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Removal of PFASs from sewage sludge by pyrolysis
Hušek, Matěj
Our work aimed to describe PFASs behaviour at different pyrolysis temperatures (200 to 700 °C). We analysed 37 PFAS in sewage sludge samples and pyrolysis products. The temperature at which PFASs were removed from the sewage sludge at more than 99.0% was 400 °C, and at 600 °C, removal was more than 99.9%. As a result, it is recommended for commercial sludge pyrolysis units (larger volume, lower material homogeneity) that the process temperature be not lower than 600 °C. This recommendation is supported and demonstrated by the analyses of samples from the Bohuslavice Trutnov WWTP (CZE), where the sludge pyrolysis unit is in operation.\n
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