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Place into the Penitentiary as an alternative of an execution of a punishment.
My diploma thesis deals with two institutes of penal law ?detention and a court-ordered institutional education. The aim of the study was to tackle the issue theoretically and empirically, to give a comprehensive picture of both alternatives and to compare them. The aim was to add some information to contribute to decision-making in detention or alternative solutions in the issue of juvenile delinquency. The thesis is divided into two sections - theoretical and empirical. In the theoretical part, the legal basis of detention in the Czech Republic with regard to juvenile delinquents is defined, psychosocial issues of the juvenile delinquents detention are surveyed, the legislative base of the placement of juveniles into educational institutions is described, and the psychosocial issues connected with the stay of juvenile delinquents in educational institutions are outlined. In the final part, the possibilities and limits of the juvenile delinquents´ placement into educational institutions rather than detention solutions are discussed. At the beginning of the empirical section of the work, the objectives and research questions were stated. To answer these questions, a qualitative research investigation analyzing the stay of juveniles in detention and an educational institution was carried out. The respondents were chosen by a purposeful selection in educational institutions. The necessary data were obtained by conducting modeled semi-structured interviews with 7 juveniles who had gone through both detention and an educational institute. The interviews were transcribed and case studies were developed from them. The collected data were analyzed using the grounded theory method, open coding. The research has shown differences in experiencing detention and the stay in an educational institution in juvenile delinquents. It has been proved that detention is a stressful situation for juvenile delinquents, but it does not have a destructive affect on the personality of the juvenile. In contrast, the stay in an educational institution was evaluated positively by the respondents, and they emphasized its positive effect on their personalities. The research has also revealed the reasons for incidents in educational institutions, which result from boredom and the unwillingness of the juvenile to adapt to the regime. Now findings of the thesis demonstrate an insufficient use of the programs offered in penitentiaries. For this reason, as an optimization recommendation, I suggest to increase awareness and the motivation of prisoners to participate in these programs.
Bite of dog by children in South of Bohemia
Dog bites are becoming an ever more urgent issue. This is caused by the increasing numbers of pets. Children and senior citizens are the most frequent victims of dog bites. Dog bites are caused mostly by cuspids and carnassials teeth. Depending on the intensity of the jaw squeeze the resulting injury is an imprint, scratch, contusion with hemorrhage or stab wound. If the jaw squeeze is very strong even an amputation may occur, particularly of fingers, nose and external ear. Injuries caused by dog bites are mostly of a laceration {--} contusion character. Older children are most frequently injured on limbs, particularly arms. The second, in terms of frequency, are wounds and injuries of head and neck, followed by trunk injuries. In children under 4 years of age the injuries of head and neck account for up to 2/3 of all injuries caused by dog bites. The consequences may include a lifelong trauma. Therefore the issue should not be underestimated and dog attacks should be prevented. The objective of my bachelor thesis was to identify and compare the number of dog attacks against children and youth in towns and municipalities in the South Bohemian region. The objective of the thesis has been met. The research sought to confirm or to rebut the following hypotheses: H: There is a correlation between the number of dog attacks and the size of a municipality or town, H1: There is a correlation between the size of a dog breed and the number of attacks, H2: An absolute majority of all injuries caused by dogs does not require medical intervention H3: An absolute majority of all injuries caused by dogs occurs in the home environment, H4: An absolute majority of a the inquired respondents were attacked by their own dogs. The hypothesis H has been confirmed. Attacks by dogs are three times more frequent in villages than in towns. The hypothesis H1 has not been confirmed. The percentages of attacks are nearly the same for big and small breeds. The difference consisted of 10 %. The hypothesis H2 has been confirmed. 81% of injuries caused by dog attacks were treated at home. The hypothesis H3 has been confirmed. An absolute majority of injuries caused by dogs occurred at home or in the garden - own, in gardens of friends or neighbors. The hypothesis H4 has been rebutted. 33% of the approached respondents were bitten by their own dogs. The results of the research have shown that only 11 of the approached respondents were instructed by their teachers about what to do in case of a dog bite. The answers indicate that the issue of dog bite is missing in the school curriculum. The situation can be improved by implementation of preventive programs dealing with the issue and by expanding the school curriculum. The dog training and canistherapy association Hafík conducts prevention programs in nursery schools as a part of a therapy with the assistance of animals. The association Hafík might also cooperate with schools.
