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Problem of Philosophy in Arabic Medieval Thinking
Šenk Kopecká, Pavlína ; Hogenová, Anna (advisor) ; Semrádová, Ilona (referee) ; Kalábová, Helena (referee)
Medieval philosophy in the Arabic world has sought to harmonize the Greek philosophic tradition with the Islamic religion. Many rulers, scholars and theologians were against this intellectual approach and defend the Islam from the philosophers. The position of philosophy and its followers in the Arabic realm was therefore uneasy. Many scholars had to hide their opinions between the lines and avoid to doing philosophy publicly. Alongside the unfriendly environment, the position of philosophy in the Arabic society was also determined by common notion of scholars, that the revealing of the philosophical thoughts can be harmful for uneducated citizen, as well as influenced by mysticism. The aim of this thesis is to summarize the main philosophical approaches responding to the problematic position of philosophy in the Arabic world. Crucial will be the philosophy of solitary by Ibn Bajja, where the author seeks to bond tight the philosopher's life with the city and thus present a new role of philosopher in the Arabic society. Keywords Ibn Bajja, Rule of the Solitary, Al-Farabi, Political Regime, Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Plato, The Republic, political philosophy, mysticism, ethics, philosopher, virtue, city, weeds, knowledge, governance, happiness
Control of alien weed plants in agriculture crops: applied methodology for practice with certification
Mikulka, Jan ; Štrobach, Jan ; Andr, Jiří ; Burešová, Věra
Biology, ecology, expansion and reproduction of alien weed plants including latest findings on methods of integrated weed management.
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Způsoby regulace plevelů v porostech pěstované řepky (Brassica spp.)
TUPÁ, Jiřina
The thesis describes characteristics of rapeseed and its life cycle. Its main objective is to approach the problematics of weeds in the spring formo of rapeseed on the lands of agricultural company AGRO Dolní Bukovsko. Small-plot experiment was founded on cadastral area Bzí near Dolní Bukovsko, in direction to Týn nad Vltavou. The problems in cultivation of cultural plants are caused by weeds, which are negatively affecting the quality of production as well as the economics of cultivation. Evaluation of weeds was carried out by the counting method in the period since March to August 2016. Number of the weed plants which were found on the particular location was regularly registered and evaluated. In the conclustion it is possible to state that long-term regulation of weed occurence has to be undertaken in time, thoroughly and has to be based on complete protection. Complete protection consists of direct and indirect methods of regulation. As one of the many but most effective possibilities it is possible to use herbicide preparations
The influence of animal fertilisation and application of ferment on plant species composition of permanent grasslands
The presented thesis is focused on the drohové representation of grasses, herbs and weeds on permanent grassland fertilized animál fertilizers and digest with biogas stations. The work is based on intensive observation period from 1. 11. 2014 30. 10. 2015. In the following pages you can read on the use of forage crops in agriculture, about the importance of energy, about the importance of grassland in the landscape, ecology and tourism ventures. Furthermore, the work deals with the care of permanent grass, their formation, choice of suitable forage species in these locations and the choice of species by the use of sward. No small part is gocused on Biogass station, on source substrátes and digest output and its use. The main part of the resolves and deals with the correct handling of the fertilizer, their descriptions, and the importance of the species. There is also a reference concerning the legislation and when it is possible use of the fertilizer, which can be applied, regulas conservation etc. This section describes the results of my monitor three different fertilized grass stands permanently in similar or the same climatic conditions. We can find here describes the variation in account growth, composition, density, yield, guality and fitness for a particular purpose. Unfortunately, there is also a negative effect of weather on described vegetation in the summer of 2015, when we hit the tropical temperatures and drought. For this reason, my observations of very different from other studies, especially in the summer and Autumn period.
Wheat competiveness against weeds in organic farming
This study is concentrated on the evaluation of competitive ability of spring and winter wheat varieties by selected characteristics affecting competitiveness against weeds. They evaluated the characteristics (shape tuft, the length of the plant, LAI, coverage and the position of the flag leaf). For the evaluation of characters (tuft shape, length and position of flag leaf) methodology was used, based on the methodical approach ÚKZÚZ for tests of its utility varieties. For the analysis was used LAI (SunScan Devices - Canopy Analysis Sytem).
