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Radiation Transfer of Energy in Arc Plasma
Bogatyreva, Naděžda ; Kapička, Vratislav (oponent) ; Jeništa,, Jiří (oponent) ; Bartlová, Milada (vedoucí práce)
The main task of this work is to investigate the radiation transfer in thermal plasmas using the approximate method of spherical harmonic functions (PN-approximation). The thesis is of theoretical nature. Main attention was given to the most popular P1-approximation. Spectral dependence of absorption coefficients was handled by means of multigroup approximation. The computational code for calculation of radiation characteristics in isothermal plasma cylinder and in plasma cylinder with given temperature profile was prepared. Radiation characteristics of air plasma and plasma mixture of SF6 and PTFE were calculated. Obtained results account for data for including radiation losses into the total energy balance of arc plasma. They are used in mathematical models of electric arcs created by our collaborators from Institute of Plasma Physics Academy of Science in Prague and from abroad (ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland and Siemens AG Corporate Technology, Germany).

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