National Repository of Grey Literature 598 records found  beginprevious567 - 576nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The role of the nurse by patient with Holter transmitted home
Diseases of the cardiovascular system rank among the most frequent causes of death. This thesis called ``The role of the nurse taking care of patients with the Holter monitor when they are discharged home`` deals with this non-invasive examination of the cardiovascular system. Timely diagnostics is of high importance to show a number of diseases. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with diseases of the cardiovascular system. The diseases mentioned include: the syncope, arrhythmia, ischemic heart disease and hypertension. Further, it deals with the non-invasive examination by means of the Holter monitor, which is connected with the diseases mentioned before. This is followed by informing the patient in connection with this examination, communication skills of the medical staff with the patient and the education in this non-invasive examination. The practical part of the thesis lays down three objectives. The first objective was to find out whether patients with the Holter monitor, when being discharged home, have sufficient information on this examination. The second objective focused on nurses, and finding out the way nurses view their role as the educator of the patients with the Holter monitor. The third objective was to find out whether patients were afraid of this examination. Next, three hypotheses were set up. The first hypothesis supposed that nurses working in outpatient and inpatient cardiac care facilities had enough information on the electrocardiograph monitoring and blood pressure by means of the Holter monitor. The second hypothesis supposed patients with the Holter monitor, when being discharged home had sufficient information on this examination. The third hypothesis supposed that nurses educated patients with the Holter monitor on discharging them home. All objectives were fulfilled and hypotheses confirmed. To fulfil the objectives and confirm the hypotheses, I used the quantitative method. To collect data I used a questionnaire for patients and another one for nurses. The research set consisted of nurses working in selected outpatient facilities of the Kardiologie Medipont s.r.o. and Kardioecho s.r.o. in České Budějovice and in selected inpatient cardiac care facilities. Further, a questionnaire investigation with patients with the Holter monitor from the same health care facilities as the nurses. 80 questionnaires were handed out to patients and 80 questionnaires to the nurses. 53 questionnaires were given back by the patients and 39 questionnaires by the nurses. This thesis could acquaint the public and medical staffs with the prevention and symptoms of cardiovascular diseases, thus attracting their attention to the importance of timely diagnostics and treatment. Further, it could be of beneficial to inform the health care facilities the survey was conducted in, with the results. Nurses have a lot of roles during their work. Their role as the educator, which undoubtedly ranks among them, is essential in the diagnostics by the Holter monitor.
The role of the nurse providing therapeutic care for the patient embarking on a hemodialysis program, being on the kidney transplant waiting list.
Abstract In the bachelor thesis we are dealing with the question ,,A role of the nurse in care of the hemodialysed patient waiting for kidney transplantation.`` In the theoretical part we have been dealing especially with the role of the nurse, nursing care of the hemodialysed patient waiting for kidney transplantation and also with the educational activities of the nurses. The goal of the research was to determine the role of the nurse from the patient{\crq}s viewpoint, the next goal was to determine how well are the patients informed about the hemodialysis program and the regime measures resulting from it and furthermore what roles result for the nurse from the nursing care of patients within the hemodialysis program. A method of a quantitative research with the use of anonymous questionnaires has been used for determination of the set goals and for verification of the preset hypotheses. The research set was formed of nurses working in the medical department and the hemodialysis department of the Hospital in České Budějovice, a.s., as well as of patients from the department where the research was conducted. A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed to nurses and 50 questionnaires to patients. The return rate was 62% for nurses and 70% for patients. Three hypotheses were preset within the research. In the first hypothesis we have assumed that the patients percieve the role of the nurse as an indispensable part of the nursing care. The first hypothesis has been confirmed. In the second hypothesis we have assumed that the patients in the hemodialysis program have enough information regarding the regime measures resulting from the problems of hemodialysis and kidney transplantation. The second hypothesis has been confirmed. In the third hypothesis we have assumed that the nurses within the nursing process by patients in the hemodialysis program represent a role of an educator for the most part. The third hypothesis has been confirmed as well. The results of the conducted research may lead to an improved awareness of the patients about the hemodialysis program and the regime measures resulting from it and also could be utilized as a feeback for nurses working with the hemodialysis patients. The nurses should be more and more actively interested in patient`s feelings. Furthermore they should have better supervision of patients` observance of the regime measures, although especially the patients should be responsible for their own health, because the regime measures play an indispensable role in the therapy process during the malfunction of kidneys. Furthermore it is important that the nurses actively offer help to patients who need it and try to ensure a quality nursing care, while the greatest reward for the nurse should be the patient{\crq}s satisfaction. It would be convenient to inform the head as well as stationary nurses about the results of the conducted research who would subsequently hand over this information to other nurses who work with the hemodialysed patients. Moreover this work may serve as a material for students who will be interested in these problems. Furthermore this work could lead to extension of educational activities of students regarding the problems of hemodialysed patients.
