Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Design of Power HIL unit for Li-pol cell simulation
Pribulla, Daniel ; Sova, Václav (oponent) ; Chalupa, Jan (vedoucí práce)
This thesis deals with design and construction of a Li-po cell Power-HIL simulator intended for testing of a small wireless module's powering. The simulator is based on a battery model which includes the influence of temperature and battery degradation on battery parameters. To estimate model parameters a series of tests on real Li-po cell with capacity 250mAh were performed. Charging and discharging tests were performed by different temperatures of the battery. In purpose of this test a simple thermal chamber was constructed. Design of the power electronics of the device was tested in the Simscape library of the Matlab Simulink. The result is a working prototype of the simulator tested for charging and discharging of batteries with capacity in range 100-1500 mAh. The simulator can be controlled with graphical user interface capable of setting the battery parameters and real time observation of the model variables.
Design of Power HIL unit for Li-pol cell simulation
Pribulla, Daniel ; Sova, Václav (oponent) ; Chalupa, Jan (vedoucí práce)
This thesis deals with design and construction of a Li-po cell Power-HIL simulator intended for testing of a small wireless module's powering. The simulator is based on a battery model which includes the influence of temperature and battery degradation on battery parameters. To estimate model parameters a series of tests on real Li-po cell with capacity 250mAh were performed. Charging and discharging tests were performed by different temperatures of the battery. In purpose of this test a simple thermal chamber was constructed. Design of the power electronics of the device was tested in the Simscape library of the Matlab Simulink. The result is a working prototype of the simulator tested for charging and discharging of batteries with capacity in range 100-1500 mAh. The simulator can be controlled with graphical user interface capable of setting the battery parameters and real time observation of the model variables.

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