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Determination of Rubisco enzyme content in leaves
Hlaváček, Viliam ; Vránová, Dana (oponent) ; Hrstka, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
The aim of the bachelor thesis was to optimize the conditions of the Rubisco enzyme quantity determination by the SDS-PAGE method and the determination of appropriate protein extraction method from plant tissue. Also the concentration range for which the method is linear was determined. Gels with different density ran under different voltages during the electrophoresis were tested for the aims of optimization. Also two different protein extraction methods were used. These were direct extraction to TRIS buffer and extraction with TCA/acetone method. The best results were obtained with protein separation on 8% gel and voltage of 90 V, while the volume of loaded sample was 5 µl. Under these conditions was the Rubisco great subunit band enough separated from the other protein bands, so that the densitometric evaluation provided better quality peaks with good baseline. The linearity of method under these conditions was in concentration range 0,125–1,0 mg of enzyme in 1 ml of sample. Direct extraction of the enzyme with TRIS buffer was less effective than the precipitation of proteins with trichloracetic acid in acetone followed with dissolution of the precipitate. The best buffer for the protein pellet dissolution was the thiourea buffer prepared according to Amalraj et al. [17]..

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