The observance of the national accredited standards concerning the patient{\crq}s rights in the selected health establishment
The topic of this bachelor thesis is "Observation of national accreditation standards concerning rights of patients in the selected healthcare facility ". The main research objective was to map observation of rights of hospitalized patients in conformity with the accreditation standards. Four hypotheses were set up. The first hypothesis "Each patient is after the hospitalization informed about his/her rights". The second hypothesis "Patients are kept informed about all facts concerning their health condition". The third hypothesis "The information provided to each patient by the nurse within the education process is sufficient". The fourth hypothesis "The nurses posses sufficient knowledge about means of immobilization and restriction of patients". A quantitative research survey has been used to achieve our goals. The method of the research survey was inquiry through questionnaires. Two types of questionnaires were used for data collection. Questionnaires for patients and questionnaires for nurses were distributed in the hospital Nemocnice České Budějovice, a.s. The resulting data were processed into tables and diagrams using SPSS 15.0 and Microsoft Office Excel software. The results have shown that the first hypothesis was not confirmed: not all patients were informed about their rights after the hospitalization. The second hypothesis was confirmed: the patients have sufficient information about their health condition. The third hypothesis was not confirmed: the results failed to meet the purpose of the accreditation standard. The education of patients performed by the nurses is insufficient and, if the education is provided, the nurses fail to record in into the respective documents. Despite that, the patients assessed the education by nurses favorably. The fourth hypothesis was confirmed: the nurses have demonstrated sufficient knowledge about the application of restriction means. The bachelor thesis will be provided to the deputy director in charge of nursing in the hospital Nemocnice České Budějovice. The results may serve as a guideline for implementation of corrective actions and for preparation of the accreditation survey. I would like this bachelor thesis to serve not only to healthcare professionals but also to the general public as a valuable source of information about patients´ rights.
Philosophical Ethical Aspects of Upbringing and Education
Substantiality and sense of the work is charting of the historical evolution of the affinity between and children and the indisputable qualitative movement towards child´s (or if zou like pupil´s) needs and possibilities. Within this evolution the work presents the board range of opinions and ways not only from the sections of pedagogy but psychology, philosophy and theology too. It showa obvious and less obvious mistakes and isufficiencies by many exemples, which perprtrate - in former times and nowadays - those who participate in the upbringing and education of children. They strive to afford (propose) some clues on how you can beware of those insufficiencies or how reduce them. There are many citations of importhant ideas of the front experts from out prenominant branches in this work, subserve for quiding for the author of the work.
Nutrition Guidance for Colostomy Patients in South Bohemian Hospitals of Písek, České Budějovice and Tábor Before They Are Discharged Home.
There are about 10 -11 thousand colostomy patients in the Czech Republic nowadays. As the number of these patients goes up a system of complex nurse treatment should be prepared. Applying a colostomy bag means a deep inroad into patients´ personal, working and social lives. A stoma nurse help the patients to overcome new problems and difficulties. She also guides them in the care of stoma itself as well as of the diet. A specific nutrition is necessary to be followed as it can improve patients´ lives a lot. The aim of this work is to find out how much colostomy patients and nurses know about nutrition and drinking regime before patients are discharged home and if nurses in South Bohemian hospitals inform the patients. There were two hypotheses stated at the beginning. H1: Colostomy patients have enough information about nutrition and drinking regime before they are discharged. H2: Nurses inform patients about nutrition and drinking regime. To collect all necessary data, the method of questioning was used. Forty patients and sixty nurses in surgical wards were asked to fill in the questionnaires. The rate of return in all hospitals mentioned above was 100%. The patient questionnaires consisted of twenty questions and the nurse questionnaires of eighteen. Both hypotheses were proved, colostomy patients are informed about nutrition principles and nurses give them further information. The findings of the work will be offered to surgical ward sisters of the hospitals where the survey was done. They could be used for presenting at professional seminars for stoma and other surgical nurses who work with colostomy patients.
