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Parents' divorce and its impact on primary school pupils
This thesis deals with parental divorce and its effects on the child at younger school age. The theoretical part focuses on the family and the overall process of divorce. Emphasis is placed on the child's experiences, reactions, school achievement and the overall impact of the divorce on the child. The practical part focuses on the child's experience of divorce, the impact of divorce on the child, school failure and the role of the teacher in the divorce process. The findings are obtained through qualitative research in the form of semi-structured interviews. The aim of the paper is to show that divorce is not an easy time in a child's life, it marks him/her for life.
Facilitate the adaptation proces of a child in preschool by using the author's story
This bachelor's thesis discusses the facilitation of a child's adaptation in kindergarten. It introduces the child's developmental stages and suggests possible support methods before the child starts kindergarden. It highlights the positive impact of literature on preschool children. It contains methods for reading pre-literacy and working with a book. He proposes an author's story as a method to facilitate the child's adaptation to kindergarten. It verifies its effectiveness in practice and, with the help of parents, evaluates the benefit of the story to children before starting kindergarten.
Assigning homework from the perspective of primary school teachers and parents.
Diploma thesis - Assignment of homework from the point of view of parents and teachers of the first grade of elementary school deals with the issue of homework from the point of view of assessment, frequency, form or difficulty. The theoretical part summarizes the basic knowledge of the field, their definitions, functions and divisions of homework. It clarifies its position in the overall context of the education of pupils at the first level of primary school. It maps the attitudes and experiences of parents and teachers to the homework. At the theoretical level, the issue is described on the basis of professional publications with agreeing, but also opposing opinions in the role of homework. The practical part is based on the quantitative method of a questionnaire survey distributed among teachers and parents of pupils of the first grade of primary school with a focus on the given issue and presents its results, which are published in the form of a comparison of professional (teacher) and lay (parents) public statements. The results of the questionnaire survey are supplemented by interview on the given issue, with teachers and parents.
Kindergarten without losers
KLÍMKOVÁ, Michaela
The title of the thesis is paraphrased from the title of Thomas Gordon's book Teacher Effectiveness Training, which is one of the main literary sources of the thesis. The goal of this thesis is to find ways to apply effective communication, which Gordon defines in his books, into practice in kindergarten. In the theoretical part, concepts related to effective communication, its history and present in relation to the education of pre-school children are mentioned. In the practical part, a self-reflective diary of situations in the kindergarten and the possibility of solving them in accordance with effective communication is kept for a period of three months. The diary describes how situations are handled and how the child or children react. In the event that effective communication fails, it is described how to react in terms of effective communication, and whether it is possible to fix the solution. At the end, the diary is analyzed and the shift during the time of working with the diary is evaluated.
Issues of mandatory and voluntary vaccination in children
Current status: Vaccination is an integral part of infectious disease prevention. Vaccination against nine infectious diseases is currently compulsory in the Czech Republic. The activities of the paediatric nurse include not only the correct preparation and administration of the vaccine to the child, but also the education of parents and children about vaccination. The aim of the work was to find out what knowledge parents have about the vaccination system for children, to describe the experience of nurses with parents' attitude towards vaccination of their children and to determine the duties of a pediatric nurse in preparing and administering vaccines to children. Methodology: A combined qualitative-quantitative method was chosen for the research investigation. Quantitative research was conducted using non-standardized questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed to parents in the offices of general practitioners for children and adolescents and were also available on social platforms that bring parents together. A total of 152 questionnaires were obtained and subsequently processed. The qualitative part of the study was carried out using a semi-structured interview technique with nurses at the paediatric and adolescent GP practices. The size of the research population was determined by the theoretical saturation of the data. A total of ten interviews were conducted with nurses in selected general practitioners for children and adolescents practices in České Budějovice and Dačice. The selection of informants and respondents was deliberate. Results: The quantitative part of the study showed that parents' knowledge of the child vaccination system in the Czech Republic was statistically significantly related to their education (p<0.001) and the number of their children (p=0.006). There was no relationship between knowledge and age of respondents (p = 0.197). The qualitative research investigation confirmed that nurses have sufficient knowledge about their responsibilities in vaccinating children. The experience of nurses, with the attitude of parents towards vaccination of their children, is that most parents agree to vaccination. Their reasons include their child's health and the fact that parents do not want to deal with complications at the child's older age (inability to attend preschool, summer camps, etc.). According to the nurses' experience, the reasons for parents not wanting to give consent to vaccinate their children include fear of side effects after vaccination and their general rejection of the authorities. Conclusion and recommendations for practice: Therefore, education of parents about vaccination in primary preventive care by the nurse and physician is very important. An integral part of parent education in primary care by the nurse practitioner is to refute any false information about vaccination and to communicate only the true facts.
