National Repository of Grey Literature 34 records found  previous5 - 14nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Design of a photovoltaic power system with battery storage for household purposes in area of Brno-mesto
Vrana, Martin ; Vanýsek, Petr (referee) ; Vaněk, Jiří (advisor)
Táto bakalárska práca sa zameriava na rešerš technológií obsiahnutých v návrhu fotovoltického systému, ako sú solárne panely, nabíjateľné akumulátory, a systémy na premenu elektrickej energie. Následne sú tieto informácie využité na návrh hybridného a sieťového fotovoltického systému pre rodinný dom nachádzajúci sa v lokalite Brno-Mesto. Plán realizácie je nájsť cenovo výhodné riešenie s rozumným časom návratnosti, ktoré prevažne pokryje energetický odber domácnosti. Takisto sú náklady každého zo systémov znížene o dostupné štátne dotácie podľa parametrov každej inštalácie. Sieťový systém je lacnejší ako hybridný systém, pretože systém neobsahuje drahé batérie. Preto má nižšiu dobu návratnosti šiestich rokov, v porovnaní so siedmimi rokmi v prípade hybridného systému. Hybridný systém je výhodný, pretože umožňuje lokálne ukladanie energie a poskytuje záložné napájanie v prípade výpadku prúdu. Dodávateľ elektriny umožňuje uložiť prebytočnú energiu vyrobenú systémami do virtuálnej batérie, z ktorej je možné počas roka čerpať v čase nedostatočnej výroby energie. V kombinácii so súčasnými vysokými cenami energie majú oba systémy relatívne krátke obdobie finančného bodu zvratu v porovnaní so systémami v minulosti. Finálny výber typu inštalovaného systému je na klientovi.
Design of a photovoltaic power plant with battery storage for a family house
Řihák, Roman ; Maule, Petr (referee) ; Vaněk, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor work deals with the design of a photovoltaic power plant with a battery storage for household purposes. In the theoretical part are mentioned principles and explanation of the function of photovoltaic cells and accumulators. The thesis also deals with the description of photovoltaic systems and the system of accumulation of energy in accumulators. In the final part are the system and legislative conditions analyzed. In the practical part of the work is shown photovoltaic power plant design with PV*SOL software.
Design of a photovoltaic power plant with battery storage for a family house
Hub, Michal ; Maule, Petr (referee) ; Vaněk, Jiří (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of a photovoltaic power plant with a battery storage for a family house. In the theoretical part at first the principle of photovoltaic cells is analysed together with the various types used in this branch. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the description of photovoltaic systems and its individual parts consisting of inverters and accumulators. This thesis analyses the object for the installation of a photovoltaic power plant, including legislative and subsidy conditions. In the final part, itself system is analysed with a price proposal.
Noise diagnostics of rectifier diodes PN junctions
Klimíček, Jaromír ; Macků, Robert (referee) ; Raška, Michal (advisor)
The thesis deals with the design of the measurement installation, which is intended for the microplasma noise measurements. This noise is being generated in the defective parts of the PN junction. The goal of this work is to design the measurement installation and to realize the fully functional workbench for the analogical noise related measurements and to determine the transfer function of the measurement installation. Main part of the work is to choose proper parameters for the measuring devices and to design the software intended for the automated measurements. Consequently, we have to process the measured waveforms of the microplasma noise, to determine the dependency of the noise on the signal magnitude and to calculate the power spectral noise density. Finally, we have to determine the transfer function of the measurement installation and to design the inversion filter.
