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The Attitude of Experts in Pain Management on the Issue of Burnout Syndroma
The interest in the burnout syndrome issue has been increasing in recent years, particularly in the context of increasing psychosocial and work related stress in the sector of health and social services. The care of patients with chronic pain requires specific approach from the professional, psychological and ethical points of view from pain therapists. Unless a doctor is able to tolerate work related stress or to use mitigating strategies, the burnout syndrome threat occurs. The aim of the present thesis was to find out what the subjective approach to the burnout syndrome issue is among selected algiatry experts including its prevention. Qualitative research was conducted from January to February 2012 in the form of semi structured interview. The research sample consisted of respondents from 10 workplaces involved in chronic pain therapy (5 private, 5 in hospitals). The data were complemented with quantitative questionnaire research (Burnout Syndrome Symptom Inventory ? ?BSSI?) conducted from November 2011 to January 2012 to obtain a deeper insight into the content analyses of the semi structured interviews. The quantitative research sample consisted of 47 doctors from pain management workplaces from the whole Czech Republic. The demographic data were processed by means of basic descriptive statistics. Qualitative interviews were transcribed to text form and consequently analyzed. Score points of the monitored levels of the ?BSSI? questionnaire were then calculated and differences between pair variables (gender, age category, type of practice) tested. The mixed research showed statistically higher rate (p < 0.05) of tendency to burnout syndrome in pain therapists working at hospitals compared to their colleagues from private facilities. No significant differences were found in terms of age, sex, number of children in a family and number of treated patients. The most frequent symptoms of the syndrome in the respondents were irritation, lack of empathy, tiredness or loss of work enthusiasm. The most frequent protective factors are humour, breaks, discussion with colleagues, sport activities, hobbies or spending free time with families.
Nursing students' experience with ethical conduct of members of the nursing team within nursing practice.
Abstract The Bachelor Thesis on Nursing Students Experience of Ethical Behaviour of the Nursing Team Members within Practical Nursing Training deals with students? experience of the nursing team behaviour towards patients and students. The Bachelor Thesis is divided into two parts ? Theory and Research. Theoretical part aims at nursing history, nursing instruction, personal qualities of a nurse, burn-out syndrome, communication and ethic. The research part applied quantitative investigation via dialogues with students of secondary nursing schools. The quantitative investigation used anonymous questionnaires for the students of the bachelor studies of Registered Nurse. The first objective was to ascertain the students? experience of the ethical behaviour of the staff towards the students. The second objective was to ascertain the students? experience of the ethical behaviour of the staff towards the patients. And the third established objective was to ascertain the influence of the nursing team education standard on behaviour of the staff to the students. Hypothesis established to the first objective: Students are satisfied with behaviour of the staff to the students. The reply for this hypothesis is: Yes, students are satisfied with behaviour of the staff to the students. This hypothesis was confirmed. Hypothesis established to the second objective: Behaviour of the staff confirms to the ethical codex of a nurse. The reply for this hypothesis is: Yes, behaviour of the staff confirms to the ethical codex of a nurse. This hypothesis was confirmed. The third objective dealt with two research questions: The first question is: What is the behaviour of individuals within the nursing team towards the patients like? The reply is: It is obvious that most students have met both the burn-out syndrome and infringement of patient?s rights. All the students met some mistakes in communication. The second question is: What is the influence of the staff education standard on their behaviour to the patients like? The reply is: The staff education standard has no influence on behaviour of the nurses towards the patients. In the future, this Thesis can be used as the information material for students and nurses who wish to improve behaviour of the medical staff members towards patients and students. Key words: nurse, student, nursing, burn-out syndrome, communication, ethics.
Social skills in helping professions practice
This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of social skills in the practice of helping professions. The main objective was to determine what social skills are used by social workers for successful performance of their profession in organizations in the district of Český Krumlov. Another objective was targeted towards the determination what important skills are neglected. The theoretical part is devoted to the characteristics of basic concepts related to social skills and helping professions, where they are closely focuses on a social work. In conclusion of the theoretical part, I outlined the demands that are included in the profession of a helping worker. Information needed for the elaboration of the practical part were obtained using the method of a qualitative research by means of the practice of a semi-controlled interview with social workers in the district of Český Krumlov. The research shows that social workers for the successful performance of their profession take advantage of a communication, empathy, the ability to listen, the art of dealing with people, the ability to socialize with others, to be tolerant, to accept the other, to be professional, patient, flexible, to have expert knowledge and psychological resistance. The results further show that almost all respondents met the burnout syndrome. The work would be useful to elaborate in detail into further researches that could help to social workers to cope with demands that are placed on them and such researches also would help them to acquire and develop other social skills.
