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A tool for generating a random configuration of a cyber arena
Matisko, Maroš ; Kolařík, Martin (oponent) ; Uher, Václav (vedoucí práce)
The master's thesis is focused on the design and implementation of a tool for generating configuration named Ansible. The result of using this tool is generated configuration, which contains random values chosen according to specified parameters and it was deployed on a virtual testing infrastructure. The theoretical part describes approaches of network automation in the process of deploying and configuration of network devices called Infrastructure as code. It also describes programme Ansible, which will be using the output of the implemented tool. The practical part of the thesis is focused on designing the functionality and internal structure of the tool, implementation of the tool and testing implemented tool as well as generated configuration.
A tool for generating a random configuration of a cyber arena
Matisko, Maroš ; Kolařík, Martin (oponent) ; Uher, Václav (vedoucí práce)
The master's thesis is focused on the design and implementation of a tool for generating configuration named Ansible. The result of using this tool is generated configuration, which contains random values chosen according to specified parameters and it was deployed on a virtual testing infrastructure. The theoretical part describes approaches of network automation in the process of deploying and configuration of network devices called Infrastructure as code. It also describes programme Ansible, which will be using the output of the implemented tool. The practical part of the thesis is focused on designing the functionality and internal structure of the tool, implementation of the tool and testing implemented tool as well as generated configuration.

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