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Optimalizace výživy zrnové kukuřice bórem a zinkem
Šťastný, Martin
This work deals with the influence of foliar application by selected forms of boron and the combination of boron with zinc on corn on grain. The experiment was carried out in the form of a small-plot experiment in conditions of South Moravia on soil with a high content of nutrients. In the experiment, borethanolamine (150 g / ha B) and organically bound boron (130 g / ha B) were applied to the maize leaf in the phase of 6-8 maize leaves. After a week, zinc in the form of oxide - ZnO (500 g / ha Zn), sulfate - ZnSO4 (250 g / ha Zn), chelate - EDTA (100 g / ha Zn) and nanoparticle - ZnO-nano (100 g / ha Zn). The non-fertilized variant served as a control. After harvesting, the zinc and starch content of the grain was determined, the weight of a thousand seeds was calculated, and the yield of each variant was weighed. Fertilization with boron and zinc did not lead to a statistically significant (p≤0.05) effect on any of the monitored parameters. Nevertheless, an increase in zinc in the grain was observed after the application of the zinc fertilizers and there was a small decrease in the starch content in the grain. In all variations, the weight of a thousand seeds was reduced. After the application of chelated (Zn-EDTA) zinc, the best yield was achieved, and the spraying of ZnSO4 and borethanolamine alone had a positive effect. Spraying organically bound boron in Lifio Boron significantly reduced corn grain yield.
Metabolismus mikroprvků ve vztahu matka - mládě u přežvýkavců
Zającová, Karolína
The main aim of my bachelor thesis, was execute literary recherche about the most famous trace elements: selenium, zinc, copper and manganese, which are the most important trace elements in metabolism and also in relationship between mothers and kids. In my bachelor thesis I described their functions in many metabolic processes. Also the deficiency and redundancy was described in this topic. The second part of this bachelor thesis, I described differences between concentration in mother´s and kid´s blood in ruminants and tried to propose the right diagnostic changes, for evaluate the status of these elements in kid´s blood system.
Vliv zinku a manganu na zdraví a užitkovost hospodářských zvířat
Půlpánová, Barbora
This thesis focuses on charateristics of zinc and manganese in relation to performan-ce of livestock. The general significance of all the minerals in livestock's nutrition is summarized in this thesis. In this thesis, there is description of micro and macro elements and its effect on metabolism of organisms. The effect of the essential values of manga-nese and zinc to different species of livestock and possible consequences on its health and performance due to deficiency or overdose of minerals in food is described. In this thesis the author also deals with differences between organic and inorganic forms of zinc and manganese, their fitness for each category and effect on economy of lives-tock and enviroment. Manganese and zinc are irreplaceable suplements in the fertility and immunity of an or-ganism. In reproduction they help with regular and quality estrus in females. In males they have positive effect on quality and vitality of semen in the ejaculate. In the immune system the zinc and mangan play an important role mainly in antioxidative pro-cesses. Both elements are part of superoxiddismutase which is one of the enzymes that helps eliminate free radicals from the body. Manganese also participates in intracellular matter, cartilage and bone development.
Zinek jako esenciální mikronutrient
Hádler, Tomáš
In the first part of these presented bachelor thesis are described general characteristics of zinc, it's occurence in enviroment and it's history. Next part described effect of this element on human health (specific health risks associated with its deficiency), transport and its general role in the metabolism, further discussed. There are summarized recommendations for zinc daily intake. A major part of this thesis is focused on the zinc content in various types of foods. A main part of the thesis is concerned with zinc deficiency and symptoms of zinc deficiency for the living organisms. The following part described selected foods and their zinc content. A very substantial part of the work is the possibility of fortification of foods with zinc, as well as supplementation. Last but not least, the zinc metabolism is described and it's availability for human body. Some analytical methods for the determination of zinc in food and other biological samples are described.
Studium nutriční hodnoty druhově bohatých lučních porostů
Zítková, Tereza
This thesis deals with nutritional value of rich permanent grassland vegetation, its respective antioxidant capacity and their content of mycotoxins like deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, and aflatoxin B1. Analysis performed in this thesis showed a significant presence of organic substances including cellulose, crude fibre, acid-detergent fibre, and even neutrally deter-gent fibres when sample was treated with amylase. This thesis is divided into several chapters. The theoretical part describes issues like grasslands, biodiversity, agriculture on permanent grasslands and their management, mow-ing, and fertilization. Attention is then paid especially on the nutritional value and secondary metabolites of microorganisms in such grasslands. The practical part is focused on microelements, namely selenium and zinc, in grassland growth. Samples of grassland vegetation were treated before butonization by effective utili-zation of foliar applied fertilizers containing selenium and zinc. Selenium was applied in form of sodium selenite at a dose of 20 g/ha, zinc treatment was applied in form of zinc sul-phate at a dose of 500 g/ha. The grassland samples were analysed and average organic nutri-ent values were calculated. The grassland samples contained significant amounts of acid-detergent fibre of 34.88 % and cellulose of 28.38 %. The grassland vegetation samples con-tained less ash, nitrogenous substances, acid-detergent lignin and low fat. Further, content of mycotoxins, namely deoxynivalenol, was analysed and proved in the samples with level of statistical significance of p˂0.05. The highest recorded content of 39 14 % was found for neutrally detergent fibres when samples were treated with amylase. The sample mixtures further contained lower amounts of fat of 1.74%, and acid-detergent lignin of 6.49 %. Mix-ture 1 had statistically higher antioxidant capacity of TEAC 7.87 mg/kg than Mixture 2 with TEAC 4.49 mg/kg. Mixture 3 had statistically the lowest antioxidant capacity compared to Mixtures 1 and 2 (TEAC 2.52 mg/kg). Mycotoxin content was analysed to assess the safety of the harvested material for subsequent feeding of a livestock. The presence of mycotoxins was evident in Mixture 1. The mixture contained 0 % grasses, 40 % coloured clovers and 60 % herbs. In contrast, my-cotoxins were almost absent in Mixture 3. The latter consisted of 90 % grasses, 3 % col-oured clovers and 7 % herbs. Mixture 1 had a statistically higher (p˂0,05) zearalenone con-tent than Mixture 2, and higher deoxynivalenol contents (p˂0,05) than both Mixtures 2 and 3. There was almost no statistically significant difference between Mixtures 2 and 3. The aflatoxin B1 content was statistically significant for mixture 1. The statistical differences between Mixtures 2 and 3 were not so obvious. The presence of mycotoxins in the mixtures may be influenced by presence of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and wind conditions. In order to select suitable plant species for grassland growth, it is necessary to under-stand the effect of habitat conditions and the amount of applied microelements on grassland vegetation. According to the results, it is desirable to include Timothy (Phleum pratense L.), Smooth Meadow-grass (Poa pratensis L.), Perennial Rye-grass (Lolium perenne L.), Cock´s-foot (Dactylis glomerata L.) and White Lupin (Lupinus albus L.) in grassland growth. In general, the vegetation of grasslands should be created from mixtures of plants instead of monocultures.
Použití nanočástic zinku u odstavených selat
Klevetová, Tereza
The diploma thesis addresses the issue of the use of zinc oxide nanocomplexes in piglets during weaning and the subsequent effect of their short-term feeding on the quality of the carcass, ie. effect on weight, back fat height, muscle percentage and zinc content in muscle and liver. It also discusses the history of the use of antibiotics in animal feed, the importance of zinc for the animal organism, zinc nanoparticles, weaning piglets, their most common diarrheal diseases and post-weaning nutrition.

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