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Measurements of Residual Reflectivity and Wavelength of Coated Laser Diodes
Růžička, Bohdan ; Lazar, Josef ; Wilfert, O.
This contribution presents experimental results obtained by deposition of double-layer system made by means of electron-beam vacuum evaporation technique. We oriented our effort to short-wavelength 633 - 635 nm laser diodes. These devices are emitting close to the wavelength of traditional He-Ne lasers with an intention to use them in extended-cavity laser design for metrological purposes. The resulting reflectivities were evaluated by measuring a testing plate of GaAs and by measuring a "modulation depth" of a coated diode emission spectra. Our best results were reflectivities well below 10 -4 and the repeatibility of the deposition process in a range not exceeding 2x10 -4 .

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