Supervision as a form of support in helping professions
The thesis title is Supervision as a Form of Support in the Helping Professions. The translation of the term of supervision is an insight or inspection into a particular problem. Unfortunately, there are still facilities in which supervision is rather considered as inspection. Currently, there is an effort to prove the usefulness of supervision. To the introduction of supervision as part of good practice for workers in helping professions contributes the document issued by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs ?Quality Standards for Social Care Services". Especially in helping professions, this topic is an up-to-date subject and supervision is becoming an integral part of functioning of many institutions. In the theoretical section the basic terms such as stress and burnout in helping professions, supervision, its forms, goals and tools are defined. It deals with the supervision process, supervision contract and quality standards for social care services. The practical part consists of a qualitative research. The research was conducted in five organizations in České Budějovice. The information collection was carried out using interrogation techniques, semi-structured interviews with supervised workers, supervisors, and supervision contracting authorities. The objective of the thesis was to identify whether the supervised persons consider supervision to have a supportive or another function. The data were compiled into case reports and the common points compared. The research has found that supervision does provide most respondents with some kind of support. In addition to its supporting function, supervision is seen as having an educational function. The research results document views of supervised persons on supervision, which may be beneficial for contracting authorities, supervisors and the whole organizations. The results may also serve for a better orientation in the issue of supervision.
Burnout syndrome at a social workers in the selected establishment
A burnout syndrome can be defined as a mental state which often appears in people-oriented occupations which are commonly dependant on interpersonal communication. This state is connected with lots of symptoms. A man feels unwell, is tired mentally and physically. He is frustrated, stressed and does not enjoy neither work or life itself. This Bachelor´s work deals with burnout syndrome among the employees of low-threshold and charitative organisations in Tábor and České Budějovice. It is focused on mapping this burnout syndrome among social workers, their current attitudes and approaches to their work and clients and their satisfaction with the social system. To realise the research, I have used qualitative methods such as a questionnaire and a list of G. Maslach questions which can measure a burnout syndrome. Both questionnaires were given to ten social workers of charitative organisations and ten social workers of low-threshold institutions.
Stres in work midwife on obstetric auditorium.
Stress in the profession of the Nurse-Midwife at the delivery room is the subject of my bachelor{\crq}s thesis. Working in the healthcare sector is generally considered to be of high-risk. Apart from a large number of adverse physical, chemical and microbiological factors that have impact on the nurse´s work, significant mental strain - stress represents the highest risk factor. Nurse-Midwives working at the delivery room face daily this emotional and mental strain. This strain results particularly from the profession intensity itself and the notion connected with their responsibility for both the health of a woman in labour and a new-born. The contact with women in labour, in particular, those having any problems, is regarded as stressful. The stress resulting from work has ceased to be a uniquely occurred phenomenon, representing a personal problem. Stress arising out the execution of the profession of Nurse-Midwife has become a global phenomenon, including a combination of stress factors that cumulate in the course of time. The objective of my work has been based on these facts. Aims of my investigation are to define the rate of stress effecting nurse-midwifes and to find out main factors causing the stress to nurse-midwives during their work at the delivery room. In order to find out these aims, two hypotheses were determined, based on which a combined questionnaire and interview method has been selected. The questionnaire focused on finding out the most frequent causes of the stress, rate of stress and the stress management. The questionnaire consisted of 31 questions in total. Nurse-midwives working at the deliver room were the respondent group. Total of 80 questionnaires were distributed with the 78% response rate. Two interviews were conducted to complete the research. One of them was with an experienced nurse-midwife and the other one with a nurse-midwife who has been working at the delivery room for three years. The research was carried out in four hospitals. Results of the research confirmed the hypotheses. The first hypothesis presumed that nurse-midwives working at the delivery room were excessively exposed to stress and stressful situations. This presumption was confirmed. In reply to questions regarding experiencing the stress or questions indirectly covering this issue, more than 50% respondents always confirmed that they experienced the stress. The second hypothesis presumed that the nature of their fitful work was the most frequent cause of the stress. This hypothesis was confirmed by 72% of respondents as their most frequent cause of the stress in their work; high work load during their shift and impending complications during the delivery represent other stress factors in 61% of respondents. Two interviews were conducted as part of the research, also conforming the presence of the stress during the execution of the Nurse-Midwife profession. The research has brought evidence that nurse-midwives working at the delivery room experience stressful situations and in some cases it happens very frequently.
Psychosocial stres from work nurses and social workers. Quantitative survey.
