National Repository of Grey Literature 26 records found  previous7 - 16next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Romanies in Romanian literature
Severýn, Adam ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
Postavy Romů se v rumunské literatuře vyskytují poměrně hojně a oproti jiným literaturám jsou nazírány často ze zajímavých úhlů (např. Rom Răzvan na knížecím stolci, obraz "dobrého Cikána" v literatuře bojující proti otroctví). Je to logický důsledek dlouhodobé přítomnosti romského etnika na rumunském území. Od svého příchodu až do současnosti jsou jednou z největších národnostních menšin v rumunské populaci a jejich procentuální zastoupení je jedno z nejvyšších i ve srovnání s jinými evropskými zeměmi. Romové tak značně ovlivnili i rumunskou kulturu, zejména folklor. Většinová společnost byla jednoduše nucena se vypořádat s jejich kulturní a sociální odlišností. Proto je překvapivé, že fenomén Romů v rumunské krásné literatuře nebyl uspokojivě popsán v žádné rozsáhlejší a obecně dostupné práci. To se ale netýká jen Rumunska, i v jiných zemích patří toto téma mezi opomíjená. V první polovině 19. století byl na základě filologických zkoumání obecně přijat názor o původu Romů z Indie. Po prvotním zájmu o romský jazyk se začaly v Evropě objevovat studie zabývající se jejich historií, způsobem života a také folklorem. V Rumunsku se zájem o Romy zvýšil zvláště ve druhé třetině 19. století v souvislosti s bojem proti společensky a politicky již dále neudržitelnému otroctví. Ve 20. století se pak zajímají o romské...
Romanian dramatic production in 60-70 years of 20th century
Mendlová, Petra ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
Romanian dramatic production of 60 - 70 years in 20th century is the topic of my diploma thesis. In this period of time dramatists they had much more freedom in their creativity than in previous years. Reason for that was politic release and that had led to artistic release as wel1. I have decided to analyze these four playwriters and their dramas: Ion Baie~u - Iertarea (Forgiveness), Chitimia, Vinovatul (Cuplrit), Escrocii in aer liber (Cheaters under the blue sky), Dresoarea de fantome (Ohosts buster). Teodor Mazilu - Pro~tii sub c1ar de luna (Fools under the moonlight), Ace~ti nebuni fiítamici (These crazy hypocrites), Frumos e in septembrie la Venetia (Beutiful Venice in september), Sarbatoarea princi ara (Prince ly banquet), PMaria de pe noptiera (Hat on the bedside table). Dumitru Radu Popescu - Ace~ti ingeri tri~ti (These sad ange1s), Piticul din gradina de vara (Dwarf in the summer garden), Visul (Dream), Dirijor (Conductor), Cezar, mascariciul piratilor (Cesar, c10wn ofthe pirates) Marin Sorescu - Iona (Jonah), Parac1iserul (S acrist) , Matca (River-channel), Raceala (Cold), A treia teapa (The third executive stake). In my diploma thesis I was mostly concem about the style of the dramas, what affected them, the strongest influence that allowed the artist to open up and describe specific1y each and...
Eugen Ionescu/Eugène Ionesco - Life and Works
Našincová, Klára ; Horáková, Jarmila (advisor) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
The topic of this diploma thesis is to prove the author's deep roots in the Romanian literary tradition (Urmuz, I. L.Caragiale), to try to prove that the poetics of his famous plays is actually contained in his work from the 30's and echoes of his personal and artistic experience from Romania can be also found in his French mature creative period. Therefore, Ionesco's writings will be compiled for the first time in our country in its wholeness since Czech and Occidental interpreters and comentators have mostly ignored the author's Romanian period of creation. Key Words Eugen Ionescu, Eugène Ionesco, Romanian literature 20th century, French literature 20th century, The Theatre of the Absurd, Romanian literaly exile
Mircea Eliade - Narrator - Initiator. The Initiation Dimension of His Fantastic Prose
Mikulová, Tamara ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Šrámek, Jiří (referee) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
Our work is devoted to the Romanian philosopher and author of fantastic prose, Mircea Eliade. The unique feature of his fiction lies in the narrative building upon the initiating structure, and reflecting the mythological consciousness, which is perceived by the author as a means of escaping historical relativism. In order to analyse his work we applied the hermeneutic approach, which is in our view best suited for interpretation of Eliade's prose. The hermeneutic approach shows that the author-narrator assumes the function of a religious initiator, who is in possession of a vision of the world and conveys it to his readers. The initiated author can see a different world, a possible world that surpasses the material one, and he is able to bring this vision, inexpressible by words, to the reader. Thus, the process of reading and analysing such a text then turns into gradual initiation into the secrets of existence through its esoteric dimension. Eliade's aim in his fantastic prose is to show that even in the desecrated world the sacred is hidden anywhere and a man is still able to reveal it anytime. Key words: Eliade, initiation, narrator, symbol, sense, hermeneutics, imagination, inner and outer face of literature, sacred, profane, reality, death initiation, dramatic performance, salvation,...
The Image of the Prince Vlad III. Ţepeş (Dracula) in Literature
Schneiderová, Andrea ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on an important historical character, the Wallachian prince, Vlad the III. Tepes, otherwise known as Dracula. Vlad III. was a prominent figure in the Romanian history and its literature. One of the oldest Romanian literary works is partly about his person, mainly a celebration of his reign and himself. Some works, also covered in this thesis, make it difficult to fully understand his role as they depict the ruler as a vampire and a negative figure in the fictional literature and the history of Romania. The introduction of this work focuses on the life and reign of this ruler. The second part examines literature with Vlad III. as a protagonist. Works of different genres and origins (English, Romanian, Czech) will be used as examples. The last part establishes a comparison between these literary works and also a comparison of documented historical facts against myths and superstitions. The chosen works are, Bram Stoker: Dracula, Ion Budai-Deleanu: Ţiganiada, Corneliu Leu: Plângerea lui Dracula a Jaroslav Tichý: Kníže Dracula a jiné hradní pověsti. A characteristics of the work, analysis of characters and the storylines, the circumstances behind the origins of each work and its possible future influences on the other works will be stated.
