Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Proposal of Implementation of the Economic Information System for Company Astrix ltd.
Kosturák, Ivan ; Weirich, Pavel (oponent) ; Jakubcová, Marie (vedoucí práce)
Bachelor's thesis is focused on the issue of information systems. Its attention is focused on describing not only the knowledge of the basic terminology of information systems, the definition of the necessary prerequisites for establishing an information system within the enterprise, but also its implementation and subsequent management. The practical part of bachelor thesis is based on knowledge of the theory. Its main section focuses on the economic assessment of selected information systems in terms of their advantages and disadvantages, including the amount of money for his financing. After analysis the part of the text of the bachelor thesis is the proposal of the optimal economic information system for comprehensive insurance of the normal management of individual enterprise.
Development and Introduction of the Information System to Support Business Processes
Kosturák, Ivan ; Ing.Marián Orolín (oponent) ; Dydowicz, Petr (vedoucí práce)
Master’s thesis is focused on the issue of information systems. Its attention is focused on describing not only the knowledge of the basic terminology of information systems, the definition of the necessary prerequisites for development an information system within the enterprise, but also its implementation and subsequent management. The practical part of diploma thesis is based on knowledge of the theory. Its main section focuses on the realization of information system.
Proposal of Implementation of the Economic Information System for Company Astrix ltd.
Kosturák, Ivan ; Weirich, Pavel (oponent) ; Jakubcová, Marie (vedoucí práce)
Bachelor's thesis is focused on the issue of information systems. Its attention is focused on describing not only the knowledge of the basic terminology of information systems, the definition of the necessary prerequisites for establishing an information system within the enterprise, but also its implementation and subsequent management. The practical part of bachelor thesis is based on knowledge of the theory. Its main section focuses on the economic assessment of selected information systems in terms of their advantages and disadvantages, including the amount of money for his financing. After analysis the part of the text of the bachelor thesis is the proposal of the optimal economic information system for comprehensive insurance of the normal management of individual enterprise.
Development and Introduction of the Information System to Support Business Processes
Kosturák, Ivan ; Ing.Marián Orolín (oponent) ; Dydowicz, Petr (vedoucí práce)
Master’s thesis is focused on the issue of information systems. Its attention is focused on describing not only the knowledge of the basic terminology of information systems, the definition of the necessary prerequisites for development an information system within the enterprise, but also its implementation and subsequent management. The practical part of diploma thesis is based on knowledge of the theory. Its main section focuses on the realization of information system.

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