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Methods and steps for quality problem solving for industrial practice
Konečný, Zdeněk ; Kosina, Petr (referee) ; Novotný, Radovan (advisor)
This work deals with approaches and methods, which uses for purposes problem solving with quality (planning and improving quality), and software tools every method. Basic sight this work is give information on existent methods. In practical part are introduce case studies of basic methods for problem solving with quality.
Methods and steps for quality problem solving for industrial practice
Konečný, Zdeněk ; Kosina, Petr (referee) ; Novotný, Radovan (advisor)
This work deals with approaches and methods, which uses for purposes problem solving with quality (planning and improving quality), and software tools every method. Basic sight this work is give information on existent methods. In practical part are introduce case studies of basic methods for problem solving with quality.
The enrichment of Saguinus oedipus in zoo Ohrada
Environmental enrichment is method, which helps to improve the welfare and complexity of the environment of animals in captivity. It is an improvement of their habitats with elements which support natural behaviour, physical fitness and welfare of animals and reduce stereotypic behaviour which animals in captivity often tend to, due to the lack of activity. Practical work was performed at the zoo Ohrada Hluboka nad Vltavou. The objective was to compare and evaluate behavioural studies without enrichment and with enrichment of six individual cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus). The result is that used food enrichment improves the activity of all individuals, and reduces the time which tamarinds spend in inactivity. It has had a positive influence on enrichment and feeding behaviour and time spent playing.
European External Action Service: Study 3.089
Urbanová, Klára
Jednou z klíčových změn, které přinesla Lisabonská smlouva je vytvoření funkce Vysokého představitele pro zahraniční věci a bezpečnostní politiku, který předsedá Radě EU pro vnější vztahy a který je zároveň místopředsedou Evropské komise. Institucionálně se tak propojily dvě klíčové složky zahraniční politiky EU. Na tento post byla navržena dne 19. listopadu 2009 na neformálním zasedání šéfů států a vlád členských států EU v Bruselu Catherine Ashton z Velké Británie. Stalo se tak těsně před vstupem Lisabonské smlouvy v platnost dne 1. prosince 2009. Evropská služba pro vnější činnost (ESVČ), někdy také označovaná jako diplomatický sbor Evropské unie, je poté zcela novým útvarem jenž přináší Lisabonská smlouva.
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Confrontation of western and eastern spirituality: options and limitations of contemporary approaches the transcendent
The thesis deals with examination of the transcendent in relation to the human being through intraspective and extraspective analysis of some typical differences of eastern and western approach to being. Pointing out some fundamental differences on extraspective level. Searching for possible similarities on intraspective level ? real, imaginary and possible. Inspiration with Jung's collective unconsciousness and individuation process as the possible key to understanding the essence of human as focus of relation of an universal and an individual. The transcendent as a collective goal, or source of conflict? Are eastern and western approaches the transcendent compatible? Is there some essence of the transcendent, which is universal and points to some unbiased form of experience? Integration of consciousness and unconsciousness as the fundamental joint of East and West.
Visual expression of emotions and the work upon human
The main theme of this Bachelor's thesis are emotions. The goal is to clarify this concept, and then apply it to the context of fine art. The work is divided into part of the theoretical and practical. In the part dealing with the theories has to be clarified the relationship of emotions and colors, but mainly the display of emotion through visual art. Further emphasis is placed on the impact of the work on the viewer emotional page. This phenomenon is analysed in chronological order from the beginning of mankind until the present. The practical part includes a triptych of paintings focusing on the topic of emotions, the description of the painting process, including the inspiration of resources and subsequent consideration of their effects.
Linoryt collection on the topic: Animals in Action
JÍLKOVÁ, Michaela
This thesis is practically and theoreticaly composed. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with visual processing of the theme ?The Animal? in the past, including both graphics and drawing too. The thesis also discusses capture of animal movements in the artistic way. Mentioned are authors with art works in the field connected with the thesis theme, and their influence on my work. Besides other topics the discussion on usage of the technique within the educational practice is included. Practical part of thesis includes the set of fourteen prints in formats A3 and A4. The prints are processed in both black and white and color by use of the reliéf printing, specifically linocut, combined with watercolor coloring.
The Period of Work of Actor Miroslav Macháček on The Stage of České Budějovice.
The aim of this bachelor thesis is the reconstuction of the actions of Miroslav Macháček in the role of actor and director in the theater in České Budějovice. Although this period represents a short time in Machaček?s profesional career, his work is signicifantly written in the history of the South Bohemian theater. In politicaly complicated situation of the second half of the twentieth century Macháček?s negative political attitude caused him various of professional and personal troubles. These circumstances created an interesting background in his work. Using available sources and information this thesis should give a comprehensive view of the work of Miroslav Macháček on the scene of the South Bohemian theatre.
Land Art Inspiration in the Leisure Time Activities
In my work I concern with art of landart and use of it´s elements in work with children in their leisure time. The aim of mine is to verify and prove that we can also put the elements of landart in leisure time activities. In my theoretic part I try to describe the education in leisure time, mainly in relation to aesthetic spare-time activities and group of children in pubescent peri-od. This part also describe landart as itself, it´s history and the most important representatives. Further I concentrate on connection of landart and education of leisure time. The practical part describes the realized action, which was inspirated by lan-dart. In this part is also enrolled it´s motivational part, process and evaluation.
Imprisonment of minor offenders
VÁVROVÁ, Kateřina
Youth criminality is a constant problem which a number of specialists, legislative bodies, and the whole public deal with. A number of negative phenomenons occurring in the area of this population, e.g. spreading of drugs among younger and younger age groups and related increase of criminality undoubtedly play a leading role. However, it is known that bare repression is ineffective and means of educational activities are much more effective. Occurrence of social pathological phenomenons, their dynamics and changes are an indivisible part of the society. Grounds enabling occurrence of these phenomenons change very little. Heritability, constitutional factors, family, school, peer pressure, inappropriate spending free time as well as media influence and ethnical origin have an impact. Responsibility of the youth for unlawful acts is laid down by the Act No. 218/2003 Coll., on the Liability of Youth for Unlawful Acts and on Justice in Matters of Youth and Amending Certain Acts (Act on Justice in Matters of Youth). The purpose of the Act is defined particularly from the view of prevention of unlawful activities of the youth that is a basic group to which the attention of the whole justice and society is to be paid, so that every member of this group who committed an illegal act, no matter he is a juvenile or a child younger than fifteen years, is treated in accordance with this Act, he contributes to rectifying the injury resulting from the unlawful act within his strengths and abilities, a convenient and appropriate measure is imposed on him, and he finds a social asserting corresponding to his abilities and intellectual and moral development as a definitive result. Preventive activities aimed against youth criminality always and in the whole scope require respecting basic children rights and rights for privacy of their family. Children rights must be observed from primary to tertiary prevention, from searching threatened children and their families to treatment of guilty children. The most significant tool of social prevention is education of children in families and education of children at school. The aim of the thesis was to find out grounds leading to custodial detention of a juvenile offender and to find indications which could help to positively or negatively affect educational impact on the juvenile in the prison.

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