Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
DER EINFLUSS GRENZÜBERSCHREITENDER ZUSAMMENARBEIT AUF DIE WETTBEWERBSFÄHIGKEIT VON EUROREGIONEN Die EUREGIO Bayerischer Wald-Böhmerwald-Unterer Inn und die Europaregion Donau Moldau als Motor für den niederbayerischen Grenzraum? Eine Fallstudie.
PLEINTINGER, Johanna Maria
In this master thesis the influence of cross-border cooperation on the competitiveness of Euroregions is researched on the example of the Lower Bavarian border region to wards the Czech Republic. The two examined Euroregions are the EUREGIO Bayer ischer Wald-Böhmerwald-Unterer Inn and Europaregion Donau-Moldau. Therefore four qualitative interviews were lead with five people working in these two organisa tions. The results of these interviews were then compared and related to relevant re searches about the study area and statistical data. The regional competitiveness was measured according to five selected indicators derived from the European Regional Competitiveness Index and the Pyramid Model from Lengyel and Lukovics: the human factor, economy, education, infrastructure and tourism. According to the work of the latter, the regional competitiveness was measured through the quality of life. The re sults show that cross-border cooperation can indeed contribute to increased competi tiveness.
RadioEurodistrict (RED) - History of the First French-German online radio (2004)
WALKER, Thomas
This paper has considered the history of the Radioeurodistrict (RED) which led to the difficulty of defining the concepts of Eurodistricts and Euroregions. A literature review was undertaken initially, and further information provided by a semi-structured interview with the general secretary of the Strasbourg-Ortenau Eurodistrict (the focus area). In order to understand the objectives to create a Eurodistrict the history of an established Eurégio (Germany-Netherlands) was examined as well as a Euroregion of the Centre-east of Europe (Poland-Czech Republic). The consideration of the history of war and conflict in these European regions further facilitated the understanding of the motivations which are shown to have changed over time. Since the main focus of this paper is the SOE, the motivations to form this Eurodistrict and its specific projects were described. By considering the functioning and administration of these regions, their complexity was examined. The SOE as an EGTC was addressed in relation to the finance and the administration and the role of INTERREG was discussed. The interview greatly enhanced the understanding of the functioning of the SOE. Reasons for the failure of RED radio were surmised and failure of the Eurodistricts examined. Some evidence of failure was provided by newspaper articles from as recent as this year as well as the interviewee who spoke of some of her difficulties. In order to improve future study, weaknesses in the questions asked are addressed and further research ideas put forward.
Cooperation in the field of culture, science, economy - a comparison on the example of South Bohemia and Upper Austria
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá Evropským regionem Dunaj-Vltava, Euregiem a vzájemnou spoluprací zúčastněných částí regionu v oblasti kultury a turismu, vysokých škol, vědy a podnikání. Na těchto čtyřech zmíněných úrovních probíhá již řadu let vzájemná kooperace na mnoha projektech. První část této diplomové práce je věnována historii a popisu Euregia a Evropského regionu Dunaj-Vltava obecně. Zároveň popisuje rozdíly mezi těmito uspořádáními a vymezuje pojem region. Další část se věnuje kooperaci v rámci regionu na již zmiňovaném území a popisuje dosavadní aktivity organizací, podniků, vysokých škol a kulturních institucí v rámci společných přeshraničních projektů. Tato část je rozdělena na několik kapitol, které se podrobněji věnují zmiňovaným kooperačním oblastem. Poslední část této diplomové práce hodnotí spolupráci v rámci regionu, která probíhá pouze mezi partnerskými regiony Evropského regionu Dunaj-Vltava a sice Horním Rakouskem a Jihočeským krajem.

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