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Mobilita a biopřístupnost fosforu v závislosti na kyselosti půdy
Tuza, Jiří
The aim of this diploma thesis was to find out the influence of basic phosphorus fertilization at different soil acidity levels on its sampling of malting barley plants (Sunshine variety) during vegetation, grain yield and quality and the content of labile forms of phosphorus in the soil. The problem was solved in the form of a precise vessel experiment in the vegetation hall of the biotechnological pavilion M in the premises of Mendel University in Brno. The fertilizers Amofos, Superphosphate and Fertilizers Duofertil TOP 38 NP and Eurofertil TOP 35 NP were included in the experiment. The fertilizer was applied before sowing at a dose of 39 kg P2O5.ha-1, calculated on the vessel size. At all tested levels of acidity the soil showed basic phosphorus fertilization by increasing its take-off by the plant in phase 3 of the right leaf, except neutral soil and in the phase of formation of 4th tiller. At the stage of jointing (3rd node), the phosphorus consumption of plants significantly increased on variants fertilized by Eurofertil TOP 35 NP and Duofertil TOP 38 NP. The reported increase in phosphorus yield was the result of a statistically significant increase in the weight of the plants fertilized with these fertilizers. Phosphorus fertilization increased the water-soluble P content in the soil determined at the first sampling in the range of 13,5 - 32%. From the results of the experiment, the Duofertil TOP 38 NP fertilizer is recommended for its higher efficiency in the use of phosphorus, especially on acidic and alkaline soils. The basic fertilized phosphorus did not have a significant effect on the yield of barley grains on acidic and alkaline soil. The increase in yield was statistically conclusive only on the land of neutral fertilized Amofos. On grain qualitative parameters (NL and starch content) grown under acidic and neutral soils, phosphorus fertilization did not statistically prove conclusively. Only in alkaline soils there was a statistically significant increase in phosphorus content in the grain on Amofos and Superphosphate fertilized variants.
Dusíkato-sirná hnojiva s inhibitory nitrifikace ve výživě řepky ozimé
Tuza, Jiří
The target of this bachelor thesis is finding of effect of nitrogen-sulfur fertilizers with nitrification inhibitors on winter rape nutrition, its yield and the oil content. In connection with it also finding of the content of mineral nitrogen and sulfur through soil analyze and plant analyze in butonization phase for all variants. The task was performed by small-plot experiment form in the test field station of the Mendel University Vatín in Žďár nad Sázavou in the agricultural year 2013/2014. The experiment included this fertilization variants: 1. Unfertilized (control) 2. ENSIN 100 %, 3. ENSIN 80 %, 4. ENTEC 26 100 %, 5. ENTEC 26 80 %, 6. DASA+DASA. In variant 2, 3, 4, 5, fertilizers applied once as regenerative fertilization in 100 % dose of 195 kg nitrogen per hectare and 80 % of 155 kg nitrogen per hectare. The 6 dose was divided into I. and II. Production fertilization. Evaluation criterions were yield and the oil content of the harvested seed, further the content of mineral of mineral nitrogen and sulfur in soil and content of nitrogen and sulfur in plant body. The highest N-mineral before and after harvest had variant 4, ENTEC 26 100 % and the S soluble before harvest had variant 2, ENSIN 100 % and after harvest variant 3, ENSIN 80 %. The results of plant analyze showed insufficient content of nitrogen and sulfur. The fertilizers with nitrification inhibitors had statistically effect on seed yield. The highest seed yield vas for variant 2, ENSIN 100%. The effect of fertilization with nitrification inhibitors was not statistically documented for oil content but the highest content got the variant DASA+DASA.

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