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Bayesian Optimization of Hyperparameters Using Gaussian Processes
Arnold, Jakub ; Straka, Milan (advisor) ; Vomlelová, Marta (referee)
The goal of this thesis was to implement a practical tool for optimizing hy- perparameters of neural networks using Bayesian optimization. We show the theoretical foundations of Bayesian optimization, including the necessary math- ematical background for Gaussian Process regression, and some extensions to Bayesian optimization. In order to evaluate the performance of Bayesian op- timization, we performed multiple real-world experiments with different neural network architectures. In our comparison to a random search, Bayesian opti- mization usually obtained a higher objective function value, and achieved lower variance in repeated experiments. Furthermore, in three out of four experi- ments, the hyperparameters discovered by Bayesian optimization outperformed the manually designed ones. We also show how the underlying Gaussian Process regression can be a useful tool for visualizing the effects of each hyperparameter, as well as possible relationships between multiple hyperparameters. 1
Bayesian optimization
Kostovčík, Peter ; Lachout, Petr (advisor) ; Hlubinka, Daniel (referee)
Optimization is an important part of mathematics and is mostly used for practical applications. For specific types of objective functions, a lot of different methods exist. A method to use when the objective is unknown and/or expensive can be difficult to determine. One of the answers is bayesian optimization, which instead of direct optimization creates a probabilistic model and uses it to constructs easily optimizable auxiliary function. It is an iterative method that uses information from previous iterations to find new point in which the objective is evaluated and tries to find the optimum within a fewer iterations. This thesis introduces bayesian optimization, suma- rizes its different approaches in lower and higher dimensions and shows when to use it suitably. An important part of the thesis is my own optimization algorithm which is applied to different practical problems - e.g. parameter optimization in machine learning algorithm. 1

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