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Multilingual analysis of human emotional states
Rendek, Tomáš ; Koula, Ivan (oponent) ; Atassi, Hicham (vedoucí práce)
This work deals with the properties of the speech signal. At the beginning it introduces a process of generation of the speech. Then, it covers the prosodic features of the speech, which represent a related characteristic of emotions. It defines an emotion itself, as well as the basic features and parameters of the human speech. For the analysis we use the program called Praat. As it is an unknown program, we devote a part of the work to it, which acquaints us with its advantages. The next part of this paper comprises also two enclosed databases containing records of particular emotional states of human. These databases were created and collected for Slovak and German language. However, none of them contain spontaneous material. Next, the work concerns a concept of the neural networks. It regards it as a possible realization of recognizing of emotional characteristics. The initial analysis presents large number of gained features, out of which only the best twelve were selected on the basis of geometric separability. These features are distinct for both sexes, as well as for both nationalities. Consequently, they are used for training with a neural network. The work concludes by summarizing of the results discussing the successfulness with recognition of emotional states. It also gives possible reasons which lead to degradation of their successful classifying. The thesis contains a CD with all the partial and ultimate results, and files with records for Slovak and German language.

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