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Comparison of Transonic Flows Through Two Tip-Section Turbine Blade Cascades with Different Flat Profiles
Musil, Josef ; Příhoda, Jaromír ; Fürst, J. ; Luxa, Martin ; Šimurda, David
The contribution deals with numerical simulations of 2D compressible flow through two variants of the tip-section turbine blade cascade with a flat profile for the subsonic inlet. Simulations were realised by means of the OpenFOAM code using the γ-Reθ bypass transition model completed by the two-equation SST turbulence model. Predictions were focused particularly on the impact of the shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction on the flow structure in the inter-blade channel. Beside the effect of the inlet angle on the flow around the leading edge was studied. Numerical results were compared with optical and pressure experimental data.

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