Probation and Mediation Service as an Important Factor of Juvenile Delinquent Resocialisation
Juvenile delinquency has become a common problem concerning all of us. Crime comitted by young people has risen in our society so there is a need to pay attention to the juvenile behaviour and try to prevent juvenile crime at the beginning. The teoretical part the Bachelor theses deals with presumed causes of juvenile delinquency, its prevention and sentencing in juvenile court. The practical part is focused on one of the discipline measures, the probation programme. The thesis is aimed at the evaluation of the probation programme called "Law in Everyday Life" which is used for recidivists. Together with the evaluation of the programme in some chosen regions, the work is particularly aimed at legal awareness and its improvement. Hypothesis 1 presumes that most of those who went throuhg the probation programme mentioned above have improved their legal awareness. Hypothesis 2 presumes that most of those who went through the probation programme mentioned above do mot commit any other crime in the next year. Tho prove the hypotheses, a quantitative research method, secondary data analysis, was used. All collected and proportionally processed data proved the hypotheses. The research findings show that the clients who completed the probation programme have gained new knowledge of particular legal issues and that most clients have not commited any other crime. The findings of the thesis can serve the workers of the Probation and Mediation Service to measure efficiency of the discipline measures, judges and state attorneys to choose the best measures and non-professionals to improve awareness of alternative sentencing programmes for children and youth.
Socio-demographic characteristics of Probation Service clients
This bachelor´s thesis focuses on clients of Probation Service. The aim of the thesis is to describe socio-demographic characteristic of Probation Service clients.The theoretical part describes the Probation Service, its origin, organization, aims and clients in relation to its activities. I have also focused on the inception of juvenile deliquency and the causes for adult deliquency.I have used quantitive research for processing of the research part. The research was done by secondary data analysis, i.e. the analysis of documentation of random Hample clients of Chrudim Probation Service from 2007 to 2009, based on pre-set caregories. The Hample of clients consists of juveniles and adults. The pre-set caregories were: age, sex, education, job, the size of town which the klient came from, a type of the sentence measure, and fulfillment of the sentence measure conditions. In relation to successful fulfillment of conditions by clients I assume that the Probation Service becomes a respected institution of criminal justice. The towns and smaller communities should devote more attention to prevention of crimes. It would be good to develop relations among people to improve social control.
Juvenile delinquency in Strakonice district and its prevention
MARKOVÁ, Kateřina
The topic of my thesis is juvenile delinquency in Strakonice district and its prevention. Delinquency is a socially-pathological phenomenon which affects each of us. It is a problem, spread all over the world, at has always existed and it will unfortunately always exist. Delinquency is more serious when it is linked to juveniles because children are our future. The world has been very hectic and we have little time left for children and require a lot from them. We, our society and their environment influence their attitudes. My thesis deals with how are juveniles influenced and how we can fight against it. The objective of my thesis is to outline the development of juvenile delinquency in Strakonice district and to find out about the opinions of professionals who deal with juvenile delinquency and related problems. In the theoretical part I deal with criminogenic factors, which influence juveniles, juvenile delinquency specifics, the highness of criminal responsibility limit, legal measures according to the Act No. 218/2003 Collection of Law, and the significance of prevention and development of juvenile delinquency in Strakonice district. To find out about the stated objective I chose the secondary data analysis and the qualitative research, using the method of a structured interview with open questions. I questioned eight professionals, working in the branch of juvenile delinquency in Strakonice, about their opinions and experience knowledge. During the interview I asked ten questions which were linked to general juvenile delinquency and its prevention. The stated objective was fulfilled. The results of the thesis might be useful for the creation of prevention programmes. On the basis of the research results I would pay attention to a better acquaintance of professionals with functioning prevention programmes.
