National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Zhodnocení fyzikálního a chemického stavu půdy pozemků obhospodařovaných zemědělským podnikem
Navrkal, Stanislav
This bachelor thesis is focused on determination of physical, physico-chemical and chemical soil properties. The area selected for the determination of soil properties is located in the cadastral terittory in village Čechtín, cultivated by agricultural cooperative "Podlesí" Čechtín. The indisturbed soil samples were sampled on 26th October 2018 for the analysing of bulk density, porosity, maximum capillary water capacity, minimum air capacity and samples for analyzing of structure of 5 fields. The disturbed soil samples were sampled on 5th April 18 fields for the analysing of pH value, sorption complex, content of humus and availabel nutrients. On the basis of the analysis of soil properties was found that the soil on the tested fields is in good condition. In case, the agricultural cooperative „Podlesí“ Čechtín will farm as it currently does the soil will be not the poor quality in the future.
Zhodnocení fyzikálního a chemického stavu půdy pozemků obhospodařovaných soukromým zemědělcem
Voldán, Fabián
This bachelor thesis is focus on analysis of soil which are cultivate by private farmer. On these fields were determined physical, chemical and physic-chemical quality. The quality and current situation were evaluated. The fields are located in cadastral area of Partutovice, Luboměř and Střítež nad Ludinou. The undisturbed soil samples were sampled from five fields on 25thof November 2019. The indisturbed soil samples were sampled from three places from the fields. The undisturbed soil samples were used to analysing of determine the analysing of bulk density, porosity, maximum capillary water capacity, minimum air capacity. On this field were sampled sample for analysing granularity and structure. The disturbed soil sample were sampled on 2ndof March 2020 from eleven filds. For the analysing of pH value, sorption complex, available nutrients and contend of humus. Out of the results were find out that the fields needs more calcic fertilizer and fertilizer contain potassium and magnesium. Field which is located in Luboměř needs another technology process which is not solidify soil. Solidify soil participle on degradation soil. If the private farmer receipt needs of the soil, the conditions will be better for the plants and the soil quality will be the same as now.
Hodnocení obsahu mikrobiální biomasy a bazální respirace půdy v různých ekosystémech
Janderková, Michaela
Diploma thesis „The evaluation of microbial biomass and basal soil respiration in the different ecosystems“ is focused on the determination of biological and chemical indicators of soil quality. Studied soil types Fluvisols, Haplic Luvisols, and Cambisols are used as arable land, permanent grasslands, and forest´s soils. The standard analytical methods were used for the determination of basic soil properties. Results showed that Fluvisols, Haplic Luvisols and Cambisols varied in studied parameters. Statistically significantly higher content of organic carbon and microbial biomass was in grasslands and forest´s soils to compare with arable land. The quality of humic substances given by ratio humic and fulvic acids was the highest in arable land.
Obsah živin a kvalita půdního sorpčního komplexu po aplikaci kompostu
Bahenská, Kristýna
Bachelor thesis „Nutrients content and quality of soil sorption complex after compost application“ is aimed the assessment of chemical soil properties in Haplic Cambisol after the compost amendment. Soil reaction, buffering capacity, quality of soil sorption complex, nutrients and organic carbon content, and the amount of humic substances were determined during the period 2019 and 2020. Standard analytical methods were used. Statistically significant differences between the control and compost application were found in active soil reaction, conductivity, cation exchange capacity, and humic substances content. It was recommended to increase the dosage of compost and apply lime (once in 4 year) to improve soil´s properties.
The influence of biochar on physico-chemical properties of soil
Polášková, Nikola ; Sedláček, Petr (referee) ; Smilek, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis is focused on assessment of the influence of biochar on the soil physico-chemical properties (particle density, dry density, porosity, water retention capacity and maximum water holding capacity, oxidizable carbon content, total nitrogen content, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium content). The selected and examined soil types were: cambisol, fluvisol, chernozem and regosol. There were two types of biochar used for analysis – NovoTerra and Sonnenerde. Soil samples were dried to constant weight and adjusted to grain-size fraction under 2 mm, respectively 0,25 mm. The oxidizable carbon content was measured by oxidation using a mixture of potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid (Walkley-Black method), the total nitrogen content was measured by kjeldahlization and P, K and Mg content was measured using Mehlich 3 extraction and ICP-OES spectrometer. The results show that biochar has a significant influence on soil characteristics depending on the type of biochar and soil we use for biochar application. This thesis can be used to clarify the complex issues in terms of soil in Czech Republic or it can be used by farmers considering using biochar as a soil additive with the intention to increase productivity and fertility of soil.
The influence of biochar on physico-chemical properties of soil
Polášková, Nikola ; Sedláček, Petr (referee) ; Smilek, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis is focused on assessment of the influence of biochar on the soil physico-chemical properties (particle density, dry density, porosity, water retention capacity and maximum water holding capacity, oxidizable carbon content, total nitrogen content, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium content). The selected and examined soil types were: cambisol, fluvisol, chernozem and regosol. There were two types of biochar used for analysis – NovoTerra and Sonnenerde. Soil samples were dried to constant weight and adjusted to grain-size fraction under 2 mm, respectively 0,25 mm. The oxidizable carbon content was measured by oxidation using a mixture of potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid (Walkley-Black method), the total nitrogen content was measured by kjeldahlization and P, K and Mg content was measured using Mehlich 3 extraction and ICP-OES spectrometer. The results show that biochar has a significant influence on soil characteristics depending on the type of biochar and soil we use for biochar application. This thesis can be used to clarify the complex issues in terms of soil in Czech Republic or it can be used by farmers considering using biochar as a soil additive with the intention to increase productivity and fertility of soil.
Evaluation of humus content and quality in different tillage systems
Quantitative and qualitative Soil Organic Matter (SOM) properties were observed in the soil samples of a medium-term field experiment (Cambisol ? Studena, Czech Republic) and an exact field experi?ment (Chernozem ? Gross Enzersdorf, Austria) in the year 2005 considering different soil tillage systems (conventional and minimum tillage). Except the standard parameters, soil organic matter content and quality in particulate water stable aggregates size fractions was additional determinated for Cambisol. Cambisol showed more favourable values of both quantitative and qualitative SOM parameters in minimum tillage system compared to those in conventional tillage system. SOM quality in the water stable aggregates fractions was better in minimum tillage compared to conventional tillage. Cambisol also showed that SOM in aggregates fractions is much more quality compared to SOM in the original soil samples. Chernozem showed higher values of both quantitative and qualitative SOM parameters in conventional tillage compared to those in minimum tillage but the differences are not high. It can be said that Chernozem organic matter reaction to tillage technology changes is slower and of minor rate in comparison with that of Cambisol organic matter. The results of quantitative and qualitative parameters do not conform to the generally recognised values for the Chernozem soil type.

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