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Communication with a prenatal individual and with child on first days after labour
This bachelor work has been realised as a research work and consists of two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the description of antenatal period, the interaction between mother and child and psychologic antenatal findings where antenatal communication with an unborn child plays an important role. A cardinal part of the work depicts the role and psychosocial attitude of the midwives who take care of mother and unborn child. In addition, the importance of the first mother-child contact soon after delivery is highlighted. The practical part represents the research work. Two questionnaires were used to prove the initial hypotheses. Hypothesis 1: ``Close family members communicate with their unborn child during the pregnancy`` and hypothesis 2: ``Mother-child communication is enabled to start soon after the delivery`` have proved. Altogether 250 questionnaires were distributed, 140 of them to pregnant women and 110 to women after delivery. 229 questionnaires, 92 %, were completed and given back. However, the final set of correctly completed questionnaires, which could be surveyed, consisted of 126 (100 %) given back by pregnant women and 103 (100 %) by women after delivery.
The bachelor thesis is focused on physiotherapy during the time of pregnancy and puerperium. Both pregnancy and birth have a significant influence on the expectant mother. During the nine months, woman undergoes a great amount of changes both from the physical and the mental side. This bachelor thesis deals foremost with changes that affect the physical side of the expectant mother. They include changes on genital organs, on cardiovascular, blood and respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, skin and last but not least on the locomotory system. With exercise in gravidity, we try to influence these changes and, therefore, avoid any occurrence of eventual difficulties. Exercising during gravidity has not only a great importance to prevention but also to the preparation of an expectant mother to the delivery and for acceleration of return of the mother into the shape before conception. The expectant mother should be careful when choosing a suitable sport and she should always consult her attending gynaecologist. Recommended sports and methodologies include gravid yoga, pilates, belly dance, Moses method, exercise on a big ball, Alexander's technique, hydrokinesiotherapy and gynaecological gymnastics. The theoretical part includes a description of anatomy of genital organs and pelvis, creation of an individual, description of physical changes during pregnancy and puerperium and also characteristics and selection of individual suitable sport activities and methodologies. The goal of this bachelor thesis was to find such suitable physiotherapeutic procedures and methods, apply them to particular expectant mothers and verify their effects. For the practical part of research, the method of qualitative research and personal cases studies were used. Three pregnant women participated in the research. Therapy took place once per week for the period of several months. While having free conversation with the clients during the said period, I obtained the information I have incorporated into the individual casuistries. The therapy was completed by the final examination, which proved a positive effect of the exercise not only on the health conditions of expectant mothers, but also on their mental well-being, which was especially important for mothers.
Physioterapeutic impact on apparatus of movement during pregnancy and preparation to the labour
This bachelor work was aimed at the effect of individual physiotherapy on apparatus of movement during pregnancy and preparation to the labour. The first objective of my research was to find out whether the women who underwent individual physiotherapy in their pregnancy, in addition to the above stated courses, suffered minor problems connected with the locomotive apparatus before and during the parturition than the women who did not undergo individual therapy. I also addressed parturition, particularly duration of the first delivery period and pains during the delivery. Both objectives of my research have been attained. The anamneses of the women were obtained, kinesiological analyses were made and for one of the women a short-term plan was elaborated according to which the therapy was undertaken; subsequently the final analysis of the obtained results was performed. Two hypotheses have followed from my research. According to my first hypothesis, individually controlled physiotherapy undertaken during pregnancy can positively influence the locomotive apparatus of every pregnant woman. The second hypothesis claims that individual physiotherapeutic care has no significant effect on the course of the parturition.
The thesis Infection as a risk factor during pregnancy is divided into two parts {--} theoretical and practical {--} and has a character of a research study. The theoretical part deals with aspects of infections during pregnancy. The main attention is paid to the questions of pregnant women colonized with group B Streptococci (GBS, Streptococcus agalactiae) which may cause a large scale of infectious diseases in newborns, including the life threatening sepsis. This part of the thesis is divided into seven chapters. They provide brief information on the etiological agent, risk factors, clinical picture of the disease, current possibilities of the disease diagnostics. The present day system of the optimal procedure of screening to identify women colonized with GBS and the procedure of the intrapartal antibiotic prophylaxis are also mentioned in the theoretical part. The objective of the practical part is to find the percentage of newborn infants delivered by mothers colonized with GBS who are also colonized with GBS despite their mothers having been treated by the intrapart antibiotic prophylaxis. The hypothesis I assumes that the intrapart antibiotic prophylaxis was administered to women colonized with GBS more than 4 hours before delivery. The hypothesis II presumes that newborns of GBS positive mothers who had been administered the antibiotic prophylaxis at least 4 hours before delivery were not colonized with GBS. The quantitative research was used to verify or reject the hypotheses. It was carried out by the retrospective analysis of medical records of women who gave birth between 1 June 2006 and 8 August 2007 at the maternity hospital in České Budejovice and had been colonized with GBS. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the antibiotic prophylaxis carried out in the maternity hospital in České Budejovice and to introduce the conclusions into practice and training.