Children and juvenile deliquency {--} aspects of children and juvenile deliquency in Český Krumlov district.
Nowadays, the juvenile deliquency is the frequently discussed issue, because it increases the brutality and the irresponsibility and the share of juvenile offenders on committing crimes. That is why my bachelor´s work deals with the juveline deliquency as one form of the criminality and further in one chapter, I deal with the deliquency at the Český Krumlov District. At the introduction of the work, the basic regular expressions are defined, because these are always necessary to define at the introduction of the work, as they are going to be used further. This work is focused especially on the conditions and the causes of the deliquency and at the conclusion, there are described the kinds and the forms of the prevention, that could be the decision point of the solution of the juvenile deliquency issue. I also deal with the enumeration of the organs of the criminality checks, I pay especially attention to the Police of the Czech Republic and its cooperation with other organs. The bachelor´s work contents also the research that was conducted in the form of questionnare and its aim was to try to outline the development of the juvenile deliquency in the Český Krumlov District and to find out the opinions on this issue from the experts working at the professional police service and that deal with the juvenile deliquency. I addressed personally in the form of anonymous questionnares basically all experts on the youth at the Territorial Department of the Police of the Czech Republic in Český Krumlov including the experts on youth from the District Departments of the Police of the Czech Republic within the stated territorial department in the number of 16 policemen. The questions were focused on the prevention in general and on their opinions and pieces of knowledge from previous praxis and what are their suggestions of furthet possible solution in the field of the precautionary measures. The bachelor´s work fulfilled the given aim. The results of the work could be useful when the new programs of the criminality prevention will be formed. Further, on the base of the research results, I would pay more attention to more qualitative acquaintances of the police experts on the youth with the functioning prevention programs.
A Qualitative Study of Arrests as Perceived by Accused Juveniles
Juvenile crime and juvenile criminals are the focus of one key area of society. Criminal acts are commited by youth especially in big towns and cities and they are accompanied by increasing manifestations of aggression. The number of juvenile crimes commited under the influence of narcotics and psychotropic substances continues to rise. There was an important moment when a specific law, no. 218/2003 Sb. Which regards the responsibility of juveniles for unlawful acts and also the judicial system concerning youth, was enacted. Juveniles perceive imprisonment on a significantly worse scale than adults do. Therefore, it is quite possible to influence juveniles in a more positive way by means of a suitable penological and pedagogical approach. Placing juveniles under arrest, their eventual conviction and their eventual imprisonment and confinement is the last solution. This thesis focuses on the research of how juveniles perceive their arrest as they within the Czech prison system. The data was gained by means of the qualitative research method with the use of a half-standardized interview. These interviews took place with ten men, who spent time under arrest as juveniles or young adults (up to 26 years of age). The goal of the diploma thesis was to map the situation of the arrest solution problems due to juvenile criminal activities, to answer some research questions and to eventually offer an optimized solution. These goals have been reached. The findings of this thesis can be beneficial for everybody who deals with the problems of juvenile crime and juvenile criminals. The recorded interviews, which describe the cause, the progress and the results of crime and criminals, as well as the execution of the arrests are of particular importance.
