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Citizens' Willingness to Pay Motivation Fees in the Health Service depending on Age, Income and Education with regard to the Expected Quality of Health Care
Caháková, Andrea ; Střítecký, Rudolf (advisor) ; Lešetický, Ondřej (referee)
In this master thesis, I resume basic principles of health systems in some developed countries and also in the Czech Republic. Further, I describe changes in Czech health system and main bases of health reform with emphasis on incentive fees. Following sociological survey indicates, that factors influence behaviour of consumer in health care services. Some proposals created with regard to sociological survey are found as the conclusions of this thesis.
Effectiveness of public health system and impact of introduction of regulatory payments
Pleva, Michal ; Ševčík, Miroslav (advisor) ; Bartoň, Petr (referee)
This diploma thesis aims to describe Czech health care system participants` motivations and impact and meaningfulness of setting up regulatory payments on supply of health care. It also attempts to suggest other meanings to rising effectiveness of whole system. This work is based on theoretical concepts of various health care systems and endeavours to expose their positive and also negative features. The theory of health care markets comes out from works of Stiglitz (1997) and Arrow (1963). They focused rather on US, but this thesis aims to use this knowledge also in conditions of Czech Republic. Thesis sum up expenditures on health care during the time in Czech Republic, compare with expenditures abroad and estimate their trend in future. The central point of this paper is the analysis of the introduction of regulatory payments and its influence on concrete types of health services and on the consumption of drugs. It includes also a short survey.
The influence of regulatory fees in health care on patient behavior
Šitinová, Kristina ; Koblovský, Petr (advisor) ; Pichaničová, Ludmila (referee)
This study describes influences of health insurance on human behavior, can explain phenomena that could arise due to the introduction of regulatory fees in Czech Republic, examines the effect of clearing a regulatory fees for expenses of the General Health Insurance Company to medicines. To determine the effect of canceling the obligation to pay the regulatory fees uses data obtained from the General Health Insurance Company in the period from 1st January 2008 to 1st July 2010. Using the method Difference in Differences concluded about the effect of regulatory fees for expenses VZP to medicines.
The System of health service funding of Czech republic and Germany
The main aim of this bacholor work is to compare the system of health care financing in Czech Repulic and Germany. Both countries try to find a system of financing that would provide primary health care for everybody on one hand and would not increase tax expenses for it on the other hand. It is not an easy task to find such a method of financing therefore the system is evolving constantly. Both of countries are members of the European Union and the financing of of their health care systems is based on the Bismarck model of financing from the public health insurance.The public health insurance covers more than 50% of the health care expenses in both of countries. These countries have got other source of health care financing as well. The expenses relative to GDP in % and the expenses per citizen are different in these countries.We can say that each state has its own original system of health care financing. The system itself will be set up in each country as a choice of the citizens.The system is good if it satisfies the requirements of citizens. All of the above information was drawn mainly from books, appropriate Czech laws, Fifth German Social Code Book, a web portal of Czech Statistical Office and a web portal of Institute for Health Information and Statistics in Czech Republic. Additional sources were Internet resources, that provide information about system of health service financing in Czech republic and in Germany. There are suggestions how to provide more justice for the patients in Czech republic at the end of this work. There are also proposed measures for extra funding needed by the Czech health care at the end of my bachelor work. These two sections are problematic in the Czech health care and it is necessary to solve them as soon as possible.
