Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Perovskite solar cells
Poláková, Simona ; Zmeškal, Oldřich (oponent) ; Pospíšil, Jan (vedoucí práce)
The bachelor´s thesis deals with the study of perovskite solar cells. The theoretical part of this work is devoted to the stability of the perovskite layer and perovskite solar cells, especially chemical and thermal stability are discussed. Furthermore, deposition methods of perovskite active layer were described in more detail. The experimental part deals with the influence of the dropping of the diethyl ether solution during the deposition of the active layer (at different time intervals) on the final efficiency of solar energy conversion, with the preparation of the final perovskite solar cells and with the characterization of the basic electrical properties of the prepared structures.
Perovskite solar cells
Poláková, Simona ; Zmeškal, Oldřich (oponent) ; Pospíšil, Jan (vedoucí práce)
The bachelor´s thesis deals with the study of perovskite solar cells. The theoretical part of this work is devoted to the stability of the perovskite layer and perovskite solar cells, especially chemical and thermal stability are discussed. Furthermore, deposition methods of perovskite active layer were described in more detail. The experimental part deals with the influence of the dropping of the diethyl ether solution during the deposition of the active layer (at different time intervals) on the final efficiency of solar energy conversion, with the preparation of the final perovskite solar cells and with the characterization of the basic electrical properties of the prepared structures.

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