Media and their influence on delinquent behavior of children and adolescents
The Thesis "Media and their impact on delinquent behaviour of children and youth" studies possible effects of media on children and youth who have committed an offence. The influence of media on modern societies is substantial and still increasing, which is why its affect on a human is being more and more discussed. The influence of media on children and youth seems to be particularly important. High degree of influence by external factors, including that of media belongs to the basic factors of delinquent behaviour among children and youth. This is why the Thesis tries to link these two specific areas laying in the focus of professionals as well as general public. The theoretical part first deals with the basic terms related to the influence of media on delinquent behaviour among children and youth. It also describes development and functions of media, the basic attributes of media content and media influence. There is also an insight into the legislation and authorities dealing with media activity as well as the media educational conception. The author then analyses delinquency of children and youth including the activities of a custodian. The aim of the work was to gain more detailed information on the possible impact of media on delinquent behaviour of children and youth, which is why qualitative research was chosen. Questioning methods implemented by the technique of semi-standardized interviews was used for data collection in May and June 2010. The research sample consisted of two groups of respondents. The first group consisted of seven children and young people registered by a social office and the other one of five professionals working with young people who committed offences. A case report supporting the issues in question was moreover prepared from documents conducted by a custodian. The qualitative research showed that the direct influence of media on delinquent behaviour of youth seems to be questionable, but the image shown in media might support delinquent behaviour in persons with higher risk of such behaviour. The Thesis should particularly contribute to accessibility or also extension of the information on the possible influence of media on individuals or the society as a whole in relation to young people who have committed an offence. The research results may also serve as a base for further wider research.
Legal drugs and their use by students at secondary schools in the of Tábor district.
PECLOVÁ, Kristýna
Legal drugs and their use by students at secondary schools in the Tábor district Drugs currently represent a major problem worldwide, affecting each of us. The Czech Republic ranks among the countries with the increasing trend of excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption in this society is considered an absolutely normal and tolerated phenomenon, equally as smoking of tobacco products and excessive use of non-prescription drugs. Alcohol and drugs are not only legal but their consumption is offered practically wherever you go. The period of adolescence involves experimenting as its natural part. Legal drugs are the first things the adolescents experiment with and for this reason my bachelor thesis focuses on the use of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and medicinal drugs. The theoretical part of the thesis summarizes facts about the individual legal drugs (alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, medicinal drugs) and analyzes related issues. The purpose of my bachelor thesis was to find out facts about the use of legal drugs at secondary schools in the district of Tábor and I have used some partial goals and previously established hypotheses to achieve it. The partial goals included identification of the first experience with legal drugs and quantities consumed by secondary school students. In order to verify the established hypotheses I have used quantitative research and the method of interviewing by questionnaires. The research group consisted of 290 respondents, from which 108 boys and 101 girls. 7 hypotheses were formulated for the research. The hypothesis H1 assumed that boys consume alcohol more often than girls. The hypothesis H2 assumed that boys consume tobacco more often than girls. The hypothesis H3 assumed that boys have the first experience with alcohol earlier than girls. The hypothesis H4 assumed that boys have the first experience with tobacco earlier than girls. The hypothesis H5 assumed girls consume more caffeine than boys. The hypothesis H6 assumed that girls consume more medical drugs than boys. The hypothesis H7 assumed that students of secondary vocational schools consume more alcohol than students of secondary comprehensive schools. All those previously established hypotheses have been confirmed. This bachelor thesis may be used by the general public and by professionals in the Czech Republic to increase the level of awareness about the use of legal drugs. The thesis has brought some new findings and it has mapped the situation in consumption of legal drugs by students of secondary schools in the district of Tábor. Therefore the thesis may contribute to an effective prevention among this group of adolescent youth.
Crime Rates of Children and Adolescents in Teplice
Crime Rates of Children and Adolescents in Teplice Abstract Graduation theses is engaged in problems of the crime rates of children and adolescents intend on region of Teplice and comparation Ústí region with tendences in Čzech republic. In a theoretical part are firstly desribed the most important topics that are connected with this problem such as basis terms, legislature and kinds of provisions in case of commission of crime rates, typical traits of crime rates of children and adolescents, position of society and causes and varieties of criminality Based on the study of specialized literature there are three hypotheses that have been suggested: H1) The criminal activities of children and adolescents young people are in Teplice often than in The Czech republic. H2) The boys commite crimes more than girls. H3) The most common crime rate is computer criminality and illegal download. A research was Based on the analysis of datas provided by police statistics and self-report survey the structure and development of criminal activities of children and young people in two Czech regions was analysed. Inference is determined at the conclusion of this work.

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