This thesis deals with the psychosocial burden and burnout syndrome in social workers and nurses. It is focused primarily on the staff working in medical institutions for long-term patients and in residential social services for seniors. The objective was to determine if there is any difference in the perception of the burden and in the risk of burnout syndrome. The theoretical part outlines the issues of helping professions, job description of nurses and social workers. It also discusses the psychosocial burden, stress and burnout syndrome. In the practical part, the quantitative method of research was used, the technique of a questionnaire. The anonymous questionnaire contains a total of 35 questions and it is divided into two parts. The first part of the questionnaire focuses on the assessment of job psychosocial burden. The second part contains questions that should reveal to what extent the burnout syndrome occurs in the respondents. The first 5 questions are identification ones. The other questions are closed; the respondents had the opportunity to mark only one answer that was closest to their personal opinions. The practical part presents, in various graphs and tables, the results of the questionnaire survey. They were processed using the Calc program. The Excel 2007 MS Office program, a chi-square test, was used for the statistical evaluation of the data. By evaluating the results I found out that the set hypothesis H1, implying that nurses and social workers in medical institutions for long-term patients and in residential social services for seniors perceived the elements of psychosocial burden, was not confirmed. Hypothesis H2, that the risk is perceived more by the staff working in the field for more than 11 years, was not confirmed. Hypothesis H3, saying that the burnout syndrome threatens the staff aged above 41 working in the field, was not confirmed. In my thesis, I tried to present a certain look, a comparison of two professions that have much in common but also differ in many ways. The information can provide a stimulus and inspiration for further research; it may be a basis for further studies and research in this field, practical use, or it may be just a cause for reflection.
Empathy of workers in helping professions
Empathy of Workers in Helping Professions The term empathy means the ability to understand emotions of other people. It is the person´s ability to understand the mental condition of the other person with whom he or she is in immediate contact. Such understanding makes it possible to understand emotions, thinking, acting, behavior and attitudes of other people. To empathize with someone the person needs to efficiently focus and concentrate on the other person and to have the sufficient will to do so. Empathy is a complex psychological experience. The objective of the thesis is to determine whether the attitudes to empathy and experience of difficulties associated with empathy are different among personal assistants and nurses. The research was conducted among personal assistants operating in the district of České Budějovice and among nurses working in the hospital in Jindřichův Hradec. The respondents were of diverse ages with a different representation of men and women. The method of the research was inquiry with a questionnaire technique. I formulated three hypotheses in total. All the hypotheses have been confirmed by the completed research. The thesis may be used as a source of information for the general public, as well as for teaching purposes.
Burnout Syndrome Threat in the Unemployed
HEGER, Helena
The topic of the bachelor thesis is a burnout syndrome threat in the unemployed. ?Work? has a great importance for the life of man; a paid job is, in the first place, a guarantee of a certain social and economic status. Having lost a job, an individual finds himself in a very unpleasant situation that can be characterized by a change in standard of living, loss of social dignity or prestige, and social isolation. Unemployment is therefore accompanied with a number of negative phenomena, influencing life in its full range and capacity. Lack of workload, destruction of the set time patterns of the day, mental pressure, as well as negative attitude towards the phenomenon itself, can be characterized as chronical stress with a negative influence on both mental and physical health. The bachelor thesis describes the problem of uneployment and burnout syndrome theoretically. As a part of the problem analysis, a sociological probing has been carried out, with the aim to access the level of satisfaction and burnout syndrome risks within a group of unemployed people.
The difficulty of the work of nurses at standard level internal wards
This Bachelor's Thesis deals with the issue of the difficulty, or level of physical and psychological demand, of nurses at standard level internal hospital wards. The internal ward is one of the basic wards included in hospital care. It is here that patients with internal organ ailments are hospitalized, and treatment lies in a conservative approach. The work of nurses at a standard level internal ward consists in providing quality health and nursing care. The nurse knows all the illnesses that occur here as well as their treatment and complications. She is also expected to be empathic and patient. Because she is in daily communication with doctors, patients, and their families, she must know all the principles of assertive communication. The job description of the nurse includes satisfying the needs of patients, participating in diagnostic operations, fulfilling the orders of the doctor, and preparing nursing documentation. The sister does not always witness a happy ending to each treatment. All these factors place a burden on the entire organism from both a psychological and physical standpoint. The objective of this Bachelor's Thesis is to map out the difficulty of the work of nurses at a standard level internal ward. To achieve this objective, qualitative research investigation was carried out using a semi-structured interview. The research base was formed by nurses from the internal wards of the hospital in České Budějovice (Nemocnice České Budějovice a. s.) and the Jindřichův Hradec hospital (Nemocnice Jindřichův Hradec a. s.). The interviews with the respondents were transcribed into case reports and further processed into categorization tables. The results clearly show that the work of nurses at standard level internal wards is very difficult and demanding from both the physical and the psychological side. The case reports and tables also show another piece of important information ? signs of ?burn-out? syndrome and the influence of stress on the work of the nurses, relaxation techniques of the nurses, satisfaction with financial compensation, and much more. On the basis of the results, an informational brochure for nurses was drawn up that includes relaxation techniques such as autogenous training, meditation, and yoga.

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