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Detekce spirochét lymské boreliózy v klinických vzorcích metodami PCR a optimalizace podmínek kultivace borelií ze vzorků pacientů s příznaky lymské boreliózy
The samples under investigation were collected in Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases of the University Hospital (Brno). Group of patients (100) was heterogeneous in terms of symptoms, age and sex. The samples were taken from patients with an LB diagnosis and from those with nonspecific symptoms. Molecular typing of LB spirochetes in clinical samples (104 blood/serum, 89 cerebro-spinal fluid and 1 synovial fluid) became necessary when the general immunological tests gave unclear results. The samples were analyzed using PCR-based and molecular biology techniques that include: nested- and spacer-PCR, specie-specific PCR, sequence, virtual hybridization, in silico RFLP analysis, similarity search. Results of conducted analysis confirmed that 51% of samples (98) were positive on B. bugrdorferi sensu lato. Using above mentioned techniques 6 spirochete species from B. burgdorferi sensu lato complex were identified; two of them weren?t detected in samples of human origin in Europe yet. Comparative analysis of two media for Borrelia cultivation from samples of human origin definitely proved the adventage of using MKP instead of traditionally used BSK-H Complete.

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