Education in pre - hospital acute care
This Graduation Paper covers the subject of education provided to patients as a part of their urgent pre-hospitalization care. Since the education has become an integral component of health care, the paramedical members of rescue teams have to deliver it before the care itself is provided. The theoretic section of the Paper deals with pedagogics as the basic discipline of education; with the education of patients going through the urgent pre-hospitalization care; and with the autodiagnostics and self-reflection of the paramedical rescuers, which are essential conditions of their improvement in the art of providing education. As an important part of the theoretical section comes communication, first and foremost communication as a means used to create a relation of mutual trust between the patient and the paramedical rescuer, but also communication with patients having specific needs such as those hard of hearing, patients with partial sight or similar disabilities. The final part of the theoretical section treats the issues of ethics as encountered in the urgent pre-hospitalization care. The practical section of the Paper presents the results of a quantitative survey encompassing two research sets. The first set consisted of paramedical rescuers based in Emergency Centers in the towns of Tábor and České Budějovice; the second set comprised patients treated by the Paramedical Rescue Service staff operating from the above-specified Centers. The survey, carried out as a quantitative survey, relied on questionnaires containing 13 questions for the paramedical rescuers and 12 so-called closed questions (with predefined optional answers) for the patients. The questions were asked so as to reveal whether the paramedical rescuers educated the patients undergoing the urgent pre-hospitalization care, and whether the rescuers' educational performance depended on their own level of education completed. The survey concluded that the university educated paramedical rescuers achieved much better educational performance than those having completed vocational high-school or general high-school education.
Nursing problems with a client suffering from pollen allergy
The seasonal allergic rhinitis, pollinosis, is the most common allergic disorder the occurrence of which, as well as other allergies, has substantially increased over recent years. It affects up to one fifth of population. This type of allergy may develop at any time during the lifetime, but it most frequently occurs between ages 15 and 25. The topic of the thesis is: Aspects of nursing in patients suffering from allergic rhinitis. The aim of my thesis was to find out if patients are familiar with regimen measures in allergic rhinitis, the role of a nurse in an allergic rhinitis patient´s education, if patients show interest in obtaining information on allergic rhinitis and which information sources on allergic rhinitis are used by patients. The coverage of the issue is based on specialist literature and the quantitative research conducted. The quantitative research is composed of two parts. The first research group was formed by patients suffering from allergic rhinitis who come to allergist´s office. The questionnaire technique was used to collect relevant data. The other research group was composed of nurses working in allergist´s offices. The data were gained by the interview method, the technique of a structured interview. The first hypothesis predicating that patients do not know the regimen measures was rejected both by the questionnaire technique and the interview method. The second hypothesis stating that nurses do not educate patients with allergic rhinitis was also rejected both by the questionnaire investigation and the structured interview. The third hypothesis claiming that patients do not show interest in obtaining information on allergic rhinitis was rejected both by the questionnaire technique and the interview method. The fourth hypothesis presuming that the most frequent source of information on allergic rhinitis are information brochures was confirmed by the questionnaire research. In my thesis I used excerpts from 22 resources of Czech and foreign literature dealing not only with the topic of allergic rhinitis.
Psoriasis as a stigma
For elaborating my thesis I have chosen the topic: {\clqq}Psoriasis like stigma``. Taking into consideration that at present the public is interested in a number of diseases I would like more attention is paid to this stigmatized affection. I hold my interest in focusing my thesis on the stigmatization, because I know from clients with psoriasis that they really feel quite a number of problems in certain areas. My thesis is focused on two wholes, namely on theoretical and empirical parts. The first part of the theoretical part deals with problems of psoriasis, its forms, initiating mechanisms, manifestations and methods of treatment of this disease. The second part of the theoretical part deals with stigma, explanation of the concept stigma, what is the attitude of the society towards psoriatics, what is their position in their families, in work etc. In the empirical part my goal was to find out, whether the people with psoriasis are stigmatized and in which areas of life the psoriatics perceive their disease like stigma, whether they feel restricted in partnerships, working relationships and leisure time activities. Within a quantitative survey the data collection technique was applied {--} a questionnaire. The questionnaire was intended for the clients with psoriasis enlisted especially through the direct contact from the server, further relatives, acquaintances and clients of Hospital České Budějovice. Overall 94 questionnaires were distributed. The questionnaire consisted of 34 questions concerning hypotheses. The clients with psoriasis introduced they feel restricted the most within the leisure time activities. In the empirical part I was gratified that the general nurses and physician have a great credit of psoriatics{\crq} awareness of their disease and help them to cope with the disease. I see the greatest problem in lack of information on psoriasis of the public. This disclosure leads to take a think of an improvement of the public awareness of this disease. As a proposal of this problem solution I propound to inform the public more so that the people get to know more information on psoriasis not only from physicians and nurses, but also from patients themselves being afflicted with the disease. The survey results can further serve as grounds for further study of the problems.
