National Repository of Grey Literature 34 records found  beginprevious25 - 34  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The Impact of the Good Friday Agreement on the Protestant Community
Ročejdlová, Markéta ; Kasáková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Šlosarčík, Ivo (referee)
The Abstract The work "The Impact of the Good Friday Agreement on the Protestant Community" deals with the Protestant community in Northern Ireland in the period between signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 and the St. Andrews agreement in 2007. The object of analysis is the change in perception of the Catholics, the Great Britain, Republic of Ireland and the Protestant community by itself in the relation to the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement, respectively its three principles (right to self-determination, power-sharing and parity of self esteems). The work is divided in several chapters. The work contains chapter describing the Good Friday Agreement and the profile of Protestants in 1998 and further chapters for each of the principles and their impact on the Protestant community. Thanks to more or less successful implementation of the Good Friday Agreement and the lost of the hegemonic position there was a significant shift in the identity of the Protestant community. The shift was accentuated by the intertwined religion, etno-national and political identification. After the 1998 there was a weakening of the ties with Great Britain and the British identity at the advantage of the identity Northern Irish. During the examined period the shift from the tradition division of the Northern...
Vliv Evropské unie na konflikt v Kolumbii
Gregůrková, Lucie ; Antal, Jarolím (advisor) ; Němcová, Ingeborg (referee)
Colombia has been suffering from internal armed conflict since the 1960s. The European Union decided to interfere in the conflict s resolution in the beginning of the millennium with several means. This thesis aims to analyse the effect of the European Union s actions on the evolution of the Colombian conflict and to consider whether it has contributed to peace in Colombia. The European Union s real actions towards Colombia will be compared firstly with recommendations of two theoretical concepts, provided by Johan Galtung and John Paul Lederach, and secondly with the legislative framework of the European Union. Even though the European Union s development efforts in Colombia were evaluated as contributing to peace in Colombia, separate actions of some European Union s Member States, organizations or citizens were found to have the opposite impact. Thus, it is advisable for the European Union to develop a framework ensuring consistency and coherence of the European Union s both internal and external activities.
Search in Music Signals
Skála, František ; Szőke, Igor (referee) ; Černocký, Jan (advisor)
This work contains overview of methods used in the area of Music Information Retrieval, mainly for purposes of searching of musical recordings. Several existing services in the areas of music identification and searching are presented and their methods for unique song identification are described. This work also focuses on possible modifications of these algorithms for searching of cover versions of songs and for the possibility of searching based on voice created examples.
I Live Tarot
Oplatková, Hana ; Vondřejcová, Silvie (referee) ; Klímová, Barbora (advisor)
Private deck of cards created during six-month survey and documentation of daily experiences. The package contains 49 cards and it is inspired by a set of 78 tarot cards. Text content - reverse side of the card was created using diary notes. Face side of the card was chosen as a representation of processes taking place usually in days when the card was read.
KOUDELKA, Jaroslav
The thesis deals with the ethics of war, especially from the perspective of the catholic social doctrine. It describes the historically-chronological perspective of the catholic social doctrine on the problem of war. It characterizes the fundamental Church attitudes to this problem and notices its particular reasons and postures. Together with the war problem it explains the view of the catholic social doctrine itself in respect to its development, complexity, currency and interconnection with tradition. Although the catholic social doctrine itself is not the main topic of the work, it brings a specific view of its place and position in social world order. The proof of this is the reflection coming from reality, that confirms that the catholic social doctrine is based on the principles of social justice, love and truth, that are apparent in the whole effort of the catholic social doctrine, not only in the field of war conflicts.
Illusory Peace
The Bachelor work {\clqq}Zdánlivý mír``(``Illusory Peace{\crqq}) deals with the theme of war in the poetry of the 1950s. It opens with a depiction of the historical events that had an influence on the development of poetry and literature, and describes the context of that period. The work goes on to describe the ideas of cultural speakers of that time regarding poetry and literature. It proceeds to focuses on selected authors and their works. Such names as Konstantin Biebl, Frantisek Branislav, E.F. Burian, Miroslav Holub, Vitezslav Nezval and Ivan Skala appear in this work. The interpretation of poetic texts is oriented to the theme of war and peace. The motives related to the theme of war are chosen and interpreted from individual poems.
