National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The effectiveness of expending funds to reduce energy dependence of the house
Komárek, Martin ; Kohout, Přemysl (referee) ; Pospíšil, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor work describes the process associated with reduction of energy dependence the selected family house. It includes the draft of measures and efficiency evaluation with the sum at disposal 300 000 CZK.
Overview of information resources on biomass combustion
Komárek, Martin ; Bělohradský, Petr (referee) ; Hájek, Jiří (advisor)
The Bachalor's work is concerned to the mapping of the information resources in the area of biomass combustion. The main aim and theme on wich is the work mainly focused on, is to introduce basic, as well as related information sources, which from is possible obtain useful and valuable datas for any further manipultion together with research of biomass combustion and scene field of energetics, as the integral part. Significant attention in each chapter si aslo put on the gathering practice - oriented and applied informations.
"Current" Crisis of Multiculturalism in the Netherlands
Komárek, Martin ; Emler, David (advisor) ; Drulák, Petr (referee)
In Dutch general elections in 2010 scored significant succes populist rightist politician, critic of Islam and primarily muslim immigrants - Geert Wilders and his Party for Freedom (PVV). This affair some way strenghtened concerns about ability of existence of multicultural society. Altough, The Netherlands was considered for a long time as one of the few European states with official frame of society, that was close to ideal multiculturalist type, real picture seems to be somewhat different. This thesis critically deal with several widely experienced and probably mistaken notions about Dutch multiculturalism. First one, in Czech area may be not well-known, is the notion, that Dutch multicultural society is/was extension of pillarised society. With this notion is may be connected the opinion, that immigrants were endowed with maximum of possible space to integrate into Dutch society. In first - theoretical part of my thesis I deal with the institucionalization of Islam in the Dutch society. In a second part I deal with chronological development od muslim immigration itself, which I further divide in four specific periods - phase of neglect, phase of awareness and ethnisation, phase of stigmatisation and exclusion and the last period of the beginning of the new millenium, that is specific with its...
Overview of information resources on biomass combustion
Komárek, Martin ; Bělohradský, Petr (referee) ; Hájek, Jiří (advisor)
The Bachalor's work is concerned to the mapping of the information resources in the area of biomass combustion. The main aim and theme on wich is the work mainly focused on, is to introduce basic, as well as related information sources, which from is possible obtain useful and valuable datas for any further manipultion together with research of biomass combustion and scene field of energetics, as the integral part. Significant attention in each chapter si aslo put on the gathering practice - oriented and applied informations.
The effectiveness of expending funds to reduce energy dependence of the house
Komárek, Martin ; Kohout, Přemysl (referee) ; Pospíšil, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor work describes the process associated with reduction of energy dependence the selected family house. It includes the draft of measures and efficiency evaluation with the sum at disposal 300 000 CZK.

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