Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Arrays of plasmonic nanostructures made of phase-change materials
Kepič, Peter ; Kejík, Lukáš (oponent) ; Ligmajer, Filip (vedoucí práce)
The crystal structure of phase-change materials can be reconfigured by external stimuli, which often result in a change of materials electrical or magnetic properties. Although this effect has been already used to modulate plasmonic resonances in nanophotonics, it has not been fully examined for the two materials chosen in this work — vanadium dioxide (VO2) and iron-rhodium alloy (FeRh). Plasmonic resonances can be described as resonances of electromagnetic field in metallic nanostructures. With these nanostructures we are even able to modulate light. In this thesis, we firstly optimized electron beam lithography process for production of metal nanodiscs with 40–200nm diameters. Secondly, we measured an optical response of gold nanodiscs to better understand the nature of their plasmonic resonances and interactions between them. Lastly, we described the optimization of polycrystalline VO2 growth and measured optical responses of VO2 and FeRh nanodiscs during their respective phase transitions. Our observation of Mie’s resonances in the dielectric phase of the VO2 nanodiscs suggests, that they have a potential to act as tunable plasmonic resonators which switch from Mie’s resonances in the dielectric phase into plasmonic resonances in the metallic one. When measuring the FeRh nanodiscs, we observed plasmonic resonances in the visible part of the spectrum. These resonances can be used to facilitate FeRh transition from an anti-ferromagnetic to a ferromagnetic phase, as they could lower the required latent heat.
Arrays of plasmonic nanostructures made of phase-change materials
Kepič, Peter ; Kejík, Lukáš (oponent) ; Ligmajer, Filip (vedoucí práce)
The crystal structure of phase-change materials can be reconfigured by external stimuli, which often result in a change of materials electrical or magnetic properties. Although this effect has been already used to modulate plasmonic resonances in nanophotonics, it has not been fully examined for the two materials chosen in this work — vanadium dioxide (VO2) and iron-rhodium alloy (FeRh). Plasmonic resonances can be described as resonances of electromagnetic field in metallic nanostructures. With these nanostructures we are even able to modulate light. In this thesis, we firstly optimized electron beam lithography process for production of metal nanodiscs with 40–200nm diameters. Secondly, we measured an optical response of gold nanodiscs to better understand the nature of their plasmonic resonances and interactions between them. Lastly, we described the optimization of polycrystalline VO2 growth and measured optical responses of VO2 and FeRh nanodiscs during their respective phase transitions. Our observation of Mie’s resonances in the dielectric phase of the VO2 nanodiscs suggests, that they have a potential to act as tunable plasmonic resonators which switch from Mie’s resonances in the dielectric phase into plasmonic resonances in the metallic one. When measuring the FeRh nanodiscs, we observed plasmonic resonances in the visible part of the spectrum. These resonances can be used to facilitate FeRh transition from an anti-ferromagnetic to a ferromagnetic phase, as they could lower the required latent heat.

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