National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Imunopatogeneze celiakální sprue a její genetické aspekty
This bachelor thesis summarizes the findings of celiac sprue, which is a genetic autoimmune disorder that damages mucosa of the small intestine and is caused by intolerance to the gluten proteins. The clinical presentation of the disease is highly polymorphic and that is the reason why this disorder is usually overlooked among diagnosis as this one. However, coeliac disease is a severe disease in children and adults.
Imunopatogeneze celiakální sprue a její genetické aspekty
This bachelor thesis summarizes the findings of celiac sprue, which is a genetic autoimmune disorder that damages mucosa of the small intestine and is caused by intolerance to the gluten proteins. The clinical presentation of the disease is highly polymorphic and that is the reason why this disorder is usually overlooked among diagnosis as this one. However, coeliac disease is a severe disease in children and adults.
Gluten-free diet in the training of students from hotel school and apprenticeship cook-waiter.
Gluten-free diet is a concept inflected in the media in recent years very often. This thesis is devoted to exploring whether and how the theme of "gluten-free diet" is put in theoretical and practical training for students and trainees of Secondary School and Higher Vocational School of Tourism (Vyšší odborné školy cestovního ruchu) in České Budějovice, subjects focused on gastronomy. The theoretical part focuses on the explanation of celiac disease, gluten-free meals, legislation dealing with the labeling of allergens (gluten). There are also discussed the eating problems of patients with gluten-free diet in restaurants and canteens. In the practical part there search has been conducted to determine how students are familiarized with this theme, what knowledge they have and whether they can use it in practice. The survey was conducted through a question naire survey, observation in the lessons and the analysis of used literature. Graphic design with commentaries was chosen to evaluate the qualitative survey questionnaires.
Coeliac disease and its impact in the life of a child at younger school-age.
MIKEŠOVÁ, Annemarie
Celiac sprue or celiac disease leads to a lifelong adherence to the diet, i.e. to a total exclusion of gluten from the diet. In celiac disease antibodies are released, that act autoimmune and affect the inherent small intestinal tissue, while the detachment of antibodies is caused by the presence of gluten in food. In pathological process the disorder of the morphology of small intestinal walls occurs, causing the reduction of intestinal villus height, which are physiologically present on every intestinal mucosa. In a critical state the subtotal or total atrophy of intestinal villi rises means their partial or complete disappearance. This damage of mucosa results in chronic inflammatory processes, which cause malabsorption.Celiac sprue is a chronic, autoimmune disease developing either on genetic background or due to the immune response.The basic and only treatment consist in longlife exclusion of gluten from the diet., i.e. the suppression of toxic protein occurring in cereal grain. Celiac sprue belongs to the incurable diseases and preventing the complications, which may occur in relation to a bad regime, is a matter of course. Nowadays the importance is attached to prevention, which is divided into three basic levels: primary, secondary and tertiary. The primary prevention is crucial, it is when the incidence of the disease is sought out. The time, when the gluten gets into the child´s body for the first time, has a great influence on the development of the disease. The main goal of this thesis was to map the issue of celiac disease of early-school-age children with a focus on the specifics of nursing using the literature available. The celiac disease issue was searched out in bibliographic publications and on the Internet. Based on the stated objective, the synthesis method, explanation or data demonstration was chosen for this bachelor thesis. Economic point of view is regarded as a fundamental issue of the disease. It turned out that only a small number of czech health insurance companies provides a catering allowance to celiac patients. It was found out, that in many EU states so called community care provided by community nurse, exists. There is no trend like this in Czech republic despite the fact, that this field can be studied in the master study. The nurse is an unsubstitutable member and fundamental pillar of a multidisciplinary team. She also has significant competencies in patient care and constitutes an irreplaceable place in nursing. The output of this theoretical thesis is to create a comprehensive view of the range of problems related to celiac disease of early-school-age children.
Nursing Care for a Client with Celiac Disease
I chose {\clq}qNursing Care for a Client with Celiac Disease`` as the subject of my bachelor´s work to outline this problem and to point out the difficulties celiacs face. Celiac disease is a hereditary autoimmune disease of the small intestine, which is caused by the intolerance of proteins contained in grain gluten. On the mucous membrane of the small intestine, mucous villi disappear. Typical difficulties include a disorder of the digestion of compound sugars and insufficient absorption of proteins, fats, vitamins and iron. Celiac disease cannot be cured, however, it can be treated successfully. The only, and at the same time quite sufficient curative measure is a complete elimination of gluten from food {--} gluten-free diet. The work is divided into two parts. The first part is theoretical, where I go into the substance of the disease, its diagnostics and therapy. The research part has been processed in a qualitative method. The goal of the work was to evaluate the possibilities of people suffering from this disease and their way of life. When doing interviews, I interrogated patients of all ages. For the purposes of this work I used the casuistry of individual celiacs. I focus on the course of the disease, troubles before and after the diagnosis being determined or the experience of patients with catering out of home. Furthermore, I assess the way of instruction (the form it was carried out and by whom), as well as the financial aspects of a particular family. Another part of the research is focused on state registered nurses. The aim of this research is to determine the role of nurses in caring for clients with celiac disease. In gastroenterological centres, care for those suffering from celiac disease takes the form of a complex approach. This approach enables frequent diagnostics, therapy and dispensarisation. It leads to improvement in the state of health and quality of lives of sick celiacs. The awareness of people of celiac disease is very low. However, more and more attention is paid nowadays to the problems of celiac disease, both from the point of view of cure and research, and on the part of the producers and dealers of gluten-free foods.
Quality of life of Adults with Celiac Disease
ILKÓOVÁ, Václava
The thesis for this baccalaureate work theoretically and practically deals with issues of the lives of adults with Celiac Disease. The aim of my work was to find out how this disorder affects people{\crq}s lives in terms of health, as well as their psychological, economic and social conditions. In the theoretical part of this thesis, I described the origin, symptoms, signs, epidemiology and treatment of Celiac Disease. I have also discussed associated health and social problems. In the practical part I used a questionnaire, according to the quantitative method of research. The investigated group comprised 82 adults with Celiac Disease (71 women, 11 men), who were determined by random selection. All of the data I have obtained has been transferred into diagrams and results were expressed as percentage values. The questions were aimed at respondents{\crq} dealings with their specific problems. I found that people with Celiac Disease in the Czech Republic do suffer from health problems, but not as much as from the many restrictions in their eating habits and social life, which may lead to some resulting psychological problems. In addition, the Gluten-Free Diet is very expensive for a majority of people, who have no financial compensation from the state, while in many countries in Europe such compensation is common. Regarding the Czech governments{\crq} approach to those who suffer with celiac disease, while they are in the process of reaching European standards, the role of support groups in all mentioned problems is important. Accordingly, the results of my work will be submitted to the Czech Society for Gluten-Free Diet.

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