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Source apportionment of atmospheric aerosol fraction using by highly time resolved characterisation
Pokorná, Petra
The effective air quality management in the heavy polluted areas has to be based on high-quality monitoring with properly designed monitoring network and targeted measurements, which provided information required to source apportionment. The thesis aim was to apportion sources of atmospheric aerosol based on highly time resolved data of mass concentration of size segregated aerosol, its temporal and spatial variability, elemental composition, OC/EC and size distribution of carcinogenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Sampling campaigns went during winter and summer in small settlement Březno by Chomutov, residential area Ostrava - Radvanice a Bartovice and Mladá Boleslav in the years 2008 - 2010, 2012, 2013. We determined mass concentrations of PM10, PM1-10, PM1.15-10 and PM0.15-1.5 and their size fraction ratios. Based on the size ratios, the source apportionment of fine fraction (PM0.15-1.15) with focus on PM0.34-1.15 is crucial. We examined seasonal and spatial variability of PM10, PM.2.5, PM1 and PM1-10. Based on the examination, we obtained representative highly-time resolved data with regards to season and sampling locality. We analysed dynamic of size distribution of particle-bond eight carcinogenic polycyclic hydrocarbons. Based on the results the source apportionment of PM0.34-1.15 is crucial....
Source apportionment of atmospheric aerosol fraction using by highly time resolved characterisation
Pokorná, Petra ; Hovorka, Jan (advisor) ; Havránek, Vladimír (referee) ; Schwarz, Jaroslav (referee)
The effective air quality management in the heavy polluted areas has to be based on high-quality monitoring with properly designed monitoring network and targeted measurements, which provided information required to source apportionment. The thesis aim was to apportion sources of atmospheric aerosol based on highly time resolved data of mass concentration of size segregated aerosol, its temporal and spatial variability, elemental composition, OC/EC and size distribution of carcinogenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Sampling campaigns went during winter and summer in small settlement Březno by Chomutov, residential area Ostrava - Radvanice a Bartovice and Mladá Boleslav in the years 2008 - 2010, 2012, 2013. We determined mass concentrations of PM10, PM1-10, PM1.15-10 and PM0.15-1.5 and their size fraction ratios. Based on the size ratios, the source apportionment of fine fraction (PM0.15-1.15) with focus on PM0.34-1.15 is crucial. We examined seasonal and spatial variability of PM10, PM.2.5, PM1 and PM1-10. Based on the examination, we obtained representative highly-time resolved data with regards to season and sampling locality. We analysed dynamic of size distribution of particle-bond eight carcinogenic polycyclic hydrocarbons. Based on the results the source apportionment of PM0.34-1.15 is crucial....
What is a connection between atmospheric aerosols, meteorological parameters and gaseous pollutants?
Slezáčková Zíková, Naděžda ; Ždímal, Vladimír (advisor) ; Hovorka, Jan (referee) ; Sedlák, Pavel (referee)
Title: What is the connection between atmospheric aerosols, meteorological pa- rameters and gaseous pollutants? Author: RNDr. Naděžda Slezáčková Zíková Department: Department of Meteorology and Environment Protection Supervisor: Ing. Vladimír Ždímal, Dr. Laboratory of Aerosol Chemistry and Physics, Institute of Chemical Process Fun- damentals, Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. Abstract: Five years of atmospheric aerosol (AA) measurements at rural back- ground station Košetice were compared with meteorological records and gaseous pollutants concentrations. The sampling and data analysis of AA data is de- scribed, and the statistical evaluation is done. The variability in the AA con- centrations is significant; the long-term measurements of AA, over the period at least several years, and the differentiation according to the season of the year are thus necessary. The clearly expressed annual cycle of AA concentrations is mainly influenced by two phenomena. From April to September, the total AA concentration cycle is driven mainly by the new particles formation events, from October to March, the concentrations are strongly influenced by particles coming from long-range transport and/or from the regional pollution. The relationship between AA and meteorological parameters, however, is not only season...