Low informatik about the process of child bearing
The bachelor thesis describes current problematics of information provided to the first-time-paras on the childbirth course. The birth today is an issue very much promoted in the media, being particularly interesting for the pregnant women as well as for the whole society. Paras can find the new findings in magazines concentrating on this topic, in books designed directly for the pregnant women or, for example, in the antenatal courses lead by midwives. The most accessible source of information of today is Internet, where the expectant mothers can find all knowledge, starting with theoretical one and ending up with consultations of experts or chat with other paras. Thanks to the high level of general public awareness on the childbirth course, alternative ways of childbirth become more common. From the analysis of data it ensued that state of first-time-paras{\crq} awareness and their interest to get new information grows up disregarding the fact, if they are before or after the childbirth. It is the training institutions for medical staff in gynaecology and midwifery that has the significant influence on this result. The knowledge got here can be used in the areas of gynaecology and midwifery, either in primary care of obstetricians, or in midwifery institutions, as well as during training of students
Course of antepartum preparation
This bachelor{\crq}s work is divided into practical and theoretical section. The theoretical part describes history of antenatal preparation and its current conception. Next it deals with courses of antenatal preparation, mission of midwife in their leading and with preparation of persons who accompany the mother to the childbirth. The objectives was managed to fulfill. First hypothesis - pregnant women don{\crq}t have enough information about antenatal preparation courses - wasn{\crq}t confirmed. Second hypothesis {--} courses of antenatal preparation are financially accessible for pregnant women {--} was confirmed. Third hypothesis {--} courses of antenatal preparation are accessible for the women in their area of living {--} was confirmed.
Knowledgeableness of patients before and after an operation of the intervention
Based on the information within the Bachelor{\crq}s thesis titled {\clqq}Knowledgeableness of patients before and after an operation of the intervention``, which was aimed at the knowledge women have about pre-operative care before planned and acute caesarean section and about post-operative care, hypothesis 1. Women consider themselves to be well informed before the planned caesarean section. According to my research, this hypothesis was confirmed. Hypothesis 2. Before the caesarean section, women do not feel to be properly informed about the surgery. However, research did not confirm this second hypothesis. Hypothesis 3. Women that underwent the caesarean section are comfortable with the way they have been informed about the operation. The quantitative research method through questionnaires was used for data collection. The questionnaire contained 24 queries and was anonymous. The questionnaires were determined for women after the caesarean section and were issued at the Puerperium ward of the general hospital in České Budějovice. A total of 114 questionnaires were handed out and 111 of them were returned filled out, from which 103 of these were used within the final processing procedure. The results clearly show that women consider themselves as sufficiently informed before planned as well as acute caesarean section and consider themselves sufficiently informed of post-operative care.
Midwife´s opinion onto labours at domicilary environment
PRŮCHOVÁ, Dominika
Delivery at home is not a non {--} standart way to due, but that is also not legal. Someone who is helping with due at home on his own is absolutely responsible for all and he is support to answer all aftermacht if some complication will come. This is a decision of Czech gynekology-delivery copany and this decision is full law binding. Childbearing at home doesn´t the alternative for every woman. We thing that childbearing has plenty of merits, but we must know risks of childbearing at home for para and baby. The survey was quantitative by the way of questioners. My goal was to find what do midwifes thing about delivery at domicilary environment. This one says, midwifes have negativ position to delivery at home. They rate this way like dangerous. The inference is confirmed, all midwifes said the best place to delivery is Materna hospital. This work can be use for education and source informations for people, students and midwifes.
Socioeconomic Status and it´s Influence on the Course of Gravidity
Socioeconomic status and its influence on the process of pregnancy. The dissertation deals with the problems of the influence of the socioeconomic status on the development of pregnancy pathologies. The dissertation is divided into practical and theoretical parts. The aim of the theoretical part is to inform about problems of pregnancy from the medical standpoint and from the social point of view. There is also a treatise about socioeconomic status and its attributes, about fertility and about natality. In the dissertation there is also a chapter that with the problems of family. Research in the practical part was concentraced on the analysis of socioeconomic status and the pregnancy complications of women that gave birth to a child in Havlíčkův Brod Hospitál in a certain period of time. Complex of women was divided into two groups according to the presence or absence of pregnancy and obstetrical complications. Both groups were compared. As the instrument for the data acquisition and questionnaire, the quantitative research strategy was used. The aim of the dissertation was to find some factors refering to the socioeconomic status that might influence pregnancy complications. As the attributes of socioeconomic status that influence pregnancy complications following factors were marked: the highest finished education of woman and profession of woman before maternity leave.
Special Women Working Conditions in Chosen Region Only
Kadeřábková, Lenka ; Spirit, Michal (advisor) ; Soušková, Milena (referee)
In the first chapter of the diploma thesis I am concerned with the women employment and I define the term of special women working conditions. The second chapter describes the evolution of special women working conditions as well as the evolution of working hours and child labour. The next part of the diploma thesis summarizes international, european as well as czech sources of law that are connected with special women working conditions. The last chapter is devoted to the current legal regulations of special women working conditions that is compared to the previous legal regulations and there are the results of the checklist research in Chrudim region.

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