Microplasma Noise as a Diagnostic Tool for PN Junctions of High-Voltage Rectifier Diodes
Raška, Michal ; Chobola, Zdeněk (referee) ; Hájek, Karel (referee) ; Koktavý, Pavel (advisor)
The doctoral thesis deals with diagnostics of local defects in PN junctions and brings new information about microplasma noise behaviour and its usage for the temperature changes detection inside PN junctions. Defects in PN junctions are the source of microplasma noise. There were deviations observed in microplasma noise from the common known rectangle shape pulses during the measurements. These deviations were correlated with the temperature change directly in the defect area and in the defect area surroundings. Generation and recombination coefficients are commonly thought to be constant. However, these coefficients were observed to be not stable with time and this effect is explained in this work. The doctoral thesis then focuses on the PN junction parameters determination in the case when it is not possible to define unambiguously whether it is abrupt or linearly graded PN junction. The most significant parameters which are to be determined are barrier capacity, diffusion voltage and depleted area width in dependence on the voltage. The correlation between local avalanche discharge in PN junction and negative differential resistance appearance on VA characteristics of reverse-biased diode was qualitatively verified. The last important point in the work is computer modelling of temperature behaviour in the defect area and its surroundings during local avalanche breakdown. Thus the method of real diodes heating area parameters determination was introduced.
Application of radiation emitted from local areas of PN junction for solar cell diagnostics
Krčál, Ondřej ; Raška, Michal (referee) ; Macků, Robert (advisor)
The microplasma discharges in the PN junction local defect micro-regions are as a rule, accompanied by the emission of light. This radiation from solar cell PN junctions was measured by means of a optical fibre connected to the optical input of a photomultiplier. By inching the fibre by means of computercontrolled X-Y plotter above the cell surface a 2-D image of the irradiation local regions has been created. It is seen that a cell of a superficial area of 100 square cm contains a large number of defects, which depends on applied reverse voltage. This method can be a convenient tool for study and diagnostics of optoelectronic devices.
Design of photovoltaic system for a family house
Darebný, Tomáš ; Hylský, Josef (referee) ; Strachala, Dávid (advisor)
Basic knowledge of photovoltaic energy transformation, devices and materials, used in photovoltaic are summarized in this master's thesis. The main goal of this thesis is orientation in the photovoltaic systems used these days and explain advantages and disadvantages of these systems during the design phase.
Design of VA-characteristic meter
Štěpnička, Martin ; Szabó, Zoltán (referee) ; Steinbauer, Miloslav (advisor)
The thesis describes the design of a measuring device volt-ampere characteristics of PN junction suitable for measuring characteristics of stabilizing diodes. Describes the basic principle of PN junction and related events. Part of the text discusses how to minimize the adverse parasitic effects. Furthermore, the proposal deals with an AC adapter suitable for this device. With that analyzes marginally rectifiers, stabilizers and filters. The following is a description of the device for measurement, principle of communication with the computer and the method of data processing. The annex contains schematic design, printed circuit boards and part list.
Quantum efficiency measurement of optoelectronic components and development of experimental equipment
Lipr, Tomáš ; Palai-Dany, Tomáš (referee) ; Macků, Robert (advisor)
This thesis deals with the issue of quantum efficiency measurement of optoelectronic devices. The physical nature of silicon solar cells is explained here. In addition, the quantum efficiency as a concept is introduced. There is also discussed the influence of a solar cell semiconductor structure on the quantum efficiency itself. Furthermore, the thesis is focused on the design of an experimental set-up for automated measurement and data acquisition. The final realization of the step motor control unit is described in detail. It includes local and/or remote operations, design and development motivation. The next chapter is dedicated to analysis of the Matlab source code for remote operation, data acquisition and presentation. The final part of the thesis gives attention to experiments with real structures, not only the solar cells. The obtained results of analyzed measurements are presented at the conclusion.
Capacitance measurement of high-voltage PN junctions
Derishev, Anton ; Kosina, Petr (referee) ; Boušek, Jaroslav (advisor)
The work deals with the capacitance measurement of high-voltage PN junctions. The work is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part presents insight into the fundamental properties of PN junctions and methods for measuring of the capacitance of PN junctions, primarily by C-V measurement. In the practical part, several kinds of measuring circuits are introduced and a suitable method of measurement is found. The calculations of basic parameters - the width of the base and resistivity are presented and discussed. The results were compared with the values obtained by calculation from the technological parameters of the junction.

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