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Design of modular tubular heat exchanger
Marx, Sven ; Turek, Vojtěch (oponent) ; Jegla, Zdeněk (vedoucí práce)
The main goal of this thesis is to get acquainted with the process requirements and the design of a cross flow heat exchanger, as well as evaluating the design with the help of simulation software. First the operation conditions for waste heat recovery and general design options are examined and the basic thermal and hydraulic equations are presented. The main part of this thesis concentrates on a modular cross flow tubular heat exchanger proposed for experimental research of the heat recovery and fouling process of the flue gas produced from the combustion of alternative at Brno University of Technology (BUT) at the Institute of Process Engineering (UPI). First the given situation in the testing laboratory is briefly explained. Then the simulation of the proposed heat exchanger design with the software HTRI is described and the results are summarized and compared with the target requirements for the design. The tube-side water flow distribution inside of one of four identical heat exchanger modules is analyzed with the help of CDF software using three different simulation approaches. Two approaches using the k--SST turbulence model and one using the k--Realizable turbulence model are described from generating the CAD model over meshing and setting the boundary condition to running the simulation. In the end the differences between the approaches and results of the flow distribution simulations are discussed.

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