Vliv pěstování energetických rostlin na biodiverzitu
The thesis is focused on the cultivation of energy crop in the Czech Republic and their potential use as renewable energy sources. It describes energy plants grown for the production of liquid fuel, biogas or direct combustion. Furthermore, there is an emphasis on environmental aspects of cultivating these plants. Especially erosion risks of the land on which energy crops are grown, is also evaluated. There is described the species diversity in crops focusing on weeds and ground beetles as bioindicators environment. Part of this work is elaboration a questionnaire with subjects that deal with the cultivation of energy plants. In the questionnaire, there is observed total area and the percentage of types of energy and other cultivated plants. The subjects were also asked about new kinds of energy crops, and whether they planned their growing in the near future.
Seeds germination at selected weed species
Bachelor thesis is focused on basic informations and familiarization with problems of weeds and their general properties. Purpose of thesis is to determine the germination of selected weed species: Common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale L.) Thlaspi arvense (Thlaspi arvense L.), Coltsfoot Medical (Tussilago farfara L.), Bedstraw (Galium aparine L.), Broad leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius L.). The result is to compare the effect of different temperature and light conditions for seed germination.
Regulation of Weeds in Grown Hybrids of Maize
NAHODIL, Antonín
The degree work describes the biology and morphology of the weed plants, which are found in maize vegetation most frequently, as well as their spreading and possible regulation. Based on the findings acquired, the methods of chemical and mechanical regulation are described. The degree work describes briefly both the plant of maize itself and the process of its growing. The attempt took place on the school farm of the Agricultural School in Tábor; a small plot attempt was carried out at the same place. The frequency of the occurrence of weed species on the selected small plots was evaluated in the hybrids of maize (Zea mays). The degree work contains data on the extent of the occurrence of weeds on individual plots, on which the individual hybrids of maize were compared with one another. It also includes an economic evaluation and possible measures to eliminate the spreading of weeds.
Biology, occurrence and regulation Apera spica-venti tufted crops grown.
ORNA, Vítězslav
Over the last decades the amount of weeds in our fields have noticeably decreased. The easily annihilated and susceptible species were almost eradicated by means of herbicides and agrotechnical operations. Their place was taken by more resistant species, which are a huge problem for the farmers. For this purpose I decided to make an experiment under the working circumstances. I observed the occurrence of the weeds in certain localities. Especially I concentrated on the silky bent grass (Apera spica-venti), on its occurrence, regulation, extension and susceptibility or resistance to certain herbicides. The effect of the tested herbicide combinations was statistically significant for silky bent grass as well as for the other weeds (P 0.05). The coach grass was the only exception, where the effect of these preparations was not proved, as well as Vicia cracca, Lamium purpurem, Galium aparine, Geranium pusillum (P > 0.05). However the coach grass appeared among these inconclusively responsive weeds more frequently. (P >0.05). As the results of experiment showed, the most effective combinations for elimination of the silky bent grass (Apera spica-venti) were Sumimax + Glean, Cugar Forte + Glean + Dural a Cugar Forte + Logran. All these combinations were proved to be 100% effective against the silky bent grass (Apera spica-venti). The other combinations were not 100% effective. These comprised Rapsan + Command+ Grounded with 89 % effectivity, Sumimax + Logran 91 % effectivity a Butisan+ Clomate+ Grounded 67 % effectivity. The results show that the silky bent grass (Apera spica-venti) is more susceptible to some herbicide combinations and in the fields it can be successfully reduced. On the contrary the silky bent grass (Apera spica-venti) is resilient to some other agents. From this point of view the right choice of the herbicides is crucial in next year.
Biology, occurrence and control of weeds in crops
Weeds currently represent a constant risk to the crop plants. They are able to either suppress the development of a crop plant in the initial period of its growth or to hinder and even make the harvest impossible due to its stand density at the end of the vegetative phase before the harvest. Perennial weeds rank among very noxious weeds. They are highly resistant and able to adapt to the used control measures. The character of the crop plants itself and the applied agronomic practices determine the occurrence of different weed species. For this reason, the question of how to deal with weeds still remains crucial. The diploma thesis is focused on the occurrence and the harmful effects of selected weeds in two Maize hybrids (Zea mays). The incidence of weeds and the effect of herbicides on those weeds were monitored within an experiment conducted on a small plot of land. The following weed plants occurred: Couch-grass (Elytrigia repens L.), Creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense L.), Barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli L.), Scentless mayweed (Tripleurospermum inodorum L.), Goosegrass (Galium aparine L.) etc. The aim of the thesis is to expand knowledge of the use of different weed control methods in Maize. Recommendations on the use of those methods in agriculture shall be suggested.

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