The baptism as a rite of passage connected with the childbirth
MAYEROVÁ, Waltraud
The bachelor thesis focuses on rituals, especially baptism as a rite of passage. The first chapter deals with rituals in general, their meaning and divisions. Next part of the work is focused on baptism. In this chapter is presented the course of a child's baptism, next the history and meaning of baptism. In this part of the work are also mentioned the historical habits and traditions, which are connected with baptism in our culture. The main goal of this thesis is to provide an overview of baptism as a rite of passage of a newborn child. Baptism of a child is one of the most important rituals that is practiced in many Christian churches everywhere around the world. This ritual is a sign of the transition and the entry of a newborn child into the Christian community. It is a commitment for the family to raise a child in the faith.
Open Therapy of Autism, Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
The bachelor thesis deals with the topic of Open Therapy of Autism (O.T.A.), a therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder. The aim of the bachelor's thesis was to find out parents' satisfaction with the results of O.T.A. therapy for their children. In view of the aim, qualitative research was chosen, which was conducted in the Prague area with parents of children with autism spectrum disorder who attend O.T.A. therapy. How satisfied are parents with the outcome of O.T.A. for their children? The most appropriate method to obtain data was a semi-structured interview with parents who attend the Autism Therapy Centre in Prague. The main benefit may be for parents who are considering therapy, as the work provides real experiences of parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. Furthermore, the work can be beneficial for the Autism Therapy Centre as feedback on their work - what to keep, what to continue or, on the contrary, what to improve. The results showed that parents of children with autism spectrum disorders are satisfied with the therapy and its results. In conclusion, they all agreed that their children had made progress since entering the therapeutic process, especially in the areas of communication and managing emotions. The most frequently cited disadvantages were frequently mentioned financial difficulty of the therapy and the poor local accessibility, as most parents have to commute to the therapy, which is associated with time consuming. All parents want to continue the therapy.
Spiritual Childhood in the New Testament
Rydlová, Kristina ; Brož, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Scarano, Angelo (referee)
The diploma thesis entitled: Spiritual Childhood in the New Testament is divided into five chapters. In the first chapter, Child and Childhood in the New Testament, the semantic field of the word "childhood" within the Greek dictionary is analyzed. The second chapter contains a selection of texts on the topic: Childhood as a condition for entering the kingdom of heaven and the promise of inheritance. In the third chapter: Characteristics of the Child of God in the 1st letter of John and the 1st letter of Peter, the thesis elaborates on their biblical-theological synthesis. The fourth chapter: Characteristics of the Child of God in the Letters of the Apostle Paul deals with the frequency, fiction and meaning of the expression (God's) "Child, Children" in Paul's letters. The last chapter: Spiritual childhood of Therese of Lisieux discusses the specific application of spiritual childhood in human life.
The impacts of parental divorce that occurred during childhood on the life of a young adult
Koberová, Daniela ; Cooke, Dana (advisor) ; Cimbál, Václav (referee)
The bachelor's thesis examines the impact of parental divorce experienced during childhood on young adults. Its aim was to determine whether young adults perceive the effects of their parents' divorce even with temporal distance into their early adulthood. If so, what are these effects and what do they believe causes them? The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part presents the theoretical framework, drawing from professional literature by both Czech and international authors. It focuses on family dynamics, divorce, children's reactions, and the influences to which they are subjected during marital dissolution. The second part focuses on the research methodology. It introduces the research objectives, main research questions, sample description, methods, research data, their summary, and comparison in the discussion. Given the theme of my bachelor's thesis, I chose a mixed research method that combines quantitative and qualitative approaches. During data collection, I utilized the Sequential Explanatory Design, where quantitative investigation is followed by qualitative elucidation. The research was conducted in two phases of data collection. In the first phase, respondents were sent a questionnaire to gather both research data and information about the respondents themselves....

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