The Role of Youth in Post-conflict Reconstruction
Dillingerová, Šárka ; Havlová, Radka (advisor) ; Dubský, Zbyněk (referee)
Youth is a very important demographic part of the society, which plays dynamic and active role. Countries, which go through post-conflict reconstruction, have to deal with many serious problems. Until now, we have witnessed youth to be seen as one of the issues. The aim of this thesis is to look at youth from different point of view. Youth can also be an active and dynamic element contributing to peacebuilding activities and stabilization. Analyzing two post-conflict reconstructions in Kosovo and Mozambique, we determine factors, which have biggest effect on decision-making process and behaviour of young people. Afterwards, we will take a look at their needs and how to program post-conflict reconstruction in order to empower young people to be agents of peace and development in the area.
Terorism-ethic standards carriing interests of society (politics)
The diploma thesis deals with the terrorism and war, their meaning in the globalised world and with the possibility of ethical justification of violence. Theoretical part delineates terrorism, its terminology and political and social environment. It describes kinds and methods of terrorism, its history and some of the terrorist organizations with their goals. The thesis also compares terrorism and war in the parts where they intersect. In the next chapters it presents original ethical theories which would be supported by the moral assessment of violent enforcing of interests. There is explained the term of just war, its basic principles and obligatory attributes. Practical part characterize three chosen actual conflicts: the Al- Qaeda attacks on the United States from 11th September, 2001, Chechnya war for its autonomy and current factual occupation of Iraq by allied forces. Legitimate setting in the sense of ius ad bellum, the right to defend by the use of violence, was not mostly deconstructed. In the area of ius in bello, the right in the war, the hypothesis was not verified and the particular violent action did not fulfill some of the basic principles of just war.
Hamas and terrorism as a barrier to peace between Israel and Palestine
Podracká, Petra ; Havlová, Radka (advisor) ; Šabacká, Yvona (referee)
Bachelor thesis describes the formation and evolution of the Hamas movement on the background of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it examines its ideology, terrorist methods and analyses the motivation of suicide martyrs. At the same time it deals with entities, which provide Hamas with financial and other support. The movement's popularity among Palestinians is manifested by the outcome of the last legislative elections, which are further analysed in this thesis. The text presents the viewpoints of both sides of the conflict as well as the views of representatives of the international community. Their inconsistency reflects the complexity of this conflict, the solution of which is currently at a stalemate. The aim of this thesis is to prove on the basis of relevant facts that Hamas is a barrier to peace, and outline up-to-date possibilities, which can help restart the peace process.
International legal status of the Holy See in international relations
Hovorková, Jana ; Drhlík, Alois (advisor) ; Kratochvíl, Petr (referee)
Diplomová práce se zabývá postojem Svatého stolce jako subjektu mezinárodního práva k válečným konfliktům a napětí v mezinárodních vztazích v 80. letech 20. století, tedy v době části pontifikátu Jana Pavla II. (1978-2005). V první, spíše teoretické části, jsou vysvětleny základní pojmy vztahující se ke Svatému stolci, papežův primát, vnitřní struktura fungování Římské kurie se zaměřením na Státní sekretariát a Papežskou radu pro spravedlnost a mír, principy diplomacie Svatého stolce, východiska pro pontifikát Jana Pavla II. (II. vatikánský koncil a jeho dokumenty, Ostpolitik Svatého stolce), znaky programu pontifikátu Jana Pavla II. a jím upřednostňované nástroje a aspekty. Druhá, aplikační část, na vybraných případech z 80. let 20. století ? spor o Beaglův průliv, válka o Falklandy, napětí v Polsku, nikaragujský režim a problematika teologie osvobození a občanská válka v Libanonu ? ukazuje konkrétní postoj Svatého stolce či jeho roli v nich.

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