Sexuality and Body Image of Pacients with Cancer
WODECKÁ, Miroslava
Abstract The title of the presented bachelor paper is Sexuality and Body Image of Patients with Cancer. Care of patients with cancer is multidisciplinary not only from the medical and nursing point of view, but also from the social point of view. Only recently the expert community in health field has concentrated on sociopsychological needs of patients with cancer as well as their families. Sexuality and body image accompany person through his/her lifetime and serious illness may have an adverse effect on self-consciousness or our experiencing. Cancer and its treatment, its adverse effects and impact of treatment on patient´s organism and mental condition are specified in the theoretical part of this bachelor paper. This part comprises basic nursing interventions, strategies how to solve questions of sexuality of patients with cancer and also unsubstitutable educational role of a nurse. At the end of the theoretical part we pay attention to sociopsychological interventions which are applied on patients with cancer. The work itself aims to find out how nurses are prepared to educate patients in the field of sexuality and body image. To this end two working hypotheses were defined. In the first hypothesis we presumed that nurses were not sufficiently prepared to educate patients with cancer in the field of sexuality, and in the second one we presumed that the main difficulty as to why the education of patients in the given field was neglected was a communication barrier on the part of medical staff. Another goal of this bachelor paper was to determine the degree of influence of perception of one´s own body and sexuality in consequence of treatment and to find out whether patients with cancer had enough information on impact of illness and its treatment on their sexuality and body image. With this goal in view 3 survey questions were defined. The first one related to the development of sense of worse self-respect as a consequence of the illness. The second question focused on decrease of sex appeal of patients with cancer and the third one concentrated on awareness of illness consequences in the field of patient´s sexuality. On the basis of the survey made, Hypothesis 1 (H1) has been affirmed, namely that nurses are not prepared to educate patients with cancer in the sexuality field. Hypothesis 2 (H2) has been disconfirmed. Survey results have indicated that the main barrier as to why the education of patients in the field of sexuality is neglected is not communication but the fact that it is considered unethical to patients. Other hypotheses have been educed from the defined survey questions, namely Hypotheses 3, 4 and 5 (hereinafter referred to as H3, H4, and H5). H3: Consequences of cancer treatment lead to worse self-respect of patients. H4: Consequences of cancer treatment lead to sense of decreased sex appeal. H5: Patients with cancer lack information on consequences of treatment in the field of sexuality. Patients most lack information on how to communicate with their partners about complications. The survey was carried out with medical staff who work at oncology wards, gynaecology and surgery ward of FN Plzen and with patients with cancer. To draw necessary information from medical staff, we used the technique of data acquisition - questionnaire. Qualitative research was used at patients; data were collected by informal interview in home environment of respondents.
The role of educative nurse in the infectious diseases ward
One of very important competences of nurses is educational activity. This research is focused on the educational activity pursued by nurses in isolation wards {--} how the nurses perform the educational activity, in what manners the activity is conducted and what problems inhibit nurses from performing the activity. It also examines clients{\crq} awareness and their opinions on the information provided by nurses. The objective of the thesis was to ascertain implementation of the educational process in isolation wards {--} to ascertain clients{\crq} awareness of the care of their health in isolation wards and to ascertain preparedness of nurses to perform the educational activity. In order to fulfill this objective and to confirm hypotheses, a quantitative research using the method of examination through questionnaires was applied. Two questionnaires were drawn up: one for the recipients of the educational activity {--} patients/clients and the other one for the providers of the educational activity {--} nurses. The examination through questionnaires was undertaken by 177 informants of which 96 were patients/clients and 81 nurses. The data were processed by way of the descriptive statistics using diagrams. The research was conducted in five hospitals. Three hypotheses were raised. Nurses working in isolation wards perform the educational activity. Clients of isolation wards are informed about the care for their health. A general nurse of an isolation ward possesses skills to perform the educational role. All the three hypotheses have been confirmed on the basis of the implementation and the analysis of the research. It follows from the data analysis that the educational activity pursued by nurses is important. A positive finding is that the nurses working in isolation wards implement the educational process, feel the need of further training in the area of education and communication, and are interested in application of their competences also in particular areas of the work with HIV-positive clients and with the clients suffering from chronic infectious hepatitis. It is obvious from the research that the objectives that had been set have been attained. It is necessary to address the topic henceforth since some problems have appeared in the educational process, hindering nurses from performing the educational activity. These are insufficient spatial, time and material conditions that can be solved through the proposed organizational and personnel measures.

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