Mircea Eliade as Dramatic Author
Našincová, Klára ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
This bachelor thesis defines writer Mircea Eliade as a dramatic author, including reception of his work by contemporary literary recenzents in confrontation to his own point of view. It will also explain the backround of creating the playworks. We deside if there are any relations between Eliade's diaries, novels and dramas. We will compare similar subject: the drama Iphigenia by older authors (Euripides, Jean Rotrou, Jean Racine and Johann Wolfgang Goethe) and how much are projected old Romanian folk ballads Miorița (The Little Ewe) and Meșterul Manole (The Master Builder Manole). In the rest of the play works we decide how much is involved Eliade as a religionist especially his theory of "teror of the history" (in partial drama 1241), theory of the "sacral and profane" in drama Oameni și pietre (People and Stones) and the response to the myth around famous sculptor Constantin Brâncuși in the play Coloana fără sfârșit (The Infinite Column). Most of the used texts are available under the lines or in the attachment. Unless it isn't written differently, the translations I've made myself and it was a part of the technical work.
Literary Creation of Petru Popescu in Context of Romanian Post-war Literature
Horáková, Jarmila ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Šrámek, Jiří (referee) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
During the communist era in Romania the literature and its authors had been under pressure of normative demands, which substantially restricted freedom of writing. The authors tried to escape the official socialist realism and restore the esthetic function of literature. In the introduction chapter of this work this evolution is described. One of the authors trying to restore the esthetic function of Romanian prose in the 60s was Petru Popescu inspired by the urban background and American literature. His novels express the emotions of the Romanian post-war young generation. Although being successful in his homeland he emmigrated to the USA in 1974, where he made a career as an English writing scenarist and novelist. Other chapters of this thesis describe his work from his poetic debut until his latest work. They reflect the changes in his choices of topics and narrative methods applying the F. K. Stanzel's literary theory. One of the chapters deals with general questions related to exile, writer's identity, selection of the languages and adaptation strategies. Key words: monograph, post-war literature, exile literature, communist regime, July Thesis, Ceaușescu's regime, bilingualism, popular fiction, narrator's role, fiction and non-fiction, adaptation, identity, creative nonfiction
Exile as a creative process. Chapters from romanian exile literature in France.
Chojnacka, Olga ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Šrámek, Jiří (referee) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
Exile has always played a significant role in the history of the Romanian nation. On that account the Romanian literature written in exile after 1945 presents an important part of the history of Romanian literature as a whole. Due to its linguistic and cultural affinity France became one of the main host countries for Romanian exile writers. The introductive chapter is dedicated to description, classification and history of this phenomenon in Romanian context; furthermore, it deals with the position and reception of exile literature in Romania. According to their departure date in exile two generations of authors are presented: Mircea Eliade, Virgil Ierunca, Monica Lovinescu who left Romania in 1940s and Paul Goma, Bujor Nedelcovici, Dumitru Ţepeneag who decided to leave in France in 1970s and 1980s. The chosen works help us to get to know to the writers' creation and lives during the process of integration and, simultaneously, we get familiar with the communist Romania that became the main topics of the exile writers who are chosen as representatives of their exile generation. Through them the basic survey of this phenomenon in Romanian literature was drawn up.
Romanian dramatic production after 1989
Fiedlerová, Elisabeta ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
The topic of this thesis is Romanian dramatic writing which appeared after 1989. For outlining the contemporary situation I have selected fifteen active dramatists: Lia Bugnar, Ştefan Caraman, Gianina Cărbunariu, Nicoleta Esinencu, Bogdan Georgescu, Mihai Ignat, Vera Ion, Maria Manolescu, Mihaela Michailov, Alina Nelega, Ştefan Peca, Ioan Peter, Gabriel Pintilei, Saviana Stănescu and Carmen Vioreanu. The mentioned authors belong to the Romanian "new wave" which partly found its inspiration in Romanian interwar avant-garde and in the works of British and Scandinavian dramatists of the first half of the nineties, known in Czech as cool drama and more significantly, new brutalism. The first authors who inspired from this current were Nelega, Stănescu and Caraman, the generation of post revolutionary dramatists, but the true brutalism was brought by the younger playwrights called "Generation 2000", especially by Peca Ştefan. To him, M. Ignat, A. Nelega, G. Carbunariu and L. Bugnar I dedicated in my thesis the largest space, I chose three plays of each author. The five mentioned authors are linked by the "theatre of social themes", which means dramas inspired from everyday Romanian reality with its stereotypes, prejudices and sense of humour which they use in their plays when observing or criticising the social...
History of literary translations from Romanian to Czech
Šeflová, Kateřina ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
This thesis deals with Czech translations from Romanian with emphasis on the translatological aspect of the topic. The theoretical part analyzes a list of translations created by the combination of a number of sources according to the original authors, the publishers of the translations, the year of publication of the Czech translation and the translators. The theoretical part also includes the outline of the development of Czech translation theories and a brief summary of modern directions in translatology. The practical part shows, using an analysis of the Czech translation of Țiganiada (Gypsiliad) by Ion Budai-Deleanu, how should look the analysis of the translation before the translator starts translating, or during his work. This part includes a practical analysis model with a division into individual segments. Each segment includes examples of potential problems and suggests a way to deal with them from a theoretical point of view.

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