old ewes the content of fat was 7.36%, while at four-year-olds the content reached only 7.3%. The content of lactose also seemed to decrees with age. At three-year-old ewes the content of lactose was 4.86%, while at four-year-olds the content was 4.63%. However, the content of protein had growing tendency. At three-year-old ewes the content of protein was 5.61%, while at four-year-olds the content was 5,89%. Further was evaluated the length of lactation. It was shown an increase in the average length of lactation as they get older ewes, but the effect on lactation length was also the start date of the dry period of herd.

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