Aerosol light scattering measurements
Novotná, Nikola ; Zíková, Naděžda (advisor) ; Klán, Miroslav (referee)
This thesis' objective is basic data processing of light scattering, which was measured using three-wavelength Integrating Nephelometer. Measurements were carried out at observatory in Košetice, where the nephelometer has been placed since mid-2012. The data collection was carried out during two calendar years (2013 and 2014) and the measurement still continues there. Data is processed in a manner to be suitable for using in future research in the field of meteorology and climatology. Basic parameters such as Angsroem exponent, average value, median and annual and daily cycles are calculated. All dependencies and cycles are graphically represented and commented. Besides other things, it was found out during the data processing that e.g. average coefficient of light scattering was very similar in both years or that the scattering coefficient was higher in winter months. In addition, the thesis discusses another options for future measurements. Key words: atmospheric aerosol, light scattering, nephelometer, Angstroem exponent
Role of aerosol in climate change
Švátora, Milan ; Hůnová, Iva (advisor) ; Hovorka, Jan (referee)
Atmospheric aerosol is a suspension of liquid or solid particles or their mixture in the atmosphere. Tropospheric aerosols can get into the air from its natural sources or from anthropogenic sources. Release of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels and organic and elemental carbon from biomass burning are the major anthropogenic sources of aerosols. Primary aerosols have a direct source of emissions (dust from quarries or from land, sea salt particles in the waves, volcanic ash during volcanic eruptions). Secondary aerosols are formed by chemical reactions of substances in the atmosphere, which converts the gas particles - so- called conversion of gases to particles (formation of nitrates by oxidation of nitrogen oxides and sulfates from sulfur dioxide). Atmospheric aerosol is an important component of the atmosphere and contributes to significant atmospheric events, such as precipitation formation and precipation fall, radiation balance of Earth. Aerosols can affect the radiation balance of the Earth in two ways. First, through absorption and scattering of shortwave and long wave radiation - so-called direct effect. Or serve as condensation nuclei on which water is condenses. Aerosols can affect formation, quantity, length of existence and radiation properties of clouds - so-called indirect effect. In...
Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Aersol Using by Highly Time Resolved Characterization.
Pokorná, Petra ; Hovorka, J. ; Klán, M. ; Křůmal, Kamil ; Mikuška, Pavel ; Hopke, P.K. ; Ždímal, Vladimír
The effective air quality management in the heavy polluted areas has to be based on high-quality monitoring with properly designed monitoring network and targeted measurements, which provided information required to source apportionment. The study aim was to apportion sources of atmospheric aerosol based on highly time resolved data of mass concentration of size segregated aerosol, its spatial variability, elemental composition and OC/EC at three localities in the Czech Republic in the years 2008 – 2010, 2012, 2013. According to the size fractions ratio arose the importance of PM1 source apportionment because of PM0.15-1.15 mean ratio to PM10, which comprised 85 % at the monitoring localities primarily in winter. The main sources of coarse fraction in winter were coal and biomass combustion in Březno by Chomutuv a Mladá Boleslav and road dust re-suspension in Ostrava-Ravanice and Bartovice. In summer dominated soil re-suspension and primary biological – bioaerosol in Březno by Chomutuv. The dominated source of fine fraction was in winter coal combustion Ostrava-Ravanice and Bartovice and biomass burning in Mladá Boleslav. From the above mentioned results arose, that the highly time resolved data are suitable for source identification of size segregated atmospheric aerosol and enable to evaluate representativeness of monitoring station location and measurement campaign.
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: SKMBT_22317041913030 - Download fulltextPDF
Increase of efficiency of continuous aerosol sampler
Mikuška, Pavel ; Čapka, Lukáš ; Večeřa, Zbyněk
Contribution deals with increasing of collection efficiency of ACTJU sampler also for particles smaller than 300 nm in diameter. Use of so-called „growth tube“ (GT) located upstream of the ACTJU results in increase of particle size to several µm. Enlarged particles are then easily quantitative collected in ACTJU sampler.
Assesment of wet deposition of atmospheric aerosol on the background site in the Czech Republic.
Zíková, Naděžda ; Ždímal, Vladimír
The aim of this work is to describe the influence of wet deposition on submicron fraction of the atmospheric aerosol as it was recorded by ground based measurements on a background site. The influence of rainout is assessed through interaction of atmospheric aerosol with horizontal hydrometeors, while the influence of washout through interaction with vertical hydrometeors.
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: SKMBT_C22016110313100 - Download fulltextPDF
Research Infrastructure ACTRIS-CZ.
Holubová Šmejkalová, A. ; Ždímal, Vladimír ; Váňa, M. ; Klánová, J. ; Dvorská, Alice
Research infrastructure ACTRIS-CZ was adopted on the Czech national roadmap of reaserch infrastructures in 2016. Its coreforms a co-located station Košetice-Křešín u Pacova and special equipment from collaborating partner institutions. Research infrastructure ACTRIS-CZ is focused on atmospheric research, especially on atmospheric aerosol, reactive gases and meteorological parameters.
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: SKMBT_C22016111512070 - Download fulltextPDF
Organic compounds in PM1 aerosol in Celakovice in winter 2015
Křůmal, Kamil ; Mikuška, Pavel ; Coufalík, Pavel ; Večeřa, Zbyněk
In this work the organic compounds and organic markers used for the identification of sources of aerosols were measured in PM1 in a small town Celakovice.

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