Regulatory fees in healthcare from the perspective of the public
Part of the Czech healthcare system is public health insurance and health care is paid to beneficiaries from its funds. From 1.1.2008 a new system of regulatory fees and annual protective limit forms its part. Regulatory fees were introduced by Act No. 261/2007 Coll. about stabilizing public budgets, which amended many laws, in this case also the Act No. 48/1997 Coll., about public health insurance. The reason for their introduction should be reduction of inefficiency of health care and, consequently, reduction of health care costs, reduction of misuse of health services, as well as increase in revenues of medical facilities. Funds saved should be used to improve medical care, to treat sick people and to finance expensive medical services. The objective of my thesis was to make a survey of public opinion on the introduction of regulatory fees. In the theoretical part I briefly described basic concepts relating to public health service, health policy, insurance and in detail I mentioned functioning of regulatory fees and the annual protection limit. In the practical part I used quantitative research, method of interviewing, data collection was performed using the questionnaire technique and then also secondary analysis of data. For the research section one statistical sample was established {--} the public of South Bohemia. Based on available literature I stated 2 hypotheses, both of which were confirmed by the research. Research pointed at the diversity of views and perception of regulatory fees among citizens. Citizens´ awareness certainly also affects the issue of regulatory fees, and the awareness, as revealed in the survey, has been improving compared to previous years. Regulatory fees in health care in the Czech Republic have become a most discussed topic. But this step is only the first step, unfortunately still unpopular with many people, and it should lead to step-by-step implementation of planned changes in health care. I think that compared to previous years an increasing number of citizens understand the purpose of regulatory fees and they realize that modern medicine is very expensive and that from the current health insurance system it is not always possible to grant all care to everyone. In my opinion, the introduction of regulatory fees is a very important step for our health care, but it will be necessary to improve some legal details and gain greater public trust so that the purpose that these fees should have would be reached. The thesis could serve as an information brochure, study material, or respondents´ views and the research findings could be used in other studies for comparison.
Understanding and Public Approach to Contemporary Health Reform
Abstract Understanding and attitudes of the public towards the current Health Care Reform This thesis summarizes the basic facts about the current reform within the Health Care Sector and how it is being perceived by the general public. The theoretical part focuses on the basic information about the development of the Health Care Sector in the Czech Republic and its current reform. The development of the Health Care Sector from the year of 1918 until present is highlighted. At the beginning of the last decade of the 20th century, a new set of laws were passed, which triggered the initial reform of the Czech Health Care Sector. However, a period of passivity regarding subsequent legislation has resulted in the present problems. Further, there is a focus on current Health Care Reform enquiring: why the reform is needed, the nature of its stages and its legislative and non-legislative changes. Only a small part of the reform measures came into force. This included the introduction of regulation fees, the introduction of an `annual safe limit{\crq}, and the pricing and payment for medication. The practical part presents the research findings in relation to the issues mentioned above. The research part of the thesis, carried out using questionnaires, is concerned with the views of the public with respect to current Health Care Reform and investigates whether it has been understood by the public. The research shows that most of the respondents disagree with the reform and think that it is not developing in the right direction. The majority of respondents with this view were found to be within the age group of 60 and over, and within the group of respondents with a basic level or vocational education. Further, the research suggests that the public is not adequately informed about the new Health Care Reform, and therefore demonstrates a lack of understanding of its nature. In addition, the current political climate suggests that the public may lose interest in these issues and will become disengaged with the reform without further consideration.
Pharmacy accounting and the impact of regulatory fees on the running of small companies
BOBKOVÁ, Martina
Sales of pharmaceuticals in today's consumer society is very widespread. Pharmacies must be able to satisfy all types of customers, and must manage that they are always well stocked and ready for any demand. In the last two years is operation of pharmacies significantly affected by the introduction of regulatory fees. Actual enactment of the fees would certainly not attracted so much attention. The main problem is the payment of regulatory fees by regional pharmacies, which are subsidized by region. Private pharmacies can not compete that conduct and they are facing a difficult competitive position. In the theoretical part I was dealing with explanations of accounting terms definition relating to pharmacy accounting, as well as accounting itself. I described standard accounting practices. I mentioned a ways to calculate the Company's liquidity and stock turnover, and what these indicators reflect. Then I tried to describe the issue of regulatory fees. In the practical part I have analyzed the complex pharmacy accounting. I described the various ways and methods of accounting for fixed assets, stocks, short-term investments, clearing relationships, and use the account of an individual entrepreneur. My main goal was to capture the specifics which appear in the pharmacy accounting. These specifics related to particular stocks. As a partial target I've done calculations showing the liquidity of the pharmacy and stock turnover. These indicators I subsequently evaluated in the tables and I tried to analyze other factors that affect liquidity and stock turnover. In the next target I analyzed the financial impact of the regulatory fees payment on other private pharmacies. I tried to retrace the events that occurred in the Czech judiciary which were related to the disputes of private pharmacies and regions in the issue of these fees.

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