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Material analysis of natural stone - sedimentary and crystalline limestone ("marble") - exact laboratory methods as a tool to determine the source area
Přikryl, Richard ; Šťastná, Aneta ; Kozlovcev, Petr ; Přikrylová, Jiřina ; Zamrazilová, Lenka
Metodika se zabývá hlavními postupy a analytickými rozbory, které lze využít k petrografickému a geochemickému popisu sedimentárních vápenců a mramorů, který poté slouží k určování jejich provenience. V metodice je diskutován rozsah použití jednotlivých metod pro popis sedimentárních a krystalických vápenců („mramorů“) a současné možnosti jejich petrografické klasifikace. Předkládaná metodika je určena pro oblast památkové péče, která využívá výsledků materiálových rozborů objektů kulturního dědictví – sochařských výtvarných děl, architektonických prvků a staveb, zhotovených ze sedimentárního nebo krystalického vápence. Výsledky, dosažené pomocí postupů, navržených v této metodice by měly přispět: (1) ke zpřesnění znalostí o materiálu; (2) ke sjednocení postupů, používaných při klasifikaci vápenců a mramorů; (3) k nalezení zdrojové lokality či alespoň oblasti, z níž byl přírodní kámen (vápenec a mramor) odebírán; (4) k hledání vhodného náhradního typu vápence nebo mramoru při nutnosti výměny; (5) k poznání vhodných postupů při restaurování objektů ze sedimentárního nebo krystalické vápence. Oblast využití této metodiky je tedy při předrestaurátorských materiálových průzkumech památek, na nichž byl použit příslušný typ přírodního kamene, tedy vápenec nebo mramor. Předložená metodika je určena širšímu okruhu specialistů, kteří se podílejí na předrestaurátorských materiálových průzkumech památek, nebo rozbor zadávají, či výsledky průzkumu potřebují pro volbu vhodné strategie restaurování. Metodika byla certifikována dne 28. 5. 2015, Osvědčení č. 34(č.j. MK 3363/2015 OVV; sp. zn. MK-S 115/2015 OVV).
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Geologická charakteristika vybraných pískoven na Opavsku
Šiplák, Petr
This bachelor thesis deals with a problem of geological characteristics of particular sandpits in Opava area. As an illustrative example for the purpose of this thesis, the typical sandpits from this area were chosen. The origin of these sandpits is mostly the result of the continental glaciations in the Quaternary period and there are deposited the glaciofluvial sediments. In the selected sandpits, the mineral, rock and soil samples were taken and processed in a laboratory later. In addition, this thesis is also focused on the future use of sandpits after the mining will be finished, the influence of the mining on the ecosystem around as well as recultivation intentions. Besides, the other possible variations, which could be used in this process, are compared.
Geologická a dendrologická charakteristika širšího okolí lomů Hranice a Černotín
Volek, Adam
Adam Volek: Geological and dendrological characteristics of wider area of limestone quarries in Hranice and Černotín The main topic of this thesis is a geological and dendrological characteristics of wider area of limestone quarries in Hranice and Černotín. These quarries are located to the east of Hranice and they are surrounded by villages Černotín, Hluzov and Teplice nad Bečvou. In the theoretical part of this thesis is described the geological structure of the Hranice Paleozoic, especially with a detailed description of Hluzov hill, which is bearing limestone for Cement Factory Hranice. In nearby quarries is located Hranice karst, which is known for its karst hydrothermal activity that gave rise to a unique karst formations. There is also indicated the characteristic structure of the local forest, influenced by the limestone bedrock. In the author's own research, there is attention to the newly formed soils in areas affected by mining activities. It was done a chemical analysis of the soil, the monitoring of succession in both quarries in response to the ongoing reclamation. In the dendrological part of the research, it was compared the structure of the forest belonging to the protected areas and economic forests.
Analysis of the interest in intimate nature at primary and secondary school in the area of Chrudim
The aim of the bachelor thesis is analysis of the interest in inanimate nature of respondents from five primary schools and three secondary schools in the area of Chrudim. The thesis has theoretical and practical parts. The first part is focused on the description of research methodology, motivation and leisure activities, and the description of basic factors affecting student's interest in inanimate nature. The practical part has dealt with the author's research consisted of questionnaire survey among the students (134 respondents) and structured interviews with the teachers (4 respondents). The obtained results show that geological topics, i.e. inanimate nature, are not favourite theme for the students at primary and secondary schools. There are no significant differences between girls and boys, as well as between students of primary and secondary schools. The results have proved that unpopularity of geology (inanimate nature) is caused mostly by insufficient time devoted to this theme at schools, which is currently one lecture a week. During this lecture it is necessary to go through and explain large amount of new terms and knowledge from geology. Therefore, there is a shortage of time for favourite practical examples in lectures or excursions to the nature.
Půdy dinarské oblasti - management a ochrana
Bešťák, Ondřej
The aim of this bachelor's thesis was issue and management of Dinaric area. It focused on geomorhological, geological and pedological aspects this area. It consists of area's geomorphology, climate and land using. In the next part there is a article about geological and geomorphological evolution of Croatia and erosion like very important aspect and impact on it like fire and wind.. The last part describe of legislative of Croatia and their effect on landscape protection.
The influence of teaching methods on practical skills of pupils determination of minerals and rocks
The presented bachelor thesis aims to find out how teaching methods can influence practical skills of the 9th grade pupils at primary school in geology especially during the determination of minerals and rocks. Data source was derived from structured interviews with teachers of geology (respectively biology), testing of the pupils and analysis of the textbooks used in the studied schools. The research was located in district Jihlava. The results of research show that pupils acquire better knowledge if using of the collection of minerals and rocks is practically integrated within teaching process. Moreover pupils are more interested in the subject matter if teachers use practical teaching methods than those are verbal.
Popularization of Basic Geology Processes for Pupils between 11 and 12 Years Old in Form of Publication
The main goal of this research was to create a geological publication for children between 11 and 12 years old, which could be used in extracurricular education. The outcome is a publication with 10 A4 size pages. Each page is independent and can be used separately. The publication was tested on group of 87 children. Most of the children found it useful but for some of them it was too childish. The possibility of using the publication for younger children in future research is discussable.
Comparison of content knowledge in geology among students of junior secondary grammar schools and 2. level primary schools in České Budějovice
ŠÍREK, Vladimír
Comparison of content knowledge in geology among students of junior secondary grammar schools and 2. level primary schools in České Budějovice. Bachelor thesis. Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. Department of Biology. The author deals with evaluating of the level of knowledge of inanimate nature with pupils of 9th grades primary school; and quarts of secondary grammar schools in selected schools in České Budějovice. The level of authentication is carried out by using a didactic test. Before the actual % criti.:ation apretesthas been conducted, which tested a smaller sample of respondents. Based on the pre-test results, questions of the research test, which have been subsequently used in schools for the purpose of research, were modified. The work aims at su1% eving the actual content knowledge of pupils at both types of educational institutions and point; out areas in geology with which students may have difficulty. This Bachelor thesis was created under a project GA JU 065/2010/s.

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