Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Social Network Analysis using methods of pattern recognition
Križan, Viliam ; Burget, Radim (oponent) ; Atassi, Hicham (vedoucí práce)
The diploma thesis deals with emotion recognition from texts on social media. The state-of-the-art methods of feature extraction, corpora and classifiers are described in the first section. Emotions are recognized by a classifier trained on annotated data from the microblog network Twitter. The advantage of using Twitter was the possibility to specify data collection to a certain geographical location. Geographical data allows to monitor emotional variations of population, for e.g. in different cities. The first task was to propose and develop a Baseline algorithm which classifies data to emotional classes. The classification accuracy is improved by employing a more complex SVM classifier. SVM classifiers, feature vectorizers and feature selectors are used from the Scikit library, which is written in Python. The data for classifier training were collected from the USA by the own developed mining application. The classifier are trained on data automatically annotated in the collection process. Two implementations of SVM classifiers are used. Final classified emotions that appear in different cities and in different time intervals are displayed as color markers on a map.
Social Network Analysis using methods of pattern recognition
Križan, Viliam ; Burget, Radim (oponent) ; Atassi, Hicham (vedoucí práce)
The diploma thesis deals with emotion recognition from texts on social media. The state-of-the-art methods of feature extraction, corpora and classifiers are described in the first section. Emotions are recognized by a classifier trained on annotated data from the microblog network Twitter. The advantage of using Twitter was the possibility to specify data collection to a certain geographical location. Geographical data allows to monitor emotional variations of population, for e.g. in different cities. The first task was to propose and develop a Baseline algorithm which classifies data to emotional classes. The classification accuracy is improved by employing a more complex SVM classifier. SVM classifiers, feature vectorizers and feature selectors are used from the Scikit library, which is written in Python. The data for classifier training were collected from the USA by the own developed mining application. The classifier are trained on data automatically annotated in the collection process. Two implementations of SVM classifiers are used. Final classified emotions that appear in different cities and in different time intervals